#include "core/gpio/gpio.h"
#include "core/systick/systick.h"
+#include "drivers/displays/segment/as1115/as1115.h"
#include "core/cmd/cmd.h"
- Approximates a 1 millisecond delay using "nop". This is less
- accurate than a dedicated timer, but is useful in certain situations.
- The number of ticks to delay depends on the optimisation level set
- when compiling (-O). Depending on the compiler settings, one of the
- two defined values for 'delay' should be used.
-void delayms(uint32_t ms)
- uint32_t delay = ms * ((CFG_CPU_CCLK / 100) / 45); // Release Mode (-Os)
- // uint32_t delay = ms * ((CFG_CPU_CCLK / 100) / 120); // Debug Mode (No optimisations)
- while (delay > 0)
- {
- __asm volatile ("nop");
- delay--;
- }
Main program entry point. After reset, normal code execution will
uint32_t currentSecond, lastSecond;
currentSecond = lastSecond = 0;
+ // lcdTest();
+ // as1115Test();
+ uint8_t displaybuffer[8];
+ displaybuffer[0] = 0x01 | 0x80;
+ displaybuffer[1] = 0x02 | 0x40;
+ displaybuffer[2] = 0x04 | 0x20;
+ displaybuffer[3] = 0x08 | 0x10;
+ displaybuffer[4] = 0x10 | 0x08,
+ displaybuffer[5] = 0x20 | 0x04;
+ displaybuffer[6] = 0x40 | 0X02;
+ displaybuffer[7] = 0x80 | 0X01;
+ as1115WriteBuffer(displaybuffer);
while (1)
- // Toggle LED once per second ... rollover = 136 years :)
+ // Toggle LED once per second
currentSecond = systickGetSecondsActive();
if (currentSecond != lastSecond)
lastSecond = currentSecond;
- if (gpioGetValue(CFG_LED_PORT, CFG_LED_PIN) == CFG_LED_OFF)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
+ gpioSetValue(CFG_LED_PORT, CFG_LED_PIN, !(gpioGetValue(CFG_LED_PORT, CFG_LED_PIN)));
// Poll for CLI input if CFG_INTERFACE is enabled in projectconfig.h