X-Git-Url: https://git.rohieb.name/hackover2013-badge-firmware.git/blobdiff_plain/43b7092bd42d639a527b32dae4af87e37528ef57..b277fff5cf8e252351158e185ad879d59aedb01f:/core/i2c/i2c.h

diff --git a/core/i2c/i2c.h b/core/i2c/i2c.h
index 4e700a4..5e16c82 100644
--- a/core/i2c/i2c.h
+++ b/core/i2c/i2c.h
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
  *   2006.07.19  ver 1.00    Preliminary version, first Release
  *   2010.07.19  ver 1.10    Rob Jansen - MyVoice CAD/CAM Services
  *                           Updated to reflect new code
+ *   2011.02.19  ver 1.20    KTownsend - microBuilder.eu
+ *                           - Added slave mode status values to 
+ *                             I2C_IRQHandler
 #ifndef __I2C_H 
@@ -30,47 +33,71 @@
  *            This could only happen in a multi master system or could also
  *            identify a hardware problem in the system.
-#define I2CSTATE_IDLE     0x000
-#define I2CSTATE_PENDING  0x001
-#define I2CSTATE_ACK      0x101
-#define I2CSTATE_NACK     0x102
-#define I2CSTATE_SLA_NACK 0x103
-#define I2CSTATE_ARB_LOSS 0x104
+#define I2CSTATE_IDLE       0x000
+#define I2CSTATE_PENDING    0x001
+#define I2CSTATE_ACK        0x101
+#define I2CSTATE_NACK       0x102
+#define I2CSTATE_SLA_NACK   0x103
+#define I2CSTATE_ARB_LOSS   0x104
-#define FAST_MODE_PLUS    0
+#define FAST_MODE_PLUS      0
-#define I2C_BUFSIZE       16
-#define MAX_TIMEOUT       0x00FFFFFF
+#define I2C_BUFSIZE         64
+#define MAX_TIMEOUT         0x00FFFFFF
-#define I2CMASTER         0x01
-#define I2CSLAVE          0x02
+#define I2CMASTER           0x01
+#define I2CSLAVE            0x02
-#define SLAVE_ADDR        0xA0
-#define READ_WRITE        0x01
+#define SLAVE_ADDR          0xA0
+#define READ_WRITE          0x01
-#define RD_BIT            0x01
+#define RD_BIT              0x01
-#define I2CONSET_I2EN     0x00000040  /* I2C Control Set Register */
-#define I2CONSET_AA       0x00000004
-#define I2CONSET_SI       0x00000008
-#define I2CONSET_STO      0x00000010
-#define I2CONSET_STA      0x00000020
+#define I2C_GENERALCALL     0x00        /* General Call Address (to 'ping' I2C bus for devices) */
-#define I2CONCLR_AAC      0x00000004  /* I2C Control clear Register */
-#define I2CONCLR_SIC      0x00000008
-#define I2CONCLR_STAC     0x00000020
-#define I2CONCLR_I2ENC    0x00000040
+#define I2C_IDLE            0
+#define I2C_STARTED         1
+#define I2C_RESTARTED       2
+#define I2C_REPEATED_START  3
+#define DATA_ACK            4
+#define DATA_NACK           5
+#define I2C_WR_STARTED      6
+#define I2C_RD_STARTED      7
-#define I2DAT_I2C         0x00000000  /* I2C Data Reg */
-#define I2ADR_I2C         0x00000000  /* I2C Slave Address Reg */
-#define I2SCLH_SCLH       120         /* I2C SCL Duty Cycle High Reg */
-#define I2SCLL_SCLL       120         /* I2C SCL Duty Cycle Low Reg */
-#define I2SCLH_HS_SCLH    0x00000020  /* Fast Plus I2C SCL Duty Cycle High Reg */
-#define I2SCLL_HS_SCLL    0x00000020  /* Fast Plus I2C SCL Duty Cycle Low Reg */
+/* I2C Control Set Register */
+#define I2CONSET_I2EN       0x00000040  /* I2C Interface Enable */
+#define I2CONSET_AA         0x00000004  /* Assert acknowledge flag */
+#define I2CONSET_SI         0x00000008  /* I2C interrupt flag */
+#define I2CONSET_STO        0x00000010  /* STOP flag */
+#define I2CONSET_STA        0x00000020  /* START flag */
+/* I2C Control clear Register */
+#define I2CONCLR_AAC        0x00000004  /* Assert acklnowedge clear bit*/
+#define I2CONCLR_SIC        0x00000008  /* I2C interrupt clear bit */
+#define I2CONCLR_STAC       0x00000020  /* START flag clear bit */
+#define I2CONCLR_I2ENC      0x00000040  /* I2C interface disable bit */
-extern volatile uint8_t I2CMasterBuffer[I2C_BUFSIZE];
-extern volatile uint8_t I2CSlaveBuffer[I2C_BUFSIZE];
+#define I2DAT_I2C           0x00000000  /* I2C Data Reg */
+#define I2ADR_I2C           0x00000000  /* I2C Slave Address Reg */
+/* SCLH and SCLL = I2C PCLK High/Low cycles for I2C clock and
+  determine the data rate/duty cycle for I2C:
+   I2CBitFrequency = I2CPCLK / (I2CSCLH + I2CSCLL)
+   Standard Mode   (100KHz) = CFG_CPU_CCLK / 200000
+   Fast Mode       (400KHz) = CFG_CPU_CCLK / 800000
+   Fast- Mode Plus (1MHz)   = CFG_CPU_CCLK / 2000000       */
+#define I2SCLH_SCLH       CFG_CPU_CCLK / 200000  /* Standard Mode I2C SCL Duty Cycle High (400KHz) */
+#define I2SCLL_SCLL       CFG_CPU_CCLK / 200000  /* Fast Mode I2C SCL Duty Cycle Low (400KHz) */
+#define I2SCLH_HS_SCLH    CFG_CPU_CCLK / 2000000  /* Fast Plus I2C SCL Duty Cycle High Reg */
+#define I2SCLL_HS_SCLL    CFG_CPU_CCLK / 2000000  /* Fast Plus I2C SCL Duty Cycle Low Reg */
+extern volatile uint8_t I2CMasterBuffer[I2C_BUFSIZE];    // Master Mode
+extern volatile uint8_t I2CSlaveBuffer[I2C_BUFSIZE];     // Master Mode
+// extern volatile uint8_t I2CWrBuffer[I2C_BUFSIZE];        // Slave Mode
+// extern volatile uint8_t I2CRdBuffer[I2C_BUFSIZE];        // Slave Mode
 extern volatile uint32_t I2CReadLength, I2CWriteLength;
 extern void I2C_IRQHandler( void );