-# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 OpenWrt.org
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
-# $Id$
-include $(TMP_DIR)/.packagedeps
$(curdir)/builddirs:=$(sort $(package-) $(package-y) $(package-m))
-$(curdir)/builddirs-default:=. $(sort $(package-y) $(package-m))
-$(curdir)/builddirs-prereq:=. $(sort $(prereq-y) $(prereq-m))
-$(curdir)/builddirs-install:=. $(sort $(package-y))
+ifeq ($(SDK),1)
+ $(curdir)/builddirs-install:=.
+ $(curdir)/builddirs-default:=. $(sort $(package-y) $(package-m))
+ $(curdir)/builddirs-prereq:=. $(sort $(prereq-y) $(prereq-m))
+ $(curdir)/builddirs-install:=. $(sort $(package-y))
+ifneq ($(IGNORE_ERRORS),)
+ $(curdir)/builddirs-ignore-compile:= $(if $(filter n m y, $(IGNORE_ERRORS)),$(foreach m,$(IGNORE_ERRORS),$(package-$(subst n,,$(m)))),$(package-m) $(package-))
$(curdir)/cleanup: $(TMP_DIR)/.build
- rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR)
+ - find $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT) -type d | $(XARGS) chmod 0755
+ define mklibs
+ rm -rf $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-progs $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out
+ # first find all programs and add them to the mklibs list
+ find $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT) -type f -perm +100 -exec \
+ file -r -N -F '' {} + | \
+ awk ' /executable.*dynamically/ { print $$1 }' > $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-progs
+ # find all loadable objects that are not regular libraries and add them to the list as well
+ find $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT) -type f -name \*.so\* -exec \
+ file -r -N -F '' {} + | \
+ awk ' /shared object/ { print $$1 }' >> $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-progs
+ mkdir -p $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out
+ $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mklibs.py -D \
+ -d $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out \
+ --sysroot $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT) \
+ -L /lib \
+ -L /usr/lib \
+ -L /usr/lib/ebtables \
+ --ldlib $(patsubst $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/%,/%,$(firstword $(wildcard \
+ $(foreach name,ld-uClibc.so.* ld-linux.so.* ld-*.so, \
+ $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/lib/$(name) \
+ )))) \
+ --target $(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME) \
+ `cat $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-progs` 2>&1
+ $(RSTRIP) $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out
+ for lib in `ls $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out/*.so.* 2>/dev/null`; do \
+ LIB="$${lib##*/}"; \
+ DEST="`ls "$(TARGET_DIR)/lib/$$LIB" "$(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/$$LIB" 2>/dev/null`"; \
+ [ -n "$$DEST" ] || continue; \
+ echo "Copying stripped library $$lib to $$DEST"; \
+ cp "$$lib" "$$DEST" || exit 1; \
+ done
+ endef
$(curdir)/rootfs-prepare: $(TMP_DIR)/.build
@-$(MAKE) package/preconfig
@if [ -d $(TOPDIR)/files ]; then \
+ ( cd $(TOPDIR)/files; find -type f ) | \
+ ( cd $(TARGET_DIR); while :; do \
+ read FILE; \
+ [ -z "$$FILE" ] && break; \
+ [ -L "$$FILE" ] || continue; \
+ echo "Removing symlink $(TARGET_DIR)/$$FILE"; \
+ rm -f "$$FILE"; \
+ done; ); \
$(CP) $(TOPDIR)/files/. $(TARGET_DIR); \
@mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/rc.d
cd $(TARGET_DIR); \
for script in ./etc/init.d/*; do \
grep '#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common' $$script >/dev/null || continue; \
- IPKG_INSTROOT=$(TARGET_DIR) $(which bash) ./etc/rc.common $$script enable; \
+ IPKG_INSTROOT=$(TARGET_DIR) $$(which bash) ./etc/rc.common $$script enable; \
done || true \
@-find $(TARGET_DIR) -name CVS | $(XARGS) rm -rf
@-find $(TARGET_DIR) -name .svn | $(XARGS) rm -rf
@-find $(TARGET_DIR) -name '.#*' | $(XARGS) rm -f
- $(if $(CONFIG_CLEAN_IPKG),rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/ipkg)
+ $(if $(CONFIG_CLEAN_IPKG),rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/opkg)
+ $(call mklibs)
$(curdir)/index: FORCE
- @(cd $(PACKAGE_DIR); $(SCRIPT_DIR)/ipkg-make-index.sh . > Packages)
+ @(cd $(PACKAGE_DIR); $(SCRIPT_DIR)/ipkg-make-index.sh . 2>&1 > Packages && \
+ gzip -9c Packages > Packages.gz \
+ )
$(curdir)/flags-install:= -j1