echo -ne '\xde\xad\xc0\xde' >> $(1)
-# pad to 64k and add jffs2 end-of-filesystem mark
-# do this twice to make sure that this works with 128k blocksize as well
+# pad to 4k, 8k, 64k, 128k and add jffs2 end-of-filesystem mark
define prepare_generic_squashfs
- dd if=$(1) of=$(KDIR)/tmpfile.1 bs=64k conv=sync
+ dd if=$(1) of=$(KDIR)/tmpfile.0 bs=4k conv=sync
+ $(call add_jffs2_mark,$(KDIR)/tmpfile.0)
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/tmpfile.0 of=$(KDIR)/tmpfile.1 bs=4k conv=sync
$(call add_jffs2_mark,$(KDIR)/tmpfile.1)
- dd of=$(1) if=$(KDIR)/tmpfile.1 bs=64k conv=sync
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/tmpfile.1 of=$(KDIR)/tmpfile.2 bs=64k conv=sync
+ $(call add_jffs2_mark,$(KDIR)/tmpfile.2)
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/tmpfile.2 of=$(1) bs=64k conv=sync
$(call add_jffs2_mark,$(1))
+ rm -f $(KDIR)/tmpfile.*