-[ $# = 0 ] && { echo " $0 <group>"; exit; }
-. /etc/functions.sh
-. /etc/network.overrides
-[ "$FAILSAFE" != "true" -a -e /etc/config/network ] && . /etc/config/network
+# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
-ifdown $1
+. /sbin/ifdown "$@"
-debug "### ifup $type ###"
-if_proto=$(nvram get ${type}_proto)
-if=$(nvram get ${type}_ifname)
-case "$if_proto" in
- pppoa) hotplug_dev register atm0; exit 0 ;;
- pppoe)
- ifconfig nas0 2>&- >&- || {
- hotplug_dev register atm0
- exit 0
- }
- ;;
- none|"") exit 0;;
+config_get iftype "$1" type
+case "$iftype" in
+ bridge) config_get ifname "$1" ifnames;;
+ *) config_get ifname "$1" ifname;;
-[ "${if%%[0-9]*}" = "ppp" ] && if="$(nvram get ${if_proto}_ifname)"
+for dev in $ifname; do
+ brctl show | grep "$dev" >/dev/null && {
+ # interface is still part of a bridge, correct that
-if [ "${if%%[0-9]}" = "br" ]; then
- for sif in $(nvram get ${type}_ifnames); do
- hotplug_dev register "$sif"
- done
- hotplug_dev register "$if"
+ for brdev in $(brctl show | awk '$2 ~ /^[0-9].*\./ { print $1 }'); do
+ brctl delif "$brdev" "$dev" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
+ done
+ }
+ setup_interface "$dev" "$1"