\usepackage{enumitem} % for sparse lists with \setlist
+% use sans-serif font for code instead of default monospace
+\makeatletter \def\verbatim@font{\sffamily} \makeatother
+% optimize vertical space in lists
+% ...and in verbatim environment
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\newcommand{\pages}[1]{\marginpar{#1 pages}}
\title{Chatty Things -- Making the Internet of Things Readily Usable for the
Masses with XMPP}
\author{Roland Hieber}
-\date{Seminar Communications and Multimedia, TU~Braunschweig \\[1em] \today}
+\date{Seminar Communications and Multimedia, TU~Braunschweig \\[1em]
+ January 27, 2014}
-{\small \bibliography{biblio}}
+{\footnotesize \bibliography{biblio}}
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