-# debug flags:
+# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
-# d: show subdirectory tree
-# t: show added targets
-# l: show legacy targets
-ifeq ($(DEBUG),all)
- build_debug:=dlt
- build_debug:=$(DEBUG)
-define debug
-$$(findstring $(2),$$(if $$(DEBUG_DIR),$$(if $$(filter $$(DEBUG_DIR)%,$(1)),$(build_debug)),$(build_debug)))
-define warn
-$$(if $(call debug,$(1),$(2)),$$(warning $(3)))
+SUBTARGETS:=clean download prepare compile install update refresh prereq
+subtarget-default = $(filter-out ., \
+ $(if $($(1)/builddirs-$(2)),$($(1)/builddirs-$(2)), \
+ $(if $($(1)/builddirs-default),$($(1)/builddirs-default), \
+ $($(1)/builddirs))))
+define subtarget
+ $(call warn_eval,$(1),t,T,$(1)/$(2): $($(1)/) $(foreach bd,$(call subtarget-default,$(1),$(2)),$(1)/$(bd)/$(2)))
-define warn_eval
-$(call warn,$(1),$(2),$(3) $(4))
-SUBTARGETS:=clean download prepare compile install update refresh prereq
+lastdir=$(word $(words $(subst /, ,$(1))),$(subst /, ,$(1)))
+diralias=$(if $(findstring $(1),$(call lastdir,$(1))),,$(call lastdir,$(1)))
# Parameters: <subdir>
define subdir
$(foreach bd,$($(1)/builddirs),
$(call warn,$(1),d,BD $(1)/$(bd))
$(foreach target,$(SUBTARGETS),
- $(call warn_eval,$(1)/$(bd),t,T,$(1)/$(bd)/$(target): $($(1)/$(bd)/$(target)) $(call $(1)//$(target),$(1)/$(bd)))
- @+$$(MAKE) -j1 -C $(1)/$(bd) $(target)
+ $(call warn_eval,$(1)/$(bd),t,T,$(1)/$(bd)/$(target): $(if $(QUILT),,$($(1)/$(bd)/$(target)) $(call $(1)//$(target),$(1)/$(bd))))
+ $(if $(findstring $(bd),$($(1)/builddirs-parallel)),$$(SUBMAKE),$$(SUBMAKE) -j1) \
+ -C $(1)/$(bd) $(target) $(if $(findstring $(bd),$($(1)/builddirs-ignore-$(target))), || $(call MESSAGE, ERROR: $(1)/$(bd) failed to build.))
+ $$(if $(call debug,$(1)/$(bd),v),,.SILENT: $(1)/$(bd)/$(target))
# legacy targets
$(call warn_eval,$(1)/$(bd),l,T,$(1)/$(bd)-$(target): $(1)/$(bd)/$(target))
+ # aliases
+ $(if $(call diralias,$(bd)),$(call warn_eval,$(1)/$(bd),l,T,$(1)/$(call diralias,$(bd))/$(target): $(1)/$(bd)/$(target)))
- $(foreach target,$(SUBTARGETS),
- $(call warn_eval,$(1),t,T,$(1)/$(target): $($(1)/) $(foreach bd,$(if $($(1)/builddirs-$(target)),$($(1)/builddirs-$(target)),$($(1)/builddirs)),$(1)/$(bd)/$(target)))
- )
+ $(foreach target,$(SUBTARGETS),$(call subtarget,$(1),$(target)))
-# Parameters: <subdir> <name>
+# Parameters: <subdir> <name> <target> <depends>
define stampfile
- $(1)/stamp:=$(STAGING_DIR)/stampfiles/.$(2)_installed
- $(call rdep,$(1),$$($(1)/stamp))
- $$($(1)/stamp):
- @+$(MAKE) $(1)/install
- @mkdir -p $$$$(dirname $$($(1)/stamp))
- @touch $$($(1)/stamp)
- .PRECIOUS: $$($(1)/stamp) # work around a make bug
- $(1)//clean:=$(1)/stamp/clean
- $(1)/stamp/clean: FORCE
- @rm -f $$($(1)/stamp)
+ $(1)/stamp-$(3):=$(STAGING_DIR)/stamp/.$(2)_$(3)
+ $$($(1)/stamp-$(3)): $(TMP_DIR)/.build $(4)
+ @+$(SCRIPT_DIR)/timestamp.pl -n $$($(1)/stamp-$(3)) $(1) $(4) || \
+ $(MAKE) $$($(1)/flags-$(3)) $(1)/$(3)
+ @mkdir -p $$$$(dirname $$($(1)/stamp-$(3)))
+ @touch $$($(1)/stamp-$(3))
+ $$(if $(call debug,$(1),v),,.SILENT: $$($(1)/stamp-$(3)))
+ .PRECIOUS: $$($(1)/stamp-$(3)) # work around a make bug
+ $(1)//clean:=$(1)/stamp-$(3)/clean
+ $(1)/stamp-$(3)/clean: FORCE
+ @rm -f $$($(1)/stamp-$(3))