+ # Setup aliases
+ config_set "$INTERFACE" aliases ""
+ config_set "$INTERFACE" alias_count 0
+ config_foreach setup_interface_alias alias "$INTERFACE" "$DEVICE"
+ # Save alias references in state vars
+ local aliases
+ config_get aliases "$INTERFACE" aliases
+ [ -z "$aliases" ] || uci_set_state network "$INTERFACE" aliases "$aliases"
+ # Make ip6addr of parent iface the main address again
+ local ip6addr
+ config_get ip6addr "$INTERFACE" ip6addr
+ [ -z "$ip6addr" ] || {
+ ifconfig "$DEVICE" del "$ip6addr"
+ ifconfig "$DEVICE" add "$ip6addr"
+ }
+ # Setup sysctls
+ local proto accept_ra send_rs
+ config_get proto "$INTERFACE" proto
+ if [ "$proto" = dhcp ]; then
+ accept_ra=1
+ send_rs=0
+ else
+ accept_ra=0
+ send_rs=1
+ fi
+ config_get_bool accept_ra "$INTERFACE" accept_ra $accept_ra
+ [ $accept_ra -eq 0 ] || {
+ logger -t ifup "Allowing Router Advertisements on $INTERFACE ($DEVICE)"
+ accept_ra=2
+ }
+ do_sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.$DEVICE.accept_ra" $accept_ra
+ config_get_bool send_rs "$INTERFACE" send_rs $send_rs
+ [ $send_rs -eq 0 ] || {
+ logger -t ifup "Enabling Router Solicitations on $INTERFACE ($DEVICE)"
+ send_rs=2
+ }
+ do_sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.$DEVICE.forwarding" $send_rs
+ # Setup routes