Sa. 11:30 Raum 2.1 Retro Coding On The Atari 2600 VCS Code your very own demo! Speaker: SvOlli -------------- Going retro: learn to code a simple demo for the very first micro- processor based game console, the Atari 2600 VCS. Just bring in a notebook, and everything else will be provided: toolchain using a 6502 assembler, emulator and a small skeleton of source code to provide the correct timing for keeping the TV in sync. The Atari 2600 VCS was build in 1977, and offers 128 bytes of RAM and an addressable space of 4K of ROM for the developer. In this workshop, we want to write a small one-screen demo. The course starts with a small intro- duction to the 6502/6507 pro- cessor, ex- plaining a subset of assembler in- structions that will be most probably needed for the demo. After that, the build environ- ment and the emulator will be explained, followed by a description of the hardware of the 2600 VCS. And finally, as all the ba- sics are set, everyone is invited to code a simple demo. There will be even the opportuni- ty to test your demo on real hardware, capable of running code from SD cards. What experien- ce should you have to at- tend? - You already coded 6502 assembler? This work- shop's for you! - You already coded any assembler? You should get along fine. - You already coded some- thing in languages like C, Java and are wil- ling to ac- cept that you've got only three registers? It won't be easy, but you should be able to get along. - You never coded any- thing? Sor- ry, but you should pro- bably start to learn coding some- where else.