use warnings;
use File::Basename;
+@ARGV > 2 or die "Syntax: $0 <target dir> <filename> <md5sum> [<mirror> ...]\n";
my $target = shift @ARGV;
my $filename = shift @ARGV;
my $md5sum = shift @ARGV;
my $scriptdir = dirname($0);
my @mirrors;
my $ok;
-@ARGV > 0 or die "Syntax: $0 <target dir> <filename> <md5sum> <mirror> [<mirror> ...]\n";
sub localmirrors {
+ my @mlist;
+ open LM, "$scriptdir/localmirrors" and do {
+ while (<LM>) {
+ chomp $_;
+ push @mlist, $_;
+ }
+ close LM;
+ };
+ open CONFIG, "<".$ENV{'TOPDIR'}."/.config" and do {
+ while (<CONFIG>) {
+ /^CONFIG_LOCALMIRROR="(.+)"/ and do {
+ chomp;
+ push @mlist, $1;
+ };
+ }
+ close CONFIG;
+ };
- my @mlist;
- open LM, "$scriptdir/localmirrors" or return ();
- while (<LM>) {
- chomp $_;
- push @mlist, $_;
- }
- return @mlist;
+ return @mlist;
sub which($) {
my $mirror = shift;
my $options = $ENV{WGET_OPTIONS};
$options or $options = "";
$mirror =~ s/\/$//;
- open WGET, "wget -t1 --timeout=20 $options -O- \"$mirror/$filename\" |" or die "Cannot launch wget.\n";
- open MD5SUM, "| $md5cmd > \"$target/$filename.md5sum\"" or die "Cannot launch md5sum.\n";
- open OUTPUT, "> $target/$filename.dl" or die "Cannot create file $target/$filename.dl: $!\n";
- my $buffer;
- while (read WGET, $buffer, 1048576) {
- print MD5SUM $buffer;
- print OUTPUT $buffer;
- }
- close MD5SUM;
- close WGET;
- close OUTPUT;
- if (($? >> 8) != 0 ) {
- print STDERR "Download failed.\n";
- cleanup();
- return;
+ if( $mirror =~ /^file:\/\// ) {
+ my $cache = $mirror;
+ $cache =~ s/file:\/\///g;
+ print "Checking local cache: $cache\n";
+ system("mkdir -p $target/");
+ system("cp -f $cache/$filename $target/$filename.dl") == 0 or return;
+ system("$md5cmd $target/$filename.dl > \"$target/$filename.md5sum\" ") == 0 or return;
+ } else {
+ open WGET, "wget -t5 --timeout=20 $options -O- \"$mirror/$filename\" |" or die "Cannot launch wget.\n";
+ open MD5SUM, "| $md5cmd > \"$target/$filename.md5sum\"" or die "Cannot launch md5sum.\n";
+ open OUTPUT, "> $target/$filename.dl" or die "Cannot create file $target/$filename.dl: $!\n";
+ my $buffer;
+ while (read WGET, $buffer, 1048576) {
+ print MD5SUM $buffer;
+ print OUTPUT $buffer;
+ }
+ close MD5SUM;
+ close WGET;
+ close OUTPUT;
+ if (($? >> 8) != 0 ) {
+ print STDERR "Download failed.\n";
+ cleanup();
+ return;
+ }
my $sum = `cat "$target/$filename.md5sum"`;
$sum =~ /^(\w+)\s*/ or die "Could not generate md5sum\n";
$sum = $1;
if (($md5sum =~ /\w{32}/) and ($sum ne $md5sum)) {
- print STDERR "MD5 sum of the downloaded file does not match - deleting download.\n";
+ print STDERR "MD5 sum of the downloaded file does not match (file: $sum, requested: $md5sum) - deleting download.\n";
unlink "$target/$filename";
system("mv \"$target/$filename.dl\" \"$target/$filename\"");
push @mirrors, "$1";
} elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@GNU\/(.+)$/) {
- my $gnupath = $1;
- push @mirrors, "$gnupath";
- push @mirrors, "$gnupath";
- push @mirrors, "$gnupath";
- push @mirrors, "$gnupath";
- push @mirrors, "$gnupath";
- push @mirrors, "$gnupath";
- push @mirrors, "$gnupath";
- push @mirrors, "$gnupath";
- } else {
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ } elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@KERNEL\/(.+)$/) {
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ } elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@GNOME\/(.+)$/) {
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ push @mirrors, "$1";
+ }
+ else {
push @mirrors, $mirror;
while (!$ok) {
my $mirror = shift @mirrors;
$mirror or die "No more mirrors to try - giving up.\n";
-f "$target/$filename" and $ok = 1;