v0.9.8 - Ongoing
+- Added flag to projectconfig.h to disable the default
+ GPIO IRQ Handler functions in code/gpio/gpio.c
+- Added driver for Samsung VFD displays from Adafruit
+- Added average sampling option to projectconfig.h.
+ This allows you to take several readings from the
+ ADC and return the average. Helps reduces one-off
+ peaks and valleys in the ADC at the expense of
+ slower reads.
+ See: "tools/validation/adctest" for more info
+- Added I2C driver for PN532
+- Updated and added PN532 examples at
+ /tools/examples/sensors/PN532
+- updated touchscreen.h to be a bit clearer during
+ calibration, though it can still be much better
+ organised
+- Had to add "__asm volatile("nop");" after pin writes
+ in the ILI9328 driver since some LCDs couldn't
+ keep up with the high-speed writes with bit-banding
+- Fixed I2C clock duty cycle registers
+- Changed I2C buffer size from 32 to 64 bytes (i2c.h)
+- Added CFG_BRD_LPC1343_OLIMEX_P to board selection
+ in projectconfig.h (courtesy PHK)
+- Added SSD1331_COLORORDER_RGB flag to SSD1331.h to
+ select between RGB and BGR color order
+- Added 128x32 support to ssd1306.c and rewrote
+ initialize sequence for 128x32 and 128x64 displays
- Added driver for Sharp Memory Display
- Added SPI Flash example
- Changed CodeLite project files to support real
debugging with a Segger J-Link and GDB Server.
- Fixed issue with USB CDC instantiation for
- FreeBSD
+ FreeBSD (courtesy PHK)
- Added experimental SSD1351 OLED driver to