A full outline of the wireless configuration file with description of each field:
-config wifi-device wifi device name
- option type broadcom, atheros, mac80211
- option country us, uk, fr, de, etc.
- option channel 1-14
- option maxassoc 1-128 (broadcom only)
- option distance 1-n
+config wifi-device wifi device name
+ option type broadcom, atheros, mac80211
+ option country us, uk, fr, de, etc.
+ option channel 1-14
+ option maxassoc 1-128 (broadcom only)
+ option distance 1-n
option agmode 11b, 11g, 11a, 11bg (atheros only)
+ option rxantenna 0,1,2 (atheros, broadcom)
+ option txantenna 0,1,2 (atheros, broadcom)
config wifi-iface
option network the interface you want wifi to bridge with
option device wifi0, wifi1, wifi2, wifiN
option mode ap, sta, adhoc, monitor, or wds
+ option txpower transmission power in dBm
option ssid ssid name
option bssid bssid address
option encryption none, wep, psk, psk2, wpa, wpa2
\item \texttt{mode} \\
The frequency band (\texttt{b}, \texttt{g}, \texttt{bg}, \texttt{a}). This feature is only supported on the atheros chipset.
+ \item \texttt{diversity} \\
+ Optional: Enable diversity for the Wi-Fi device. This feature is supported only on the atheros chipset.
+ \item \texttt{rxantenna} \\
+ Optional: Antenna identifier (0, 1 or 2) for reception. This feature is supported by atheros and some broadcom chipsets.
+ \item \texttt{txantenna} \\
+ Optional: Antenna identifier (0, 1 or 2) for emission. This feature is supported by atheros and some broadcom chipsets.
\item \texttt{bssid}
Set the BSSID address to be used for wds to set the mac address of the other wds unit.
+ \item \texttt{txpower}
+ Set the transmission power to be used. The amount is specified in dBm.
\item \texttt{encryption} \\
Encryption setting. Accepts the following values: