# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Erik Andersen <andersen@uclibc.org>
# Copyright (C) 2004 Manuel Novoa III <mjn3@uclibc.org>
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Felix Fietkau <openwrt@nbd.name>
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Felix Fietkau <nbd@openwrt.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-GCC_VERSION:=$(strip $(subst ",, $(CONFIG_GCC_VERSION)))#"))
-GCC_SITE:=ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/languages/gcc/releases/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION) \
- http://mirrors.rcn.net/pub/sourceware/gcc/releases/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION)
+ifeq ($(PKG_VERSION),3.4.6)
+ PKG_MD5SUM:=4a21ac777d4b5617283ce488b808da7b
+ifeq ($(PKG_VERSION),4.1.2)
+ PKG_MD5SUM:=a4a3eb15c96030906d8494959eeda23c
+ifeq ($(PKG_VERSION),4.2.4)
+ PKG_MD5SUM:=d79f553e7916ea21c556329eacfeaa16
-# Setup some initial stuff
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk
+ SSP:=--enable-libssp
+ SSP:=--disable-libssp
-# build the first pass gcc compiler
- mkdir -p $(DL_DIR)
- $(SCRIPT_DIR)/download.pl $(DL_DIR) $(GCC_SOURCE) x $(GCC_SITE)
-$(GCC_DIR)/.unpacked: $(DL_DIR)/$(GCC_SOURCE)
- mkdir -p $(TOOL_BUILD_DIR)
- touch $(GCC_DIR)/.unpacked
-$(GCC_DIR)/.patched: $(GCC_DIR)/.unpacked
- # Apply any files named gcc-*.patch from the source directory to gcc
- $(SCRIPT_DIR)/patch-kernel.sh $(GCC_DIR) ./$(GCC_VERSION) \*.patch
- # Note: The soft float situation has improved considerably with gcc 3.4.x.
- # We can dispense with the custom spec files, as well as libfloat for the arm case.
- # However, we still need a patch for arm. There's a similar patch for gcc 3.3.x
- # which needs to be integrated so we can kill of libfloat for good.
- $(SED) 's,\(version_string.. = "[0-9\.]*\).*\(";\),\1 (OpenWrt-2.0)\2,' $(GCC_DIR)/gcc/version.c
- $(SED) 's,\(bug_report_url.. = "\).*\(";\),\1<URL:https://dev.openwrt.org/>\2,' $(GCC_DIR)/gcc/version.c
- touch $(GCC_DIR)/.patched
-# The --without-headers option stopped working with gcc 3.0 and has never been
-# # fixed, so we need to actually have working C library header files prior to
-# # the step or libgcc will not build...
-$(GCC_BUILD_DIR1)/.configured: $(GCC_DIR)/.patched
- mkdir -p $(GCC_BUILD_DIR1)
- (cd $(GCC_BUILD_DIR1); rm -f config.cache; PATH=$(TARGET_PATH) \
- $(GCC_DIR)/configure \
- --prefix=$(STAGING_DIR) \
+EXTRA_TARGET=$(if $(CONFIG_EXTRA_TARGET_ARCH),--enable-biarch --enable-targets=$(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_EXTRA_TARGET_ARCH_NAME))-linux-uclibc)
+define Stage1/Configure
+ mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR1)
+ (cd $(BUILD_DIR1); rm -f config.cache; \
+ SHELL="$(BASH)" \
+ $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/configure \
+ --prefix=$(TOOLCHAIN_DIR) \
--build=$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \
--host=$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \
--target=$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME) \
--enable-languages=c \
--disable-shared \
- --with-sysroot=$(TOOL_BUILD_DIR)/uClibc_dev/ \
+ --with-sysroot=$(BUILD_DIR_HOST)/uClibc_dev/ \
--disable-__cxa_atexit \
--enable-target-optspace \
--with-gnu-ld \
+ --disable-nls \
+ --disable-libmudflap \
+ --disable-multilib \
+ $(SSP) \
- touch $(GCC_BUILD_DIR1)/.configured
-$(GCC_BUILD_DIR1)/.compiled: $(GCC_BUILD_DIR1)/.configured
- touch $(GCC_BUILD_DIR1)/.compiled
-$(STAGING_DIR)/bin/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)-gcc: $(GCC_BUILD_DIR1)/.compiled
- PATH=$(TARGET_PATH) $(MAKE) -C $(GCC_BUILD_DIR1) install-gcc
-# second pass compiler build. Build the compiler targeting
-# the newly built shared uClibc library.
-# Sigh... I had to rework things because using --with-gxx-include-dir
-# causes issues with include dir search order for g++. This seems to
-# have something to do with "path translations" and possibly doesn't
-# affect gcc-target. However, I haven't tested gcc-target yet so no
-# guarantees. mjn3
-$(GCC_BUILD_DIR2)/.configured: $(GCC_DIR)/.patched $(STAGING_DIR)/lib/libc.a
- mkdir -p $(GCC_BUILD_DIR2)
+define Stage1/Compile
+ export SHELL="$(BASH)"; $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR1) all-gcc
+define Stage1/Install
+ export SHELL="$(BASH)"; $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR1) install-gcc
+define Stage2/Configure
# Important! Required for limits.h to be fixed.
- rm -rf $(STAGING_DIR)/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)/sys-include
- ln -sf ../include $(STAGING_DIR)/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)/sys-include
- ln -sf ../lib $(STAGING_DIR)/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)/lib
- (cd $(GCC_BUILD_DIR2); rm -f config.cache; PATH=$(TARGET_PATH) \
- $(GCC_DIR)/configure \
- --prefix=$(STAGING_DIR) \
+ rm -rf $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)/sys-include
+ ln -sf ../include $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)/sys-include
+ ln -sf ../lib $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)/lib
+ (cd $(BUILD_DIR2); rm -f config.cache; \
+ SHELL="$(BASH)" \
+ $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/configure \
+ --prefix=$(TOOLCHAIN_DIR) \
--build=$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \
--host=$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \
--target=$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME) \
--disable-__cxa_atexit \
--enable-target-optspace \
--with-gnu-ld \
+ --disable-nls \
+ --disable-libmudflap \
+ --disable-multilib \
+ $(SSP) \
- touch $(GCC_BUILD_DIR2)/.configured
-$(GCC_BUILD_DIR2)/.compiled: $(GCC_BUILD_DIR2)/.configured
- touch $(GCC_BUILD_DIR2)/.compiled
-gcc-install: $(GCC_BUILD_DIR2)/.compiled
- echo $(GCC_VERSION) > $(STAGING_DIR)/gcc_version
+define Stage2/Compile
+ export SHELL="\$(BASH)"; \$(MAKE) -C \$(BUILD_DIR2) all
+define SetupExtraArch
+ for app in $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/bin/$(OPTIMIZE_FOR_CPU)*-{gcc,gcc-*,g++}; do \
+ [ -e $$$$app ] || continue; \
+ old_base=$$$$(basename $$$$app); \
+ new_base=$(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_EXTRA_TARGET_ARCH_NAME))-$$$${old_base##$(OPTIMIZE_FOR_CPU)-}; \
+ sed -e "s/@CC_BASE@/$$$$old_base/" \
+ -e 's/@EXTRA_ARCH_OPTS@/$(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_EXTRA_TARGET_ARCH_OPTS))/' \
+ ./files/alternate-arch-cc.in > \
+ $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/bin/$$$$new_base; \
+ chmod a+x $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/bin/$$$$new_base; \
+ done
+define Stage2/Install
+ $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR2) \
+ SHELL="$(BASH)" \
+ install
# Set up the symlinks to enable lying about target name.
set -e; \
- (cd $(STAGING_DIR); \
+ (cd $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR); \
cd bin; \
for app in $(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)-* ; do \
- ln -sf $${app} \
+ ln -sf $$$${app} \
done; \
-# We do another ugly hack here because the standard behaviour is
-# to include a reference to libgcc.so.1 in all binaries. For flash space
-# saving, we change the specs file to link in a static libgcc here.
- if [ -f $(STAGING_DIR)/lib/gcc/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)/$(GCC_VERSION)/specs ] ; then \
- patch -d $(STAGING_DIR)/lib/gcc/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)/$(GCC_VERSION)/ -p0 < ./$(GCC_VERSION)/static-libgcc.patch.conditional ; \
- fi;
-source: $(DL_DIR)/$(GCC_SOURCE)
-prepare: $(STAGING_DIR)/bin/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)-gcc
-compile: gcc-install
-clean: gcc-clean
- rm -rf $(GCC_DIR)
- rm -rf $(GCC_BUILD_DIR1)
- rm -rf $(GCC_BUILD_DIR2)
- rm -f $(STAGING_DIR)/bin/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME)-gc*
+ $(if $(CONFIG_EXTRA_TARGET_ARCH),$(call SetupExtraArch))
+define Build/Prepare
+ $(call Build/Prepare/Default)
+ $(SED) 's,\(version_string.. = "[0-9\.]*\).*\(";\),\1 (OpenWrt-2.0)\2,' $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/gcc/version.c
+ $(SED) 's,\(bug_report_url.. = "\).*\(";\),\1<URL:https://dev.openwrt.org/>\2,' $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/gcc/version.c
+ (cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/libstdc++-v3; autoconf;);
+ $(SED) 's,gcc_no_link=yes,gcc_no_link=no,' $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/libstdc++-v3/configure
+define Build/Configure
+ $(call Stage1/Configure)
+define Build/Compile
+ $(call Stage1/Compile)
+ $(if $(wildcard $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/bin/$(GNU_TARGET_NAME)-gcc),,$(call Stage1/Install))
+define Build/Install
+ $(call Stage2/Configure)
+ $(call Stage2/Compile)
+ $(call Stage2/Install)
+define Build/Clean
+ rm -rf \
+ $(BUILD_DIR1) \
+ $(BUILD_DIR2) \
+$(eval $(call HostBuild))