-Only in dropbear-0.44test2: .configured
-diff -r -u dropbear-0.44test2-old/cli-session.c dropbear-0.44test2/cli-session.c
---- dropbear-0.44test2-old/cli-session.c 2004-08-17 21:22:59.000000000 +1000
-+++ dropbear-0.44test2/cli-session.c 2004-08-19 21:50:59.000000000 +1000
-@@ -112,9 +112,14 @@
- cli_ses.tty_raw_mode = 0;
- cli_ses.winchange = 0;
-+ /* We store stdin's flags, so we can set them back on exit (otherwise
-+ * busybox's ash isn't happy */
-+ cli_ses.stdincopy = dup(STDIN_FILENO);
-+ cli_ses.stdinflags = fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_GETFL, 0);
- /* Auth */
- cli_ses.lastpubkey = NULL;
-- cli_ses.lastauthtype = NULL;
-+ cli_ses.lastauthtype = 0;
- /* For printing "remote host closed" for the user */
- ses.remoteclosed = cli_remoteclosed;
-@@ -240,6 +245,12 @@
- if (!sessinitdone) {
- return;
- }
-+ /* Set stdin back to non-blocking - busybox ash dies nastily
-+ * if we don't revert the flags */
-+ TRACE(("close stdincopy = %d", cli_ses.stdincopy));
-+ fcntl(cli_ses.stdincopy, F_SETFL, cli_ses.stdinflags);
- cli_tty_cleanup();
- }
-diff -r -u dropbear-0.44test2-old/options.h dropbear-0.44test2/options.h
---- dropbear-0.44test2-old/options.h 2004-08-17 21:23:00.000000000 +1000
-+++ dropbear-0.44test2/options.h 2004-08-20 13:40:44.000000000 +1000
-@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
- * for hostkey as well as for verifying signatures with pubkey auth.
- * Removing either of these won't save very much space.
- * SSH2 RFC Draft requires dss, recommends rsa */
--#define DROPBEAR_RSA
-+//#define DROPBEAR_RSA
- #define DROPBEAR_DSS
- /* Define DSS_PROTOK to use PuTTY's method of generating the value k for dss,
-diff -r -u dropbear-0.44test2-old/session.h dropbear-0.44test2/session.h
---- dropbear-0.44test2-old/session.h 2004-08-17 21:23:00.000000000 +1000
-+++ dropbear-0.44test2/session.h 2004-08-19 21:50:59.000000000 +1000
-@@ -212,6 +212,8 @@
- int tty_raw_mode; /* Whether we're in raw mode (and have to clean up) */
- struct termios saved_tio;
-+ int stdincopy;
-+ int stdinflags;
- int winchange; /* Set to 1 when a windowchange signal happens */