:1:1)config_set "$device" nosbeacon 1;; # AP+STA, can't use beacon timers for STA
- :::);;
+ ::);;
*) echo "$device: Invalid mode combination in config"; return 1;;
config_get vifs "$device" vifs
disable_atheros "$device"
+ local first=1
for vif in $vifs; do
config_get ifname "$vif" ifname
config_set "$vif" ifname "$ifname"
- config_get "$device" mode
- iwpriv "$ifname" mode "${mode:-11g}"
+ [ "$first" = 1 ] && {
+ # only need to change freq band and channel on the first vif
+ config_get agmode "$device" mode
+ pureg=0
+ case "$agmode" in
+ *b) agmode=11b;;
+ *bg) agmode=11g;;
+ *g) agmode=11g; pureg=1;;
+ *a) agmode=11a;;
+ *) agmode=11g;;
+ esac
+ iwconfig "$ifname" channel 0
+ iwpriv "$ifname" mode "$agmode"
+ iwpriv "$ifname" pureg "$pureg"
+ iwconfig "$ifname" channel "$channel"
+ }
+ config_get_bool hidden "$vif" hidden
+ iwpriv "$ifname" hide_ssid "$hidden"
config_get wds "$vif" wds
case "$wds" in
iwconfig "$ifname" enc "[$idx]" "${key:-off}"
config_get key "$vif" key
- iwconfig "$ifname" enc "[${key:-1}]"
+ key="${key:-1}"
+ case "$key" in
+ [1234]) iwconfig "$ifname" enc "[$key]";;
+ *) iwconfig "$ifname" enc "$key";;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ PSK|psk|PSK2|psk2)
+ config_get key "$vif" key
config_get ssid "$vif" ssid
+ adhoc)
+ config_get addr "$vif" bssid
+ [ -z "$addr" ] || {
+ iwconfig "$ifname" ap "$addr"
+ }
+ ;;
- iwconfig "$ifname" channel "$channel"
+ [ "$mode" = "sta" ] && {
+ config_get_bool bgscan "$vif" bgscan 1
+ iwpriv "$ifname" bgscan "$bgscan"
+ }
+ config_get_bool antdiv "$device" diversity 1
+ sysctl -w dev."$device".diversity="$antdiv" >&-
+ config_get antrx "$device" rxantenna
+ if [ -n "$antrx" ]; then
+ sysctl -w dev."$device".rxantenna="$antrx" >&-
+ fi
+ config_get anttx "$device" txantenna
+ if [ -n "$anttx" ]; then
+ sysctl -w dev."$device".txantenna="$anttx" >&-
+ fi
+ config_get distance "$device" distance
+ if [ -n "$distance" ]; then
+ athctrl -i "$device" -d "$distance" >&-
+ fi
+ config_get txpwr "$vif" txpower
+ if [ -n "$txpwr" ]; then
+ iwconfig "$ifname" txpower "${txpwr%%.*}"
+ fi
ifconfig "$ifname" up
local net_cfg bridge
net_cfg="$(find_net_config "$vif")"
[ -z "$net_cfg" ] || {
config_set "$vif" bridge "$bridge"
start_net "$ifname" "$net_cfg"
+ iwconfig "$ifname" essid "$ssid"
case "$mode" in
hostapd_setup_vif "$vif" madwifi || {
- iwconfig "$ifname" essid "$ssid"
- # FIXME: implement wpa_supplicant calls here
+ case "$enc" in
+ PSK|psk|PSK2|psk2)
+ case "$enc" in
+ PSK|psk)
+ proto='proto=WPA';;
+ PSK2|psk2)
+ proto='proto=RSN';;
+ esac
+ cat > /var/run/wpa_supplicant-$ifname.conf <<EOF
+ scan_ssid=1
+ ssid="$ssid"
+ key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
+ $proto
+ psk="$key"
+ ;;
+ WPA|wpa|WPA2|wpa2)
+ #add wpa_supplicant calls here
+ ;;
+ esac
+ [ -z "$proto" ] || wpa_supplicant ${bridge:+ -b $bridge} -Bw -D wext -i "$ifname" -c /var/run/wpa_supplicant-$ifname.conf
+ first=0
detect_atheros() {
cd /proc/sys/dev
[ -d ath ] || return
- for dev in wifi*; do
+ for dev in $(ls -d wifi* 2>&-); do
config_get type "$dev" type
[ "$type" = atheros ] && return
cat <<EOF
config wifi-device $dev
option type atheros
option channel 5
+# option diversity 1
+# option txantenna 0
+# option rxantenna 0
+# option distance 2000
+# disable radio to prevent an open ap after reflashing:
+ option disabled 1
config wifi-iface
- option device $dev
-# option network lan
- option mode ap
- option ssid OpenWrt
- option hidden 0
+ option device $dev
+ option network lan
+ option mode ap
+ option ssid OpenWrt
+ option hidden 0
+# option txpower 15
+# option bgscan enable
option encryption none