# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# subdirectories to descend into
-$(curdir)/builddirs := sed sstrip ipkg-utils genext2fs squashfs mtd-utils lzma mkimage firmware-utils patch-cmdline pkg-config automake $(if $(CONFIG_CCACHE),ccache) bison $(if $(CONFIG_powerpc),dtc) lua quilt autoconf
+tools-y :=
+tools-$(CONFIG_GCC_VERSION_4_3)$(CONFIG_GCC_VERSION_4_4) += gmp mpfr
+tools-y += m4 autoconf automake bison pkg-config sed
+tools-y += sstrip ipkg-utils genext2fs squashfs squashfs4 mtd-utils lzma-old mkimage
+tools-y += firmware-utils patch-cmdline quilt yaffs2
+tools-$(CONFIG_CCACHE) += ccache
+tools-$(CONFIG_powerpc) += dtc
# builddir dependencies
-$(curdir)/squashfs/compile := $(curdir)/lzma/install
+$(curdir)/squashfs/compile := $(curdir)/lzma-old/install
$(curdir)/quilt/compile := $(curdir)/sed/install
+$(curdir)/dtc/compile := $(curdir)/bison/install
+$(curdir)/autoconf/compile := $(curdir)/m4/install
+$(curdir)/automake/compile := $(curdir)/m4/install $(curdir)/autoconf/install
+$(curdir)/mpfr/compile := $(curdir)/gmp/install
+$(curdir)/builddirs := $(tools-y) $(tools-dep) $(tools-)
+$(curdir)/builddirs-default := $(tools-y)
# preparatory work
$(STAGING_DIR)/.prepared: $(TMP_DIR)/.build
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(TOPDIR)/tools/include/*.h $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/include/
touch $@
-$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/md5sum: $(STAGING_DIR)/.prepared
- @MD5SUM=`which md5sum 2>/dev/null`; \
- if [ "$@" != "$$MD5SUM" ]; then \
- if [ -x "$$MD5SUM" ]; then \
- ln -sf "$$MD5SUM" "$@"; \
- else \
- cp $(SCRIPT_DIR)/md5sum $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/; \
- fi; \
- fi
+define PrepareCommand
+$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/$(1): $(STAGING_DIR)/.prepared
+ @mkdir -p "$$(dir $$@)"; rm -f "$$@"
+ @export FILE="$$$$(which $(2) 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'not found' | head -n1)"; [ -n "$$$$FILE" ] || { \
+ echo "Command $(1) not found."; false; \
+ }; ln -s "$$$$FILE" "$$@"
-$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/find: $(STAGING_DIR)/.prepared
- [ -x "$(FIND)" ] && ln -sf "$(FIND)" $@
+$(eval $(call PrepareCommand,find,gfind find))
+$(eval $(call PrepareCommand,md5sum,md5sum $(SCRIPT_DIR)/md5sum))
+$(eval $(call PrepareCommand,cp,gcp cp))
+$(eval $(call PrepareCommand,stat,gstat stat))
-$(curdir)/cmddeps = $(patsubst %,$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/%,find md5sum)
+$(curdir)/cmddeps = $(patsubst %,$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/%,find md5sum cp stat)
$(curdir)//prepare = $(STAGING_DIR)/.prepared $($(curdir)/cmddeps)
$(curdir)//compile = $(STAGING_DIR)/.prepared $($(curdir)/cmddeps)
$(curdir)/ := .config prereq
$(curdir)//install = $(1)/compile
-$(eval $(call stampfile,$(curdir),tools,install))
+$(eval $(call stampfile,$(curdir),tools,install,,CONFIG_CCACHE CONFIG_powerpc CONFIG_GCC_VERSION_4_3))
$(eval $(call subdir,$(curdir)))