+ # CFE is a LZMA nazi! It took me hours to find out the parameters!
+ # Also I think lzma has a bug cause it generates different output depending on
+ # if you use stdin / stdout or not. Use files instead of stdio here, cause
+ # otherwise CFE will complain and not boot the image.
+ $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/lzma e -d22 -fb64 -a1 $(KDIR)/vmlinux $(KDIR)/vmlinux.lzma.tmp
+ # Strip out the length, CFE doesn't like this
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/vmlinux.lzma.tmp of=$(KDIR)/vmlinux.lzma.cfe bs=5 count=1
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/vmlinux.lzma.tmp of=$(KDIR)/vmlinux.lzma.cfe ibs=13 obs=5 skip=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc
+ rm -f $(KDIR)/vmlinux.lzma.tmp
+ # Build the LZMA loader