-PKG_NAME := ppp
-PKG_VERSION := 2.4.3
-PKG_SOURCE_SITE := ftp://ftp.samba.org/pub/ppp/
-I_PPP := $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipkg/ppp
-I_PPP_PPPOE_PLUGIN := $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipkg/ppp-pppoe-plugin
-I_PPP_RADIUS_PLUGIN := $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipkg/ppp-radius-plugin
-I_PPPDUMP := $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipkg/pppdump
-I_PPPSTATS := $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipkg/pppstats
-ifneq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_PPP_PPPOE),)
-ifneq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_PPPDUMP),)
-ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_PPP_PPPOE),y)
-INSTALL_TARGETS += $(IPKG_STATE_DIR)/info/ppp-pppoe-plugin.list
-INSTALL_TARGETS += $(IPKG_STATE_DIR)/info/ppp-radius-plugin.list
-ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_PPPDUMP),y)
-INSTALL_TARGETS += $(IPKG_STATE_DIR)/info/pppdump.list
-INSTALL_TARGETS += $(IPKG_STATE_DIR)/info/pppstats.list
- mkdir -p $(DL_DIR)
- mkdir -p $(TOOL_BUILD_DIR)
- $(PATCH) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) . $(PKG_NAME).patch
- touch $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.patched
-$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.configured: $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.patched
- (cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR); \
- rm -f config.cache; \
- ./configure \
- --target=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \
- --host=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \
- --build=$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --exec-prefix=/usr \
- --bindir=/usr/bin \
- --datadir=/usr/share \
- --infodir=/usr/share/info \
- --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --sbindir=/usr/sbin \
- --sysconfdir=/etc \
- touch $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.configured
-$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/pppd/pppd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/pppd/plugins/radius/radius.so: $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.configured
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
+define Package/ppp/Default
+ SECTION:=net
+ CATEGORY:=Network
+ URL:=http://ppp.samba.org/
+define Package/ppp
+$(call Package/ppp/Default)
+ DEPENDS:=+kmod-ppp
+ TITLE:=PPP daemon
+ MENU:=1
+define Package/ppp/description
+ This package contains the PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon.
+define Package/ppp-mod-pppoa
+$(call Package/ppp/Default)
+ DEPENDS:=ppp +linux-atm +kmod-pppoa
+ TITLE:=PPPoA plugin
+define Package/ppp-mod-pppoa/description
+ This package contains a PPPoA (PPP over ATM) plugin for ppp.
+define Package/ppp-mod-pppoe
+$(call Package/ppp/Default)
+ DEPENDS:=ppp +kmod-pppoe
+ TITLE:=PPPoE plugin
+define Package/ppp-mod-pppoe/description
+ This package contains a PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) plugin for ppp.
+define Package/ppp-mod-radius
+$(call Package/ppp/Default)
+ DEPENDS:=ppp
+ TITLE:=RADIUS plugin
+define Package/ppp-mod-radius/description
+ This package contains a RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User
+ Service) plugin for ppp.
+define Package/chat
+$(call Package/ppp/Default)
+ DEPENDS:=ppp
+ TITLE:=Establish conversation with a modem
+define Package/chat/description
+ This package contains an utility to establish conversation with other
+ PPP servers (via a modem).
+define Package/pppdump
+$(call Package/ppp/Default)
+ DEPENDS:=ppp
+ TITLE:=Read PPP record file
+define Package/pppdump/description
+ This package contains an utility to read PPP record file.
+define Package/pppstats
+$(call Package/ppp/Default)
+ DEPENDS:=ppp
+ TITLE:=Report PPP statistics
+define Package/pppstats/description
+ This package contains an utility to report PPP statistics.
+define Build/Configure
+$(call Build/Configure/Default,, \
+ UNAME_S="Linux" \
+ UNAME_M="$(ARCH)" \
+define Build/Compile
+ rm -rf $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)
+ mkdir -p $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr