/^Target-Features:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{features} = [ split(/\s+/, $1) ];
/^Target-Depends:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{depends} = [ split(/\s+/, $1) ];
/^Target-Description:/ and $target->{desc} = get_multiline(*FILE);
+ /^Target-Optimization:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{cflags} = $1;
/^Linux-Version:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{version} = $1;
/^Linux-Release:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{release} = $1;
/^Linux-Kernel-Arch:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{karch} = $1;
/display/ and $ret .= "\tselect DISPLAY_SUPPORT\n";
/gpio/ and $ret .= "\tselect GPIO_SUPPORT\n";
/pci/ and $ret .= "\tselect PCI_SUPPORT\n";
+ /pcie/ and $ret .= "\tselect PCIE_SUPPORT\n";
/usb/ and $ret .= "\tselect USB_SUPPORT\n";
/pcmcia/ and $ret .= "\tselect PCMCIA_SUPPORT\n";
/squashfs/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_SQUASHFS\n";
/tgz/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_TGZ\n";
/cpiogz/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_CPIOGZ\n";
/fpu/ and $ret .= "\tselect HAS_FPU\n";
+ /ramdisk/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_INITRAMFS\n";
+ /powerpc64/ and $ret .= "\tselect powerpc64\n";
+ /nommu/ and $ret .= "\tselect NOMMU\n";
return $ret;
foreach my $target (@target) {
$target->{subtarget} or print "\t\tdefault \"".$target->{board}."\" if TARGET_".$target->{conf}."\n";
+ print <<EOF;
+ string
+ foreach my $target (@target) {
+ next if @{$target->{subtargets}} > 0;
+ print "\tdefault \"".$target->{cflags}."\" if TARGET_".$target->{conf}."\n";
+ }
+ print "\tdefault \"-Os -pipe -funit-at-a-time\"\n";
my %kver;
foreach my $target (@target) {
next if $kver{$v};
$kver{$v} = 1;
print <<EOF;
config LINUX_$v
foreach my $def (sort keys %defaults) {
my @depends = @$depends;
foreach my $depend (@depends) {
my $m = "depends";
- $depend =~ s/^([@\+]+)//;
- my $flags = $1;
+ my $flags = "";
+ $depend =~ s/^([@\+]+)// and $flags = $1;
my $vdep;
- my $condition;
+ my $condition = $parent_condition;
if ($depend =~ /^(.+):(.+)$/) {
if ($1 ne "PACKAGE_$pkgname") {
- if ($parent_condition) {
- $condition = "$parent_condition && $1";
+ if ($condition) {
+ $condition = "$condition && $1";
} else {
$condition = $1;
+sub get_conditional_dep($$) {
+ my $condition = shift;
+ my $depstr = shift;
+ if ($condition) {
+ if ($condition =~ /^!(.+)/) {
+ return "\$(if \$(CONFIG_$1),,$depstr)";
+ } else {
+ return "\$(if \$(CONFIG_$condition),$depstr)";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $depstr;
+ }
sub gen_package_mk() {
my %conf;
my %dep;
next if $done{$pkg->{src}};
$done{$pkg->{src}} = 1;
+ if (@{$pkg->{buildtypes}} > 0) {
+ print "buildtypes-$pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src} = ".join(' ', @{$pkg->{buildtypes}})."\n";
+ }
foreach my $spkg (@{$srcpackage{$pkg->{src}}}) {
foreach my $dep (@{$spkg->{depends}}, @{$spkg->{builddepends}}) {
$dep =~ /@/ or do {
+ foreach my $type (@{$pkg->{buildtypes}}) {
+ my @extra_deps;
+ my %deplines;
+ next unless $pkg->{"builddepends/$type"};
+ foreach my $dep (@{$pkg->{"builddepends/$type"}}) {
+ my $suffix = "";
+ my $condition;
+ if ($dep =~ /^(.+):(.+)/) {
+ $condition = $1;
+ $dep = $2;
+ }
+ if ($dep =~ /^(.+)(\/.+)/) {
+ $dep = $1;
+ $suffix = $2;
+ }
+ my $pkg_dep = $package{$dep};
+ next unless $pkg_dep;
+ my $idx = "";
+ if (defined $pkg_dep->{src}) {
+ $idx = $pkg_dep->{subdir}.$pkg_dep->{src};
+ } elsif (defined($srcpackage{$dep})) {
+ $idx = $subdir{$dep}.$dep;
+ }
+ my $depstr = "\$(curdir)/$idx$suffix/compile";
+ my $depline = get_conditional_dep($condition, $depstr);
+ if ($depline) {
+ $deplines{$dep} = $depline;
+ }
+ }
+ my $depline = join(" ", values %deplines);
+ if ($depline) {
+ $line .= "\$(curdir)/".$pkg->{subdir}."$pkg->{src}/$type/compile += $depline\n";
+ }
+ }
my $hasdeps = 0;
my %deplines;
foreach my $deps (@srcdeps) {
my $idx;
my $condition;
+ my $prefix = "";
+ my $suffix = "";
if ($deps =~ /^(.+):(.+)/) {
$condition = $1;
$deps = $2;
+ if ($deps =~ /^(.+)(\/.+)/) {
+ $deps = $1;
+ $suffix = $2;
+ }
my $pkg_dep = $package{$deps};
my @deps;
foreach my $dep (@deps) {
$pkg_dep = $package{$deps};
if (defined $pkg_dep->{src}) {
- ($pkg->{src} ne $pkg_dep->{src}) and $idx = $pkg_dep->{subdir}.$pkg_dep->{src};
+ ($pkg->{src} ne $pkg_dep->{src}.$suffix) and $idx = $pkg_dep->{subdir}.$pkg_dep->{src};
} elsif (defined($srcpackage{$dep})) {
$idx = $subdir{$dep}.$dep;
+ $idx .= $suffix;
undef $idx if $idx =~ /^(kernel)|(base-files)$/;
if ($idx) {
my $depline;
- next if $pkg->{src} eq $pkg_dep->{src};
+ next if $pkg->{src} eq $pkg_dep->{src}.$suffix;
next if $dep{$pkg->{src}."->".$idx};
next if $dep{$pkg->{src}."->($dep)".$idx} and $pkg_dep->{vdepends};
my $depstr;
$depstr = "\$(curdir)/$idx/compile";
$dep{$pkg->{src}."->".$idx} = 1;
- if ($condition) {
- if ($condition =~ /^!(.+)/) {
- $depline = "\$(if \$(CONFIG_$1),,$depstr)";
- } else {
- $depline = "\$(if \$(CONFIG_$condition),$depstr)";
- }
- } else {
- $depline = $depstr;
- }
+ $depline = get_conditional_dep($condition, $depstr);
if ($depline) {
$deplines{$idx.$dep} = $depline;