Project Folder ============================================================================== All project-specific files should be stored in the /project folder to try to keep the generic HW-level code and drivers seperate from the business logic of your individual project. This makes it easier to reuse your code in other projects, and also update the drivers and HW-level code if newer version of these common-files become available. FOLDERS ============================================================================== commands/ Code to implements specific commands for the command-line interface. Requires CFG_INTERFACE to be enabled in projectconfig.h. Generally, each command will be stored in a seperate file (ex.: "command/cmd_hello.c"), though this isn't a strict requirement and you may wish to store multiple related commands in one .c file, such as 'cmds_graphics.c' etc. documentation/ Project-specific documentation is stored here FILES ============================================================================== cmd_tbl.h Contains the master command list for the command-line interface if CFG_INTERFACE is enabled in projectconfig.h. All commands must be present in this list to be properly handled by the CLI. commands.c Common helper functions for the command-line interface.