+ $(CP) $(KDIR)/bzImage $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-tftp-$(BOARD)-$(1)-$(2).img
+ dd of=$(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-tftp-$(BOARD)-$(1)-$(2).img if=/dev/null bs=1024 seek=1024
+ cat $(KDIR)/root.$(1) >> $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-tftp-$(BOARD)-$(1)-$(2).img
+ if [ ! -x $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/zyxel_combine ]; then echo "#ERR Please copy the ZyXEL \"combine\" tool as $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/zyxel_combine to build."; fi
+ sh -c "mkdir $(KDIR)/zyxel.tmp && cd $(KDIR)/zyxel.tmp && mv ../root.tmp initrd.bin && cp ../bzImage kernel.bin && $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/zyxel_combine -mcf kernel.bin initrd.bin && mv image $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(BOARD)-$(1)-$(2).rmt" || :
+ $(RM) -r $(KDIR)/zyxel.tmp
+define Image/Build/amit
+ $(call Image/Prepare/$(1))
+ if [ ! -x $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/amit_makebin ]; then echo "#ERR Please copy the AMIT \"makebin\" tool from http://mgb111.pradnik.net/ as $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/amit_makebin to build."; fi
+ sh -c "mkdir -p $(KDIR)/amit.tmp/linux_src/arch/i386/boot $(KDIR)/amit.tmp/rom_disk && cd $(KDIR)/amit.tmp && ln -s ../../root.$(1) rom_disk/fs.img && ln -s ../../../../../bzImage linux_src/arch/i386/boot && $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/amit_makebin && mv upgrade.img $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(BOARD)-$(1)-anas350.bin" || :
+ $(RM) -r $(KDIR)/amit.tmp
+ $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/makeamitbin -o $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(BOARD)-$(1)-ar360w3g.bin -1 ALK_ATG001 -2 Atropos linux3g $(KDIR)/bzImage ramdisk3g $(KDIR)/root.$(1)
+define Image/Build/Initramfs
+ $(CP) $(KDIR)/bzImage $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(BOARD)-ramfs.bzImage