oCfg = $oCfg; } /** * Insert or update a room in the database * param $or (rsRoom) Room to store in the database * return (int) The UID of the booking, or -1 in case of a failure. * Call getLastError() to get more information about the error. */ /** public function write(rsRoom $or) { // Only administrators are allowed to create and alter rooms if(!$this->oCfg->userIsAdmin()) { // TODO throw exception setLastError(RS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); return -1; } $strWhere = ""; $strLog = ""; // Update or insert? if($or->getUid() == null) { // No UID yet, insert new room $strLog = sprintf("Raum „%s“ angelegt", $or->getName()); } else { $strWhere = "rsr_uid = ".qp(intval($or->getUid())); $strLog = sprintf("Raum „%s“ geändert", $or->getName()); } $aPut["rsr_name"] = $or->getName(); db_store("rooms", $aPut, $strWhere == "" ? null : $strWhere); $hQuery = db_query("SELECT currval('roomschedule_rooms_rsr_uid_seq') ". "FROM roomschedule_rooms;"); $nNewUid = pg_fetch_result($hQuery, 0, "currval"); rrInsertLog($strLog); // Return new UID return $nNewUid; } */ /** * Delete a room from the database * param $nUid (int) Unique ID of the room * return (bool) true on success, otherwise false. * Call getLastError() to get more information about the error. */ /* public function delete($nUid) { // Only administrators are allowed to delete rooms if(!$this->oCfg->userIsAdmin()) { // TODO throw exception setLastError(RS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); return false; } // Delete it from the database $strRoom = $this->getRoomName($nUid); if(!db_query("DELETE FROM roomschedule_rooms WHERE rsr_uid = $1;", intval($nUid))) { // TODO throw exception setLastError(RS_ERROR_SQL); return false; } else { rsInsertLog(sprintf("Raum „%s“ gelöscht", $strRoom)); return true; } } */ /** * Get all rooms from the database * @return array of mod_roomReservationRoom */ static function getRooms() { $aoReturn = array(); $hQuery = db_query("SELECT * FROM rooms ORDER BY name;"); while($arResult = pg_fetch_array($hQuery)) { $aoReturn[] = new mod_roomReservationRoom($arResult["name"], $arResult["room_no"], $arResult["floor"], $arResult["building"], $arResult["location"]); } return $aoReturn; } } ?>