- pass in additional arguments for a standard configure script. The first list of arguments will be passed to the configure script like that : $--arg 1$ $--arg 2$. The second list contains arguments that should be defined before running the configure script such as autoconf or compiler specific variables.
+ pass in additional arguments for a standard configure script. The first list of arguments will be passed
+ to the configure script like that: \texttt{--arg 1} \texttt{--arg 2}. The second list contains arguments that should be
+ defined before running the configure script such as autoconf or compiler specific variables.
+ To make it easier to modify the configure command line, you can either extend or completely override the following variables:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \texttt{CONFIGURE\_ARGS} \\
+ Contains all command line arguments (format: \texttt{--arg 1} \texttt{--arg 2})
+ \item \texttt{CONFIGURE\_VARS} \\
+ Contains all environment variables that are passed to ./configure (format: \texttt{NAME="value"})
+ \end{itemize}