+sub localmirrors {
+ my @mlist;
+ open LM, "$scriptdir/localmirrors" and do {
+ while (<LM>) {
+ chomp $_;
+ push @mlist, $_;
+ }
+ close LM;
+ };
+ open CONFIG, "<".$ENV{'TOPDIR'}."/.config" and do {
+ while (<CONFIG>) {
+ /^CONFIG_LOCALMIRROR="(.+)"/ and do {
+ chomp;
+ push @mlist, $1;
+ };
+ }
+ close CONFIG;
+ };
+ return @mlist;
+sub which($) {
+ my $prog = shift;
+ my $res = `which $prog`;
+ $res or return undef;
+ $res =~ /^no / and return undef;
+ $res =~ /not found/ and return undef;
+ return $res;
+my $md5cmd = which("md5sum");
+$md5cmd or $md5cmd = which("md5");
+$md5cmd or die 'no md5 checksum program found, please install md5 or md5sum';
+chomp $md5cmd;