+ =========================
+ microBuilder.eu LPC1343 Reference Design base board with
+ on-board peripherals initialised (EEPROM, USB or UART CLI, etc.)
+ This is the recommended starting point for new development
+ since it makes it easy to send printf output to USB CDC, access
+ the on-board EEPROM, etc.
+ =================================
+ microBuilder.eu LPC1343 Reference Design base board with
+ only the most common peripherals initialised by default.
+ Results in smallest code since EEPROM, USB, etc., are not
+ initialised on startup. By default, only the following
+ peripherals are initialised by systemInit():
+ - CPU (Configures the PLL, etc.)
+ - GPIO
+ - SysTick Timer
+ - UART (with printf support) *
+ * Can be removed to save 0.8kb in debug and 0.3 kb in
+ release. Comment out 'CFG_PRINTF_UART' to disable it.
+ The code size can be further reduced by several KB by removing
+ any IRQ Handlers that are not used. The I2C IRQHandler, for
+ example, uses ~1KB of flash in debug and ~400KB in release mode,
+ but because it is referenced in the startup code it is always
+ included even if I2C is never used in the project.
+ Other IRQ Handlers that you might be able to comment out
+ to save some space are:
+ IRQ Handler Debug Release
+ ------------------------- ------ -------
+ I2C_IRQHandler 1160 b 400 b
+ SSP_IRQHandler 160 b 76 b
+ UART_IRQHandler 246 b 116 b
+ WAKEUP_IRQHandler 160 b 100 b
+ WDT_IRQHandler 50 b 28 b
+ ====================================
+ microBuilder.eu/Adafruit Stand-Alone "Smart LCD" with USB enabled
+ for the CLI interface.
+ =====================================
+ microBuilder.eu/Adafruit Stand-Alone "Smart LCD" with UART enabled
+ for the CLI interface.
+ ==============================
+ microBuilder.eu USB stick 802.15.4 868/915MHz RF transceiver
+ ==============================
+ Simple Olimex LPC1343 breakout board
+ ==============================
+ LPC1343 LPCXpresso board