This is the buildsystem for the OpenWrt Linux distribution
-It is a modified uClibc buildroot2.
Please use "make menuconfig" to configure your appreciated
configuration for the toolchain and firmware.
+You need to have installed gcc, binutils, patch, bzip2, flex, bison,
+make, gettext, pkg-config, unzip, libz-dev and libc headers.
Simply running 'make' will build your firmware.
It will download all sources, build the cross-compile toolchain,
the kernel and all choosen applications.
-You can use scripts/ for remotely updating your embedded system
-via tftp.
+You can use scripts/flashing/ for remotely updating your embedded
+system via tftp.
+The OpenWrt system is documented in docs/. You will need a LaTeX distribution
+and the tex4ht package to build the documentation. Type make -C docs/ to build it.
-The buildroot system is documented in docs/buildroot-documentation.html.
+Building your own firmware you need to have access to a Linux, BSD or MacOSX system.
+Cygwin will not be supported because of the lack of case sensitiveness.
Your OpenWrt Project