use metadata;
use warnings;
use strict;
+use Cwd 'abs_path';
chdir "$FindBin::Bin/..";
+my $mk=`which gmake`; # select the right 'make' program
+chomp($mk); # trim trailing newline
+$mk or $mk = "make"; # default to 'make'
+# check version of make
+my @mkver = split /\s+/, `$mk -v`, 4;
+my $valid_mk = 1;
+$mkver[0] =~ /^GNU/ or $valid_mk = 0;
+$mkver[1] =~ /^Make/ or $valid_mk = 0;
+$mkver[2] >= "3.81" or $valid_mk = 0;
+$valid_mk or die "Unsupported version of make found: $mk\n";
my @feeds;
my %build_packages;
my %installed;
my $line = 0;
my %name;
- open FEEDS, "feeds.conf";
+ open FEEDS, "feeds.conf" or
+ open FEEDS, "feeds.conf.default" or
+ die "Unable to open feeds configuration";
while (<FEEDS>) {
next unless /\S/;
my @line = split /\s+/, $_, 3;
+ my @src;
my $valid = 1;
$line[0] =~ /^src-\w+$/ or $valid = 0;
$line[1] =~ /^\w+$/ or $valid = 0;
- $line[2] =~ /\s/ and $valid = 0;
+ @src = split /\s+/, $line[2];
$valid or die "Syntax error in feeds.list, line: $line\n";
$name{$line[1]} and die "Duplicate feed name '$line[1]', line: $line\n";
$name{$line[1]} = 1;
- push @feeds, [@line];
+ push @feeds, [$line[0], $line[1], \@src];
close FEEDS;
-sub update_svn($$) {
+sub update_location($$)
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $url = shift;
+ my $old_url;
+ -d "./feeds/$name.tmp" or mkdir "./feeds/$name.tmp" or return 1;
+ if( open LOC, "< ./feeds/$name.tmp/location" )
+ {
+ chomp($old_url = readline LOC);
+ close LOC;
+ }
+ if( !$old_url || $old_url ne $url )
+ {
+ if( open LOC, "> ./feeds/$name.tmp/location" )
+ {
+ print LOC $url, "\n";
+ close LOC;
+ }
+ return $old_url ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub update_index($)
my $name = shift;
- my $src = shift;
- system("svn co $src ./feeds/$name") == 0 or return 1;
-d "./feeds/$name.tmp" or mkdir "./feeds/$name.tmp" or return 1;
-d "./feeds/$name.tmp/info" or mkdir "./feeds/$name.tmp/info" or return 1;
- system("make -s prepare-mk TMP_DIR=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/feeds/$name.tmp\"");
- system("make -s -f include/ IS_TTY=1 SCAN_TARGET=\"packageinfo\" SCAN_DIR=\"feeds/$name\" SCAN_NAME=\"package\" SCAN_DEPS=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/include/package*.mk\" SCAN_DEPTH=4 SCAN_EXTRA=\"\" TMP_DIR=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/feeds/$name.tmp\"");
+ system("$mk -s prepare-mk TMP_DIR=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/feeds/$name.tmp\"");
+ system("$mk -s -f include/ IS_TTY=1 SCAN_TARGET=\"packageinfo\" SCAN_DIR=\"feeds/$name\" SCAN_NAME=\"package\" SCAN_DEPS=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/include/package*.mk\" SCAN_DEPTH=5 SCAN_EXTRA=\"\" TMP_DIR=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/feeds/$name.tmp\"");
system("ln -sf $name.tmp/.packageinfo ./feeds/$name.index");
return 0;
+my %update_method = (
+ 'src-svn' => {
+ 'init' => "svn checkout '%s' '%s'",
+ 'update' => "svn update",
+ 'controldir' => ".svn"},
+ 'src-cpy' => {
+ 'init' => "cp -Rf '%s' '%s'",
+ 'update' => ""},
+ 'src-link' => {
+ 'init' => "ln -s '%s' '%s'",
+ 'update' => ""},
+ 'src-git' => {
+ 'init' => "git clone --depth 1 '%s' '%s'",
+ 'update' => "git pull",
+ 'controldir' => ".git"},
+ 'src-bzr' => {
+ 'init' => "bzr checkout --lightweight '%s' '%s'",
+ 'update' => "bzr update",
+ 'controldir' => ".bzr"},
+ 'src-hg' => {
+ 'init' => "hg clone '%s' '%s'",
+ 'update' => "hg pull --update",
+ 'controldir' => ".hg"}
+# src-git: pull broken
+# src-cpy: broken if `basename $src` != $name
+sub update_feed_via($$$$) {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $src = shift;
+ my $relocate = shift;
+ my $m = $update_method{$type};
+ my $localpath = "./feeds/$name";
+ my $safepath = $localpath;
+ $safepath =~ s/'/'\\''/;
+ if( $relocate || !$m->{'update'} || !-d "$localpath/$m->{'controldir'}" ) {
+ system("rm -rf '$safepath'");
+ system(sprintf($m->{'init'}, $src, $safepath)) == 0 or return 1;
+ } else {
+ system("cd '$safepath'; $m->{'update'}") == 0 or return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
sub get_feed($) {
my $feed = shift;
+ my $file = "./feeds/$feed.index";
- parse_package_metadata("./feeds/$feed.index") or return;
+ -f $file or do {
+ print "Ignoring feed '$feed' - index missing\n";
+ return;
+ };
+ parse_package_metadata($file) or return;
return { %package };
sub get_installed() {
- system("make -s prepare-tmpinfo");
+ system("$mk -s prepare-tmpinfo");
%installed = %package;
my $feed = shift;
my @substr = @_;
my $display;
return unless @substr > 0;
foreach my $name (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %package) {
my $substr;
my $pkgmatch = 1;
+ next if $pkg->{vdepends};
foreach my $substr (@substr) {
my $match;
- foreach my $key (qw(name title description)) {
- $substr and $pkg->{$key} =~ m/$substr/i and $match = 1;
+ foreach my $key (qw(name title description src)) {
+ $pkg->{$key} and $substr and $pkg->{$key} =~ m/$substr/i and $match = 1;
$match or undef $pkgmatch;
return 0;
sub search {
my %opts;
-sub install_svn() {
+sub list_feed {
+ my $feed = shift;
+ get_feed($feed);
+ foreach my $name (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %package) {
+ my $pkg = $package{$name};
+ next if $pkg->{vdepends};
+ if($pkg->{name}) {
+ printf "\%-32s\t\%s\n", $pkg->{name}, $pkg->{title};
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub list {
+ my %opts;
+ getopts('r:sh', \%opts);
+ if ($opts{h}) {
+ usage();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($opts{s}) {
+ foreach my $feed (@feeds) {
+ printf "\%-32s\tURL: %s\n", $feed->[1], join(", ", @{$feed->[2]});
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ foreach my $feed (@feeds) {
+ list_feed($feed->[1], @ARGV) if (!defined($opts{r}) or $opts{r} eq $feed->[1]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub install_generic() {
my $feed = shift;
my $pkg = shift;
my $path = $pkg->{makefile};
- $path =~ s/\/Makefile$//;
- -d "./package/feeds" or mkdir "./package/feeds";
- -d "./package/feeds/$feed->[1]" or mkdir "./package/feeds/$feed->[1]";
- system("ln -sf ../../../$path ./package/feeds/$feed->[1]/");
+ if($path) {
+ $path =~ s/\/Makefile$//;
+ -d "./package/feeds" or mkdir "./package/feeds";
+ -d "./package/feeds/$feed->[1]" or mkdir "./package/feeds/$feed->[1]";
+ system("ln -sf ../../../$path ./package/feeds/$feed->[1]/");
+ } else {
+ warn "Package is not valid\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
return 0;
my %install_method = (
- 'src-svn' => \&install_svn
+ 'src-svn' => \&install_generic,
+ 'src-cpy' => \&install_generic,
+ 'src-link' => \&install_generic,
+ 'src-git' => \&install_generic,
+ 'src-bzr' => \&install_generic,
+ 'src-hg' => \&install_generic,
my %feed;
$feed = lookup_package($feed, $name);
$feed or do {
$installed{$name} and return 0;
- warn "WARNING: Package '$name' is not available.\n";
- return 1;
+ # TODO: check if it's already installed within ./package directory
+ $srcpackage{$name} or -d "./package/$name" or warn "WARNING: No feed for package '$name' found, maybe it's already part of the standard packages?\n";
+ return 0;
my $pkg = $feed{$feed->[1]}->{$name} or return 1;
+ $pkg->{name} or do {
+ $installed{$name} and return 0;
+ # TODO: check if this is an alias package, maybe it's known by another name
+ warn "WARNING: Package '$name' is not available in feed $feed->[1].\n";
+ return 0;
+ };
my $src = $pkg->{src};
my $type = $feed->[0];
$src or $src = $name;
# newly installed packages set the source package
$installed{$src} and return 0;
- # install all dependencies
- foreach my $dep (@{$pkg->{depends}}) {
- next if $dep =~ /@/;
- $dep =~ s/^\+//;
- install_package($feed, $dep) == 0 or $ret = 1;
- }
# check previously installed packages
$installed{$name} and return 0;
$installed{$src} = 1;
return 1;
+ # install all dependencies
+ foreach my $vpkg (@{$srcpackage{$src}}, $pkg) {
+ foreach my $dep (@{$vpkg->{depends}}, @{$vpkg->{builddepends}}, @{$vpkg->{"builddepends/host"}}) {
+ next if $dep =~ /@/;
+ $dep =~ s/^\+//;
+ $dep =~ s/^.+://;
+ $dep =~ s/\/.+$//;
+ next unless $dep;
+ install_package($feed, $dep) == 0 or $ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
return $ret;
sub refresh_config {
my $default = shift;
- $default or $default = "o";
# workaround for timestamp check
system("rm -f tmp/.packageinfo");
- # refresh the config
- system("make oldconfig CONFDEFAULT=\"$default\" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null");
+ # refresh the config
+ if ($default) {
+ system("$mk oldconfig CONFDEFAULT=\"$default\" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null");
+ } else {
+ system("$mk defconfig >/dev/null 2>/dev/null");
+ }
sub install {
my %opts;
my $feed;
my $ret = 0;
- getopt('p:d:', \%opts);
+ getopts('ap:d:h', \%opts);
+ if ($opts{h}) {
+ usage();
+ return 0;
+ }
foreach my $f (@feeds) {
$opts{p} and $f->[1] eq $opts{p} and $feed = $f;
- while ($name = shift @ARGV) {
- install_package($feed, $name) == 0 or $ret = 1;
+ if($opts{a}) {
+ foreach my $f (@feeds) {
+ if (!defined($opts{p}) or $opts{p} eq $f->[1]) {
+ printf "Installing all packages from feed %s.\n", $f->[1];
+ get_feed($f->[1]);
+ foreach my $name (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %package) {
+ my $p = $package{$name};
+ next if $p->{vdepends};
+ if( $p->{name} ) {
+ install_package($feed, $p->{name}) == 0 or $ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ($name = shift @ARGV) {
+ install_package($feed, $name) == 0 or $ret = 1;
+ }
# workaround for timestamp check
# set the defaults
if ($opts{d} and $opts{d} =~ /^[ymn]$/) {
sub uninstall {
+ my %opts;
my $name;
my $uninstall;
- if ($ARGV[0] eq '-a') {
- system("rm -rf ./package/feeds");
+ getopts('ah', \%opts);
+ if ($opts{h}) {
+ usage();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($opts{a}) {
+ system("rm -rvf ./package/feeds");
$uninstall = 1;
} else {
+ if($#ARGV == -1) {
+ warn "WARNING: no package to uninstall\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
while ($name = shift @ARGV) {
my $pkg = $installed{$name};
return 0;
+sub update_feed($$$$)
+ my $type=shift;
+ my $name=shift;
+ my $src=shift;
+ my $perform_update=shift;
+ my $force_relocate=update_location( $name, "@$src" );
+ if( $force_relocate ) {
+ warn "Source of feed $name has changed, replacing copy\n";
+ }
+ $update_method{$type} or do {
+ warn "Unknown type '$type' in feed $name\n";
+ return 1;
+ };
+ $perform_update and do {
+ my $failed = 1;
+ foreach my $feedsrc (@$src) {
+ warn "Updating feed '$name' from '$feedsrc' ...\n";
+ next unless update_feed_via($type, $name, $feedsrc, $force_relocate) == 0;
+ $failed = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ $failed and do {
+ warn "failed.\n";
+ return 1;
+ };
+ };
+ warn "Create index file './feeds/$name.index' \n";
+ update_index($name) == 0 or do {
+ warn "failed.\n";
+ return 1;
+ };
+ return 0;
+sub update {
+ my %opts;
+ my $feed_name;
+ my $perform_update=1;
+ getopts('ahi', \%opts);
+ if ($opts{h}) {
+ usage();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($opts{i}) {
+ # don't update from (remote) repository
+ # only re-create index information
+ $perform_update=0;
+ }
+ -d "feeds" or do {
+ mkdir "feeds" or die "Unable to create the feeds directory";
+ };
+ if ( ($#ARGV == -1) or $opts{a}) {
+ foreach my $feed (@feeds) {
+ my ($type, $name, $src) = @$feed;
+ update_feed($type, $name, $src, $perform_update);
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ($feed_name = shift @ARGV) {
+ foreach my $feed (@feeds) {
+ my ($type, $name, $src) = @$feed;
+ if($feed_name ne $name) {
+ next;
+ }
+ update_feed($type, $name, $src, $perform_update);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ refresh_config();
+ return 0;
sub usage() {
print <<EOF;
Usage: $0 <command> [options]
+ list [options]: List feeds and their content
+ Options:
+ -s : List of feed names and their URL.
+ -r <feedname>: List packages of specified feed.
install [options] <package>: Install a package
- -p <feedname>: Prefer this feed when installing packages
- -d <y|m|n>: Set default for newly installed packages
+ -a : Install all packages from all feeds or from the specified feed using the -p option.
+ -p <feedname>: Prefer this feed when installing packages.
+ -d <y|m|n>: Set default for newly installed packages.
search [options] <substring>: Search for a package
-r <feedname>: Only search in this feed
uninstall -a|<package>: Uninstall a package
- -a uninstalls all packages
+ Options:
+ -a : Uninstalls all packages.
- update: Update packages and lists of feeds in feeds.list
- clean: Remove downloaded/generated files
+ update -a|<feedname(s)>: Update packages and lists of feeds in feeds.conf .
+ Options:
+ -a : Update all feeds listed within feeds.conf. Otherwise the spezified feeds will be updated.
+ -i : Recreate the index only. No feed update from repository is performed.
+ clean: Remove downloaded/generated files.
-my %update_method = (
- 'src-svn' => \&update_svn
my %commands = (
- 'update' => sub {
- -d "feeds" or do {
- mkdir "feeds" or die "Unable to create the feeds directory";
- };
- foreach my $feed (@feeds) {
- my ($type, $name, $src) = @$feed;
- $update_method{$type} or do {
- warn "Unknown type '$type' in feed $name\n";
- next;
- };
- warn "Updating feed '$name'...\n";
- &{$update_method{$type}}($name, $src) == 0 or do {
- warn "failed.\n";
- return 1;
- };
- }
- return 0;
- },
+ 'list' => \&list,
+ 'update' => \&update,
'install' => \&install,
'search' => \&search,
'uninstall' => \&uninstall,