# Some functions we might call several times a run
delete_symlinks() {
- find $1 -type l | xargs rm -f
+ find $1 -type l | xargs -r rm -f
setup_symlinks() {
# We assume that feeds do reproduce the hierarchy : section/package
# so that we can make this structure be flat in $PACKAGE_DIR
- for dir in $(ls $2/)
+ for dir in $(ls $1/)
- ln -s $2/$dir/*/* $1/
+ ln -s $1/$dir/* $2/
checkout_feed() {
# We ensure the feed has not already been checked out, if so, we just update the source feed
if [ -d $FEEDS_DIR/$2 ]; then
- svn update $FEEDS_DIR/$2
+ svn up $FEEDS_DIR/$2
echo "Updated to revision $(LANG=C svn info $FEEDS_DIR/$2 | awk '/^Revision:/ { print $2 }' )";
# Otherwise, we have to checkout in the $FEEDS_DIR
extract_feed_name() {
# We extract the last name of the URL, maybe we should rename this as domain.tld.repository.name
- echo "$(echo $1 | awk -F/ '{ print $NF}')"
+ echo "$(echo $1 | sed -e "s/[^A-Za-z\.]\+/_/g")"
# We can delete symlinks every time we start this script, since modifications have been made in the $FEEDS_DIR anyway