-# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
TESTING:=$(if $(findstring -rc,$(LINUX_VERSION)),/testing,)
- ifeq ($(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_TREE)),)
+ ifeq ($(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_TREE))$(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_KERNEL_GIT_CLONE_URI)),)
ifeq ($(word 1,$(subst ., ,$(KERNEL_BASE))),3)
mods="$$$$$$$$2"; \
boot="$$$$$$$$3"; \
shift 3; \
- mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules.d; \
- ( \
- [ "$$$$$$$$boot" = "1" ] && { \
- echo '# May be required for rootfs' ; \
- } ; \
- for mod in $$$$$$$$mods; do \
- echo "$$$$$$$$mod"; \
- done \
- ) > $(2)/etc/modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1); \
- modules="$$$$$$$${modules:+$$$$$$$$modules }$$$$$$$$priority-$(1)"; \
+ for mod in $$$$$$$$mods; do \
+ if [ -e $(2)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR)/$$$$$$$$mod.ko ]; then \
+ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules.d; \
+ echo "$$$$$$$$mod" >> $(2)/etc/modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1); \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ if [ -e $(2)/etc/modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1) ]; then \
+ if [ "$$$$$$$$boot" = "1" ]; then \
+ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d; \
+ ln -s ../modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1) $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d/; \
+ fi; \
+ modules="$$$$$$$${modules:+$$$$$$$$modules }$$$$$$$$priority-$(1)"; \
+ fi; \
}; \
$(3) \
if [ -n "$$$$$$$$modules" ]; then \
$(call KernelPackage/depends)
- ifneq ($(if $(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$(filter m,$(foreach c,$(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$($(c)))),.),)
+ ifneq ($(if $(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$(filter m y,$(foreach c,$(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$($(c)))),.),)
ifneq ($(strip $(FILES)),)
define Package/kmod-$(1)/install
- mkdir -p $$(1)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR)
- $(CP) -L $$(FILES) $$(1)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR)/
+ @for mod in $$(FILES); do \
+ if [ -e $$$$$$$$mod ]; then \
+ mkdir -p $$(1)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR) ; \
+ $(CP) -L $$$$$$$$mod $$(1)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR)/ ; \
+ else \
+ echo "WARNING: module '$$$$$$$$mod' does not exist, is it built-in?" ; \
+ fi; \
+ done;
$(call ModuleAutoLoad,$(1),$$(1),$(AUTOLOAD))
$(call KernelPackage/$(1)/install,$$(1))
kernel_patchver_gt=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-gt,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1))
kernel_patchver_ge=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-ge,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1))
kernel_patchver_eq=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-eq,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1))
-kernel_patchver_le=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-lt,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1))
-kernel_patchver_lt=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-le,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1))
+kernel_patchver_le=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-le,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1))
+kernel_patchver_lt=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-lt,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1))