+\subsubsection{Submitting patches}
+In order to include a patch to a ticket, you need to output it, this can be done by using the \textbf{svn diff} command which generates the differences between your local copy (modified) and the version on the OpenWrt repository (unmodified yet). Then attach the patch with a description, using the "Attach" button.
+Your patch must respect the following conventions :
+\item it has to work, with no side effect on other platforms, distributions, packages ...
+\item it must have a reason to be included in OpenWrt : bug fix, enhancement, feature adding/removing
+\item the patch name should be named like that : <index number>-this\_fixes\_bug\_foo\_and\_bar.patch
+\item if several, they have to be indexed with an integer number : 100-patch1, 200-patch2 ...
+Your patch will be read and most likely be used as-is by the developpers if it is clean and working. If not, the patch will be accepted anyway and modified to be OpenWrt-rules compliant