- /* Construct a ip/udp header for a packet, and specify the source and dest hardware address */
- void BUG_sizeof_struct_udp_dhcp_packet_must_be_576(void);
-@@ -132,6 +136,7 @@
- int result;
- struct sockaddr_ll dest;
- struct udp_dhcp_packet packet;
-+ int p_len = udhcp_get_payload_len(payload);
+ /* Construct a ip/udp header for a packet, send packet */
+ int FAST_FUNC udhcp_send_raw_packet(struct dhcp_packet *dhcp_pkt,
+ uint32_t source_ip, int source_port,
+@@ -175,11 +180,7 @@ int FAST_FUNC udhcp_send_raw_packet(stru
+ int fd;
+ int result = -1;
+ const char *msg;
+- enum {
+- IP_UPD_DHCP_SIZE = sizeof(struct ip_udp_dhcp_packet) - CONFIG_UDHCPC_SLACK_FOR_BUGGY_SERVERS,
+- UPD_DHCP_SIZE = IP_UPD_DHCP_SIZE - offsetof(struct ip_udp_dhcp_packet, udp),
+- };
++ int p_len = udhcp_get_payload_len(dhcp_pkt);