#!/bin/sh # my-mkimage # This will just pad the kernel partition to 64k boundary, then add rootfs. # but we have to be fancy because u-boot mkimage is going to add 64 byte header. # # Copyright (C) 2010 Scott Nicholas <neutronscott@scottn.us> PATH_LOADER=$1 PATH_ROOTFS=$2 OUTPUT=$3 # todo - check arguments...? nah... if [ -x $OUTPUT ]; then echo usage: $0 loader.bin root.squashfs output.bin exit fi OLDSIZE=$(stat -c%s $PATH_LOADER) NEWSIZE=$(((OLDSIZE / 65536 + 1) * 65536 - 64)) dd if=$PATH_LOADER of=vmlinuz.tmp bs=$NEWSIZE conv=sync cat $PATH_ROOTFS >>vmlinuz.tmp ../../../../staging_dir/host/bin/mkimage -A mips -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x400000 -e 0x400000 -n "ADM8668 Linux Kernel(2.4.31)" -d vmlinuz.tmp $OUTPUT rm vmlinuz.tmp printf '\n\nOk done, now your squashfs starts on an erase boundary of %x :)\n\n' $((NEWSIZE+64))