-define Package/kmod-zd1211
-TITLE:=Driver for Zydas 1211 based USB devices
-DESCRIPTION:=Driver for Zydas 1211 based USB devices \\\
-Linux driver for the ZyDAS ZD1211 802.11b/g USB-WLAN-Chip.\\\
-Initially contributed by ZyDAS, this driver is actively maintained by the \\\
-open source community.
+define KernelPackage/zd1211
+ SUBMENU:=Wireless Drivers
+ TITLE:=Driver for Zydas 1211 based USB devices
+ This package contains a Linux driver for the ZyDAS ZD1211 802.11b/g \\\
+ USB-WLAN-Chip.\\\
+ Initially contributed by ZyDAS, this driver is actively maintained by the \\\
+ open source community.
+ AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,60,zd1211)
+define Package/zd1211-utils
+ SECTION:=utils
+ CATEGORY:=Utilities
+ TITLE:=zd1211 user-space utilities
+ DESCRIPTION:=zd1211 user-space utilities : apdbg, zd1211-sta