+ move t1, ra # save return address
+ la t0, __reloc_label # get linked address of label
+ bal __reloc_label # branch and link to label to
+ nop # get actual address
+ subu t0, ra, t0 # get reloc_delta
+ move ra, t1 # restore return address
+ beqz t0, __reloc_end # if delta is 0 we are in the right place
+ nop
+ /* Copy our code to the right place */
+ la t1, _code_start # get linked address of _code_start
+ la t2, _code_end # get linked address of _code_end
+ addu t0, t0, t1 # calculate actual address of _code_start
+ lw t3, 0(t0)
+ sw t3, 0(t1)