[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Error: should be run by udhcpc" && exit 1
. /etc/functions.sh
include /lib/network
-hotplug_event() {
- scan_interfaces
- for ifc in $interfaces; do
- config_get ifname $ifc ifname
- [ "$ifname" = "$interface" ] || continue
- config_get proto $ifc proto
- [ "$proto" = "dhcp" ] || continue
- [ ifup = "$1" ] && {
- uci_set_state network "$ifc" ipaddr "$ip"
- uci_set_state network "$ifc" netmask "${subnet:-}"
- uci_set_state network "$ifc" dnsdomain "$domain"
- uci_set_state network "$ifc" dns "$dns"
- uci_set_state network "$ifc" gateway "$router"
- }
- env -i ACTION="$1" INTERFACE="$ifc" DEVICE="$ifname" PROTO=dhcp /sbin/hotplug-call iface
- done
+change_state () {
+ [ -n "$ifc" ] || return
+ uci_revert_state "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"
+ uci_set_state "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"
-case "$1" in
- deconfig)
- ifconfig $interface
- hotplug_event ifdown
- ;;
- renew|bound)
- ifconfig $interface $ip \
- netmask ${subnet:-} \
- broadcast ${broadcast:-+}
- [ -n "$router" ] && {
- for i in $router ; do
- echo "adding router $i"
- route add default gw $i dev $interface
- valid="$valid|$i"
- done
- echo "deleting old routes"
- $(route -n | awk '/^\W{9}('$valid')\W/ {next} /^ {print "route del -net "$1" gw "$2";"}')
- }
+setup_interface () {
+ local old_ip
+ local old_broadcast
+ local old_subnet
+ local old_router
+ local old_dns
+ local user_dns
+ local user_router
+ [ -n "$ifc" ] && {
+ old_ip="$(uci_get_state network "$ifc" ipaddr)"
+ old_broadcast="$(uci_get_state network "$ifc" broadcast)"
+ old_subnet="$(uci_get_state network "$ifc" netmask)"
+ }
+ [ "$ip" != "$old_ip" ] \
+ || [ "${broadcast:-+}" != "$old_broadcast" ] \
+ || [ "${subnet:-}" != "$old_subnet" ] && {
+ echo "udhcpc: ifconfig $interface $ip netmask ${subnet:-} broadcast ${broadcast:-+}"
+ ifconfig $interface $ip netmask ${subnet:-} broadcast ${broadcast:-+}
+ change_state network "$ifc" ipaddr "$ip"
+ change_state network "$ifc" broadcast "${broadcast:-+}"
+ change_state network "$ifc" netmask "${subnet:-}"
+ }
+ # Default Route
+ [ -n "$ifc" ] && {
+ change_state network "$ifc" lease_gateway "$router"
+ old_router="$(uci_get_state network "$ifc" gateway)"
+ user_router="$(uci_get network "$ifc" gateway)"
+ [ -n "$user_router" ] && router="$user_router"
+ }
+ [ -n "$router" ] && [ "$router" != "" ] && [ "$router" != "" ] && [ "$router" != "$old_router" ] && {
+ echo "udhcpc: setting default routers: $router"
+ local valid_gw=""
+ for i in $router ; do
+ route add default gw $i dev $interface
+ valid_gw="${valid_gw:+$valid_gw|}$i"
+ done
- [ -n "$dns" ] && {
- echo -n > "${RESOLV_CONF}.tmp"
- ${domain:+echo search $domain} >> "${RESOLV_CONF}.tmp"
- for i in $dns ; do
- echo "adding dns $i"
- echo "nameserver $i" >> "${RESOLV_CONF}.tmp"
- done
- mv "${RESOLV_CONF}.tmp" "$RESOLV_CONF"
+ eval $(route -n | awk '
+ /^\W{9}('$valid_gw')\W/ {next}
+ /^ {print "route del -net "$1" gw "$2";"}
+ ')
+ change_state network "$ifc" gateway "$router"
+ }
+ # CIDR STATIC ROUTES (rfc3442)
+ [ -n "$cidrroute" ] && {
+ # This defines how many CIDR Routes can be assigned so that we do not enter
+ # an endless loop on malformed data
+ while [ ${MAXCIDRROUTES} -gt "0" ]; do
+ # Format is
+ # $MASK $NW $GW
+ # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ MASK=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ if [ ${MASK} = "0" ] ; then
+ # 1 2 3 5 6
+ NW="0"
+ GW=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $2"."$3"."$4"."$5 }' )
+ elif [ ${MASK} -le "8" ] ; then
+ # 1 2 3 5 6 7
+ NW=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $2 }' )
+ GW=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $3"."$4"."$5"."$6 }' )
+ elif [ ${MASK} -le "16" ] ; then
+ # 1 2 3 5 6 7 8
+ NW=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $2"."$3 }' )
+ GW=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $4"."$5"."$6"."$7 }' )
+ elif [ ${MASK} -le "24" ] ; then
+ # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ NW=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $2"."$3"."$4 }' )
+ GW=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $5"."$6"."$7"."$8 }' )
+ else
+ # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ NW=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $2"."$3"."$4"."$5 }' )
+ GW=$(echo $cidrroute | awk '{ print $6"."$7"."$8"."$9 }' )
+ fi
+ echo [$ROUTECOUNTER] Route Network: $NW/$MASK Gateway: $GW on $interface
+ # TODO: Check for malformed data here to eliminate counter workaround
+ # Malformed data is: ... or xxx... or xxx.yyy.. or xxx.yyy.zzz.
+ [ -n "$NW" ] && [ -n "$GW" ] && {
+ route add $NW gw $GW dev $interface
+ }
+ # Clear the strings incase they don't get set next time around
+ if [ ${NW} = "0" ]; then
+ NW=""
+ fi
+ TMP="$MASK $NW $GW "
+ NW=""
+ GW=""
+ # Remove the '.' so that we can delete them from the input with sed
+ TMP=$(echo $TMP | sed "s/\./ /g")
+ # Remove the previous entry from cidrroute
+ cidrroute=$(echo $cidrroute | sed "s/$TMP//g")
+ # Add to counter
+ # Leave the loop if cidrroutes is empty (we've parsed everything)
+ [ ! -n "$cidrroute" ] && break
+ done
+ echo "done."
+ }
+ # DNS
+ old_dns=$(uci_get_state network "$ifc" dns)
+ old_domain=$(uci_get_state network "$ifc" dnsdomain)
+ user_dns=$(uci_get "network.$ifc.dns")
+ [ -n "$user_dns" ] && dns="$user_dns"
+ [ -n "$dns" ] && [ "$dns" != "$old_dns" -o -n "$user_dns" ] && {
+ echo "udhcpc: setting dns servers: $dns"
+ add_dns "$ifc" $dns
+ [ -n "$domain" ] && [ "$domain" != "$old_domain" ] && {
+ echo "udhcpc: setting dns domain: $domain"
+ sed -i -e "${old_domain:+/^search $old_domain$/d; }/^search $domain$/d" "${RESOLV_CONF}"
+ echo "search $domain" >> "${RESOLV_CONF}"
+ change_state network "$ifc" dnsdomain "$domain"
- hotplug_event ifup
- # user rules
- [ -f /etc/udhcpc.user ] && . /etc/udhcpc.user
- ;;
+ }
+ [ -n "$ifc" ] || return
+ # UCI State
+ change_state network "$ifc" lease_server "$serverid"
+ change_state network "$ifc" lease_acquired "$(date '+%s')"
+ change_state network "$ifc" lease_lifetime "$lease"
+ [ -n "$ntpsrv" ] && change_state network "$ifc" lease_ntpsrv "$ntpsrv"
+ [ -n "$timesvr" ] && change_state network "$ifc" lease_timesrv "$timesvr"
+ [ -n "$hostname" ] && change_state network "$ifc" lease_hostname "$hostname"
+ [ -n "$timezone" ] && change_state network "$ifc" lease_timezone "$timezone"
+ # Hotplug
+ env -i ACTION="$1" INTERFACE="$ifc" DEVICE="$ifname" PROTO=dhcp /sbin/hotplug-call iface
+for ifc in $interfaces __default; do
+ if [ "$ifc" = __default ]; then
+ ifc=""
+ [ -n "$applied" ] && continue
+ else
+ config_get ifname "$ifc" ifname
+ [ "$ifname" = "$interface" ] || continue
+ config_get proto "$ifc" proto
+ [ "$proto" = "dhcp" ] || continue
+ applied=true
+ fi
+ case "$1" in
+ deconfig)
+ ifconfig "$interface"
+ [ -n "$ifc" ] && {
+ env -i ACTION="ifdown" INTERFACE="$ifc" DEVICE="$ifname" PROTO=dhcp /sbin/hotplug-call iface
+ config_get device "$ifc" device
+ config_get ifname "$ifc" ifname
+ config_get aliases "$ifc" aliases
+ uci_revert_state network "$ifc"
+ [ -n "$device" ] && uci_set_state network "$ifc" device "$device"
+ [ -n "$ifname" ] && uci_set_state network "$ifc" ifname "$ifname"
+ [ -n "$aliases" ] && uci_set_state network "$ifc" aliases "$aliases"
+ }
+ ;;
+ renew)
+ setup_interface update
+ ;;
+ bound)
+ setup_interface ifup
+ ;;
+ esac
+# user rules
+[ -f /etc/udhcpc.user ] && . /etc/udhcpc.user
exit 0