v1.1.2 - ongoing
- Added drivers/sensors/ina219/ina219.c (work in progress!)
- Added drivers/displays/tft/hw/hx8347d.C (courtesy tauonteilchen again)
- Added drivers/dac/mcp4901 (courtesy tauonteilchen, thanks!)
- Cleaned up /tools/testfirmware to include more recent blinky, etc.
- Added basic TEA5767 drive
- Added core/cmd/ansi.h (rediscover the joy of ANSI graphics codes :)
- Added fastHLine and fastVLine to lcdProperties_t for all lcd drivers (to
  known whether an accelerated vertical or horizontal line drawing function
  is present in the driver or not)
- Updated all LCD drivers to include the fastHLine and fastVLine flags
- Added PWM command to CLI (thanks Miceuz)
- Added optional callback in 32-bit timer ISR (thanks again Miceuz)

- Minor accuracy improvement to pwm.c (off by 1 error)
- Fixed typos in cmd_pwm.c and cmd_tbl.h
- Changed I2C default speed to 400kHz (from 100kHz)

v1.1.1 - 14 April 2012
- Added drawRoundedRectangle to drawing.c
- Added ability to select filled or empty rounded rectangles to the 'R' CLI
- Fixed Crossworks Project (missing dependencies)

v1.1.0 - 9 April 2012
- Rewrote corner and rounded rectangle code.  Only one corner enum is now used
- Renamed drawRectangleRounded to drawRoundedRectangleFilled
- Removed drawProgressBar and drawButton from drawing.c, since drawing should
  only contain drawing primitives
- Reorganised a lot of the TFT drawing library to support external controls,
  and dynamically switch between bitmap and anti-aliased fonts.  In the future
  everything that isn't a basic drawing primitive will be placed in it's own
  control.  The main benefit of this is that it's much easier to customize the
  look and feel of your UI without having to modify drawing.c and the basic
  drawing primitives, and to be able to switch from bitmap to anti-aliased
  fonts depending on how much flash space you have free, etc.
- Removed bmp_error_t drawBitmapImage(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char *filename)
  to keep better seperation of primitives and more complex features, and
  reduce external dependencies in drawing.c.  Call bmpDrawImage (bmp.c)
  directly instead.

- Added drawCorner to drawing.c
- Added new 'controls/' folder to the GFX library, and added a number of
  controls that will render correctly with the theme settings, as well as
  using bitmap or anti-aliased fonts, depending on projectconfig.h
- New controls:
  - button
  - hsbchart (Hue/saturation/brightness chart for color pickers)
  - huechart (Hue selection gradient for color pickers)
  - label
  - labelcentered
  - progressbar
- Added theme.h to try to define all of the color and font settings used by
  the controls in one location to make it easier to update or modify
- Added aafontsCenterString to aafonts.c

- Updated Crossworks Project to use LPC1000 Lib 1.19 (uses CMSIS 3.0)
- Some performance improvements to core/gpio/gpio.c (thanks Tom for the
- Fixed alpha blending when alpha = 100%
- Change gpioSetValue to be inline (should optimise to a single operation)

v1.0.0 - 23 March 2012
- Added support for LPCXpresso IDE
- *** Moved '/drivers/chibi' to '/drivers/rf/chibi' ***
- *** Moved '/drivers/sensors/pn532' to '/drivers/rf/pn532' ***
- *** Renamed '/drivers/spiflash' to '/drivers/storage/spiflash' ***
- *** Renamed '/drivers/eeprom' to '/drivers/storage/eeprom' ***
- *** Renamed '/drivers/lcd' to '/drivers/display' ***
- Added I2C support to the SSD1306 driver
- Moved all color conversion and manipulation functions
  to '/drivers/displays/tft/colors.c', and added a
  few new functions: colorsDim(), etc.
- Added code to render antialiased fonts, based on
  lookup tables (fast) or alpha-blending (mixed color
  backgrounds).  Support for AA2 (2-bit) and AA4
  (4-bit) anti-aliased fonts included.  Alpha-blending
  only possible on displays where pixels can be read
- Added drawGradient() to drawing.c
- Removed height parameter from drawButton.  It's now
  calculated based on the font height, and centered.
- Added bell to CLI when backspace is pressed beyond
  the starting position (cosmetic, but still useful)
- Removed dependency on /core/libc files in Crossworks
  when redirecting printf (added printf replacement
  to sysinit.c instead)
- Added basic AS1115 driver for segment displays
- Added driver for HX8340-B based LCDs
- Added flag to projectconfig.h to disable the default
  GPIO IRQ Handler functions in code/gpio/gpio.c (in
  case you want to make your own ISR elsewhere)
- Added driver for Samsung VFD displays from Adafruit
- Added ADC average sampling option to projectconfig.h.
  This allows you to take several readings from the
  ADC and return the average.  Helps reduces peaks and
  valleys in the ADC due to noisen but at the expense
  of slower reads.
  See: "tools/validation/adctest" for more info
- Added I2C driver for PN532
- Updated and added PN532 examples to
- updated touchscreen.h to be a bit clearer during
  calibration, though it can still be much better
- Had to add "__asm volatile("nop");" after pin writes
  in the ILI9328 driver since some LCDs couldn't
  keep up with the high-speed writes with bit-banding
- Fixed I2C clock duty cycle registers
- Changed I2C buffer size from 32 to 64 bytes (i2c.h)
- Added CFG_BRD_LPC1343_OLIMEX_P to board selection
  in projectconfig.h (courtesy PHK)
- Added SSD1331_COLORORDER_RGB flag to SSD1331.h to
  select between RGB and BGR color order
- Added 128x32 support to ssd1306.c and rewrote
  initialize sequence for 128x32 and 128x64 displays
- Added driver for Sharp Memory Display
- Added SPI Flash example
- Added write function to SPI Flash driver
- Added CFG_BRD_LPC1343_REFDESIGN_MINIMAL as a board
  option in projectconfig.h.  Tries to keep the flash
  use as small as possible by initialising less
  peripherals in systemInit().
- Changed CodeLite project files to support real
  debugging with a Segger J-Link and GDB Server.
- Fixed issue with USB CDC instantiation for
  FreeBSD (courtesy PHK)
- Added experimental SSD1351 OLED driver to

v0.9.5 - 3 August 2011

- Redid the font rendering code to use DotFactory
  generated fonts, and update to the latest binary
  in the /tools folder.  All fonts have been
  re-rendered to accomodate the updated code.
- Updated clock values in cpu.c for PLL to match FCCO 
  range of 156-320MHz
  lpc111x.h to match usermanual
  lpc111x.h to match usermanual
- Added inline version of key functions in ili9328.c,
  which increases the code size ~1.3KB but more than
  doubles the drawing speed for most drawing functions
  by avoiding branch operations and pushing and popping
  the stack multiple times.  Inline methods can be
  toggled with 'ILI9238_USE_INLINE_METHODS'.
- Fixed IOCON_SWDIO_PIO1_3_FUNC_CT32B1_MAT2 in lpc134x.h
- Added drawCornerFilled() to drawing.c and LCD CLI
- Fixed a nasty bug with 'gpioInterruptEvent' in the 
  gpioSetInterrupt function (core/gpio/gpio.c)
- Add drawTriangle() and drawTriangleFilled() to
  drawing.c and LCD CLI
- Added cpuReset() to reset the board via AIRCR
- Removed text input dialogue from LCD CLI ('T') to
  save a few KB.  Command file still exists, just no
  longer included in cmd_tbl.h by default.

v0.9.2 - 14 June 2011

- Added ISL12022M RTC Driver (/drivers/rtc/isl12022m)
- Fixed a bug drawing filled circles with lcdDrawVLine
- Added CLI command to toggle LCD backlight
- Added rounded rectangle command to CLI
- Added CFG_INTERFACE_DROPCR to projectconfig.h to
  ignore CR (\r) characters in incoming data for
  the CLI
- Added CFG_INTERFACE_SHORTERRORS to projectconfig.h
  to only send short (1 char + new line) CLI error
  messages rather than something verbose 
- Added CFG_INTERFACE_CONFIRMREADY to projectconfig.h
  to provide a character to indicate when a command
  is complete in case the IRQ pin
- Fixed a bug with reversed R and B bits when reading
  a pixel from the LCD in CLI mode
- Added lcdDrawPixels() to lcd.h and the current lcd
  drivers to render rows of raw lcd data much quicker
  than addressing consecutive pixels individually.
  Can be used with windowing in future for fast
  animation, continuously writing raw pixels in a
  32x32 pixel frame, etc.
- Fixed ili9328SetWindow() and ili9325SetWindow(). 
  They can now be used for fast screen paints of
  restricted areas of the screen, such as animations
  where raw pixel data is constantly fed to the LCD.
- Fixed pixel overflow bugs in drawCircleFilled(). Any
  pixels that exceed screen limits will now be dropped,
  though at the expense of slightly slower code.
- Added drawLineDotted() to drawing.c to draw lines with
  a fixed pattern of empty and solid pixels
- Added __resetBootloader() macro to lpc134x.h to
  reset and enter the USB bootloader (LPC1343 Reference
  Design Base Board only since this depends on the
  existance of the RC combination on the ISP pin).
  To reset and executre code normally, the watchdog
  time can be used (see "core/wdt").
- Added AIRCR register to lpc134x.h (Application Interrupt
  and Reset Control Register).
- Added drawIcon16() to drawing.c to render monochrome
  16x16 pixel icons from a byte array.
- Added a handful of common 16x16 icon definitions in
  /drivers/lcd/icons16.h ... adapted from Gentleface
  Toolbar Icon Set.  For license terms see
- Added a few basic RGB565 color schemes to colors.h and
  an image file showing the colors in /tools/colors_h.png
- Updated alphanumeric dialogue form to use new buttons.
- Rewrote drawButton() to use rounded rectangle and
  all colors are now passed in as parameters.  Also
  modified the button command in the CLI to match this.
- Rewrote drawProgressBar() to take advantage of the
  new rounded rectangle function (below).  Also
  modified the progress bar command in the CLI to
  allow more colors to be indicated when rendering.
- Added drawRectangleRounded() to drawing.c (filled
  rectangle with configurable rounded corners).
- Added drawArrow() to drawing.c to make small rectangles
  for left/right menu items, etc.
- Completely rewrote the touch screen calibration code to
  be much more accurate.

v0.9.0 - 28 March 2011

- Calibration process no longer starts automatically when
  calibration data is not found in EEPROM.  tsCalibrate()
  now needs to called manually or from the CLI.
- Fixed a bug in cmd_tswait.c when no delay was passed.
- Added CLI command to set touch screen threshold 
  to register a touch event (since this can vary from
  screen to screen).  Type 'x' at the CLI to get/set
  the value.  The setting is persisted to EEPROM, and if
  from projectconfig.h is used.
- Adjusted touch screen code to check ADC values twice
  and compare.  If mismatch occurs, and error is returned.
  This provides far more consistent TS values at the
  expense of having to check the error results. See
  'alphanumeric.c' for an example of doing this
- Added seperate driver for ILI9328 based displays, even
  though it seems to be identical to the ILI9325.  Files
  were seperated in case the initialisation needs to be
  tweeked later or if incompatibilities are found.
- Added the ability to write the contents of the LCD
  to a bitmap image, though it's very slow reading data
  pixel by pixel and converting it to 24-bit RGB values.
  Performance can definately be improved.
- Added 'drawRGB565toBGRA32' to drawing.c to convert
  RGB565 colors back to the canonical BGRA32 format
- Added gain controls to TSL2561 driver to increase or
  decrease sensitivity.  Should be easy to implement
  auto-gain functionality now.
- Changed USB VID to a valid value.  Source files and
  lpc134x-vcom.inf updated accordingly.
- Moved USB VID and PID to projectconfig.h
- Added '-mcpu' flag to the linker in Makefile (the wrong
  libm was being linked because of this).

- Some config settings in EEPROM were relocated in v0.90+
  of the LPC1343 Code Base to take into account the new
  touch screen calibration code.  See projectconfig.h
  for more details of the new EEPROM layout.

v0.8.6 - 21 March 2011

- Added DWT section to LPC134x.h (see Cortex-M3
  Technical Reference Manual section 8.3)
- Added CPU_RESET_CYCLECOUNTER to cpu.c to do rough
  in-code performance checks (counts CPU cycles)
- Added '-lm' to linker in Makefile for math.c support
- Increased MAX_STRING_SIZE from 100 to 255 in stdio.c
- Added driver for the TCS3414 RGB color sensor
- Added driver for the TSL2561 digital light sensor
- Added CFG_USBCDC_BUFFERSIZE to projectconfig.h
  instead of cdc_buf.h.
- Added a PWM example using a piezo buzzer (see
  'tools/examples/basics/pwm_piezobuzzer' for details)
- Added ctype.c to 'core/libc'
- Changed Crossworks project to use libc files from
  'core/libc' and modified the USB CDC printf to be
  much faster by redirecting inside 'puts' rather than
  '__putchar' (see 'sysinit.c').
- Fixed a bug in LPC134x.h ... USB_CMDCODE write and read
  masks were reversed
- Added a simple example of reading the card ID from an
  ISO14443A (Mifare Classic, etc.) card using the PN532
- Added an 'lcd' folder to 'tools/examples' showing how to use
  the generic lcd drawing routines, the touch-screen, etc.
- Rewrote part of the touch screen calibration code to get more
  accurate results.  Each point is now tested twice and the
  results are averaged.  Values beyond a certain limit are also
  rejected to ignore wacky readings.
- Added a preliminary PN532 (NFC/RFID) driver.  Currently UART
  only, and only allows simple commands to be sent and received.
  By default, all data is fed out to the console via printf.
  Will be elaborated and expanded in future releases.
- Cleaned up the ILI9325 TFT LCD driver a bit, adding a proper
  enum for the commands, etc.

v0.8.5 - 7 March 2011

- Fixed a problem with GDB script when deploying firmware
  with Segger J-Link in CodeLite.  Code will now deploy
  and start executing properly when F5 is pressed (assuming
  the Segger GDB Server software is running in the background).
- Interrupts are now disabled while feeding the watchdog as per
  a warning in the usermanual.
- Changed fonts for TTF LCDs.  DejaVu Sans 9 is now used by default
  in the LPC1343 Code Base.  The following open source fonts have
  been converted using The Dot Factory (see '/tools/dotfactory') and
  can be found in '/drivers/lcd/tft/fonts':
      FONT NAME                         WIDTH
      -------------------------------   ----------
    - Bitstream Vera Mono 9             Fixed (8)
    - Bitstream Vera Mono 9 Bold        Fixed (8)
    - Bitstream Vera Mono 11            Fixed (9)
    - Bitstream Vera Mono 11 Bold       Fixed (9)
    - DejaVu Sans 9                     Variable
    - DejaVu Sans 9 Bold                Variable
    - DejaVu Sans Condensed 9           Variable
    - DejaVu Sans Mono 8                Fixed (8)
    - DejaVu Sans Mono 8 Bold           Fixed (8)
- Modified projectconfig.h to select the target board and configure
  the project accordingly.  This isn't ideal, but it's a lot more
  maintainable than have a seperate code base for every board since
  they share 95% of the same code.
- Modified WDT code to use the WDT oscillator (rather than the
  external crystal)
- Fixed a bug when waking up from sleep in Chibi.  Removed systick
  delay when toggling reset and slptr pins since this was causing
  a blocking condition with the wakeup ISR.
- Added an example of how to retrieve the MCU's unique
  128-bit serial number using IAP (core/iap)
- Added an option to projectconfig.h to select which pin to use for
  SCK on SSP0, since the QFN33 package doesn't have all the same
- Updated Chibi to v0.91 (adds sleep method and promiscuous mode to allow
  Chibi to act as an 802.15.4 packet sniffer, etc.).
- Added lcdProperties_t to lcd.h to indicate the properties of different
  LCDs (to determine if there is a touch screen present, whether the
  screen orientation can be changed, etc.)
- Added basic ST7735 LCD driver (128x160 pixel TFT LCD using 6-pin
  SPI-esque interface).  Work in progress (no orientation support, etc.).
- Added some simple examples in the 'tools/examples' folder.

v0.80 - 27 Jan 2011

- Added optimised lcdDrawVLine using orientation
  though this should only be used on lines
  greate than 20 pixels or so to see any real
- Added cmd_uart to allow the HW UART speed
  to be set in EEPROM (between 9600 and
  115200).  Use the 'U' command.
- Updated Crossworks projects files to use
  custom printf in 'core/libc' (gains about
  1.3KB in release mode)
- Added driver for SSD1306 OLED displays
  to '/drivers/bitmap/ssd1306'
- Changed commands in the CLI to single
  characters and shortened descriptions
  to save flash space (~0.7KB)
- Updated ILI9325 to allow the screen
  orientation to be changed to portrait
  of landscape mode.
- Added cmd_orientation to change the LCD
  orientation from the CLI
- Fixed a bug in the PMU Wakeup interrupt
- Added a circular buffer for outgoing CDC
  data (cdc_buf.c) since you can only feed one
  frame per ms (max 64 bytes).  The speed needs
  to be improved finding the right balance
  between caching data and sending it to the EP,
  but this should avoid any dropped characters.
  More testing will be needed to improve this.
- Fixed a bug with the USB CDC buffer
- Added SILENTMODE to the CLI to disable the
  command prompt and echo of input characters
  when another MCU is use the CLI rather than
  a human.
- Added IRQ pin to the CLI to indicate when a 
  command is being processed (pin = low) and
  when it has completed or a new command can
  be processed (pin = high).
- Added 'cmd_tswait' to wait for a touch event
- Removed 'drivers/nfc/pn532' until proper drivers
  can be written
- Added 'cmd_text' and 'cmd_textw' to the CLI to
  render text on the LCD and get the width in
  pixels of the specified text before rendering.

v0.70 - 18 Dec 2010

- Added 'calibrate' and 'gettext' commands to the CLI
- Added a dialogue box for the TFT LCD/Touchscreen
  to input alpha-numeric data and return the
  results as a string ('drivers/lcd/tft/dialogues/*')
- Added touch screen calibration code and UI
- Fixed a bug in ILI9325.c to make sure that the LCD
  is reset during initialisation
- ** IMPORTANT ** Changed 'core/i2c/*' to fix a number
  of bugs (thanks Rob65!) ... though this means all
  i2c peripherals and drivers will need to be tested.
- Added 'colorscheme_t' to drawing.h to try to use a
  standard color palette across GUI controls and make
  it easy to change later.  Currently only the button
  and progress bar make use of this.
- Added 'lcdBacklightOn()' and 'lcdBacklightOff()' to
- Added 'CFG_TFTLCD_TS_THRESHOLD' to projectconfig.h
  to configure touch-screen sensitivity when waiting
  for a touch event
- Modified 'core/gpio/gpio.c' to reduce the compiled code
  size. Repetitive switches where only the registers
  change were modified to use temporary registers and
  execute the code only once.
- Added the source and binaries for TheDotFactory to
  'tools/dotfactory' for convenience sake. See:
- Removed 'drivers/lcd/tft/tscalibration.c' and moved
  the relevant code to touchscreen.c
- Removed the imgconv tool from 'tools/imgconv' (see
  point below for more information)
- Removed the previous custom image code and replaced
  it with 24-bit Windows bitmap files.  This is a bit
  slower (since 24-bit data needs to be converted to
  RGB565 for each pixel and rows are rendered bottom
  up making pixel drawing harder to optimise) but
  converting and eventually saving images is easier.
  The current code is functional but needs to be
  heavily optimised.
- Made some minor optimisations to the data and cmd
  functions in the ILI9325 driver.  Other functions
  need to be optimised as well, but these two should
  be close to optimal now.  Currently 25 cycles
  compiled with -Os, 36 cycles with no optimisation.
- Added 'projects/command/drawing/cmd_bmp.c' to load
  24-bit Windows bitmap images from the SD card and
  display them on the TFT LCD.
- Added some schematics to '/tools/schematics' to
  show the assumed pin configurations

v0.60 - 8 December 2010

- Added a number of CLI commands for the TFT LCD
  (see 'project/commands/drawing')
- Modified FCLK_FAST() in 'drivers/fatfs/mmc.c' to set
  the max speed to 6.0MHz for improved reliability.
  Tested with a 4GB microSD card, 300KB/s can be read
  using a 512 byte read buffer.
- Modified Chibi to use 16-bit timer 0 for us delays
  (more accurate)
- Added a number of commands to
  '/projects/commands/drawing' for basic TFT LCD
  operations.  Removed 'lcd-test.c' and 'lcd-fill.c'.
- Added a flag to projectconfig.h to make FATFS read-only
  (to save a couple KB when space is tight).
- Moved 'project/eeprom.*' to 'drivers/eeprom' to add a
  level of abstraction to eeprom access throughout the code
- Added a table to projectconfig.h to manage eeprom
  addresses. First 256 byte of eeprom should be reserved
  for this.
- Added 'drivers/lcd/tft/colors.h' to keep all common
  16-bit RGB565 color definitions in one location
- Added some sample images to 'tools/imgconv' that can
  be used to render a basic clock on a TFT LCD screen
  (using drawImageFromFile in 'drivers/lcd/tft/drawing.c')
- Modified the makefile to automatically run './lpcrc' 
- Added drawButton() to 'drivers/lcd/tft/drawing.c'
- Updated 'drivers/lcd/tft/touchscreen.c' to do basic
  debouncing.  tsReadZ() was added to detect pressure on
  the touch screen, and tsWaitForEvent() will only exit
  when the pressure passes a minimum threshold.  (Thanks
  to Limor for pointing out some code by Rossum for this.)
- Fixed some off-by-one pixel errors in cmd-test and

v0.51 - 27 November 2010

- Added simple RSA encryption/decryption driver.  Currently limited to
  using 64-bit and 32-bit numbers in key pairs, which isn't terribly secure,
  but allows much smaller code size than if huge number support was included.
- Added a driver for the MCP4725 I2C DAC (see "drivers/dac/mcp4725").
- Moved 'rom_drivers.h' from 'core/usbhid-rom' to 'core' since it can be used
  for usbmsd-rom as well if it is implemented at a later date.
- ili9325ReadData() added to ili9325.c by Adafruit Industries (thanks!)
- Modified FCLK_FAST() in 'drivers/fatfs/mmc.c' to set fast SPI speed
  to 18MHz instead of the previous 4MHz.  This allows for slightly faster
  rendering of bitmap images from SD cards, amongst other things.
- Fixed ILI9325 driver to use 0,0 based pixels and not 1x1, meaning the
  pixel co-ordinates are 0..239 for X and 0..319 for Y.  There may still be
  some off-by-one pixel issues that need to be further tested.

v0.50 - 26 October 2010

- Moved command.c and cmd_tbl.h to /project to try to keep all 
  project-specific files in one location to improve code-sharing and make
  upgrading easier
- Created seperate .c files for every command for the command-line interface
  to make it easier to maintain and share code between projects.  All commands
  listed in cmd_tbl.h are now stored in their own files in /project/commands 
  (ex.: "/project/commands/cmd_hello.c", etc.)
- Added a CLI command to demonstrate how to draw to the ILI9325 TFT LCD
- Added a CLI command to show the contents of any directory from the SD card 
- Added a CLI command showing how to enter deep-sleep and exit with a SW
  wakeup (/project/commands/cmd_deepsleep.c).  Please note that the wakeup
  will not work if you are using USB for the CLI.  To see the wakeup message,
  you must use UART for the CLI, which is selected by uncommenting
  CFG_PRINTF_UART in projectconfig.h
- Fixed pmu.c to set the core clock back to an appropriate state after wakeup
- Added simple wrapper for eeprom access (projects/eeprom.c)
- Reorganised drivers/lcd to take into account non TFT LCD displays.
- Added a preliminary (experimental) driver for 128x64 pixel ST7565-based
  bitmap LCDs (ex: Adafruit Industries - http://bit.ly/9xj5vw) ... based on a
  driver from Limor Fried at Adafruit
- Numerous bug fixes added by Roel Verdult (Linux compatibility, GCC warnings, etc.)
- Added stub files for PN532 driver (/drivers/nfc/pn532), and added CFG_PN532 to
  projectconfig.h as an option
- Added a simple pwm example using 16-bit timer 1 and p1.9 (MAT0) for the output.  PWM can be used
  to drive stepper motors, or to dim LEDs by adjusting the duty-cycle, etc.  The example can be
  found in "/core/pwm"
- Added a bi-polar stepper motor driver based on the Arduino library.  Basic position data was added
  to detece deviation from the 'Home' position and to retrieve the spindle's current angle.  See
  "drivers/motor/stepper" for more information.
- Added test firmware for the UART and USBCDC CLI (tools/testfirmware)
- Added a table to projectconfig.h to try to keep track of pin and peripherals
  usage by drivers and the included SW examples.
- Reorganised some pins used by drivers to avoid pin conflicts.
- Modified core/timer16/timer16.c to allow PWM output to be stopped after a
  certain number of pulses have been sent out.

- The SPI code needs to be modified to allow several SPI devices to be safely
  connected on the same bus.  At present, this has not been tested since the
  SSP/SPI blocks are used exclusively in the current drivers.