td.errors-cfg-field { padding: 1em; width: 50%; vertical-align: top; } td.errors-cfg-field input { margin: 0; } .errors-cfg-field-heading { font-weight: bold; } "); $cfgErrors = new erConfig(); require_once("mod_error-reporter/"); PageBlue(_c("error-reporter-cfg:Error Report Wizard – Configuration"), "mod_error-reporter"); if(@$_POST["submit"] == _("Save")) { $bMailNotify = (@$_POST["mailnotify"] == "true"); $strMailNotifyAddr = @$_POST["mailnotifyaddr"]; $bLog = (@$_POST["log"] == "true"); if($bMailNotify != $cfgErrors->isMailNotify()) { $cfgErrors->setMailNotify($bMailNotify); echo sprintf("
\n", _c("error-reporter-cfg:Set mail notification.")); } if($strMailNotifyAddr != $cfgErrors->getMailNotifyAddr()) { if(!erIsMailAddress($strMailNotifyAddr)) { echo sprintf("%s
", _c("error-reporter-cfg:The specified string is not ". "a valid e-mail address!")); } else { $cfgErrors->setMailNotifyAddr($strMailNotifyAddr); echo sprintf("%s
\n", _c("error-reporter-cfg:Set mail notification address.")); } } $cfgErrors->writeConfig(); } // two columns echo "\n"; // Mail notification GroupBox(_c("error-reporter-cfg:Mail notification"), "mail"); echo "\n"; _GroupBox(); echo " | \n";
// Privileges
GroupBox(_("Privileges"), "keys");
$asAccessGroups = erPrivilegedGroups("mod_errorreporter_access");
$asAdminGroups = erPrivilegedGroups("mod_errorreporter_admin");
echo sprintf(" %s \n%s \n%s ", _c("error-reporter:This is ". "a short summary of the privileges related to the error report assistant ". "and the groups which have them assigned."), sprintf(_c("error-reporter:If one of these privileges is not assigned to ". "any group, all users on this server are allowed to perform the specified ". "action. Please use the %sgroup administration%s to assign and revoke ". "privileges."), "", ""), _c("error-reporter:Please note that every group with the administration ". "privilege can also implicitly report errors and see the reported messages.")); echo "