config_get gateway "$interface" gateway
+ # handle "" as "no gateway given" to allow
+ # defining gateway-less routes while still keeping
+ # the possibility to have static routes with a
+ # proper gateway on interfaces with dynamic ips
+ [ "$gateway" = "" ] && gateway=""
dest="${netmask:+-net "$target" netmask "$netmask"}"
dest="${dest:--host "$target"}"
include /lib/network
+ # Setup aliases
+ config_set "$INTERFACE" aliases ""
+ config_set "$INTERFACE" alias_count 0
+ config_foreach setup_interface_alias alias "$INTERFACE" "$DEVICE"
+ # Save alias references in state vars
+ local aliases
+ config_get aliases "$INTERFACE" aliases
+ [ -z "$aliases" ] || uci_set_state network "$INTERFACE" aliases "$aliases"
+ # Make ip6addr of parent iface the main address again
+ local ip6addr
+ config_get ip6addr "$INTERFACE" ip6addr
+ [ -z "$ip6addr" ] || {
+ ifconfig "$DEVICE" del "$ip6addr"
+ ifconfig "$DEVICE" add "$ip6addr"
+ }
+ # Setup routes
config_foreach "add_route" route
config_foreach "add_route6" route6
+ ifdown)
+ # Bring down named aliases
+ local device=$(uci_get_state network "$INTERFACE" device)
+ local ifn
+ for ifn in $(ifconfig | sed -ne "s/^\(\($DEVICE${device:+\|$device}\|br-$INTERFACE\):[^[:space:]]\+\).*/\1/p"); do
+ ifconfig "$ifn" down
+ done
+ ;;