+/* band preference */
+#define WLJP_BAND_ASSOC_PREF 255 /* use assoc preference settings */
+ /* others use WLC_BAND_XXXX as values */
+/* any multicast cipher suite */
+#define WL_WPA_ACP_MCS_ANY "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+struct tsinfo_arg {
+ uint8 octets[3];
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#define NFIFO 6 /* # tx/rx fifopairs */
+#define WL_CNT_T_VERSION 1 /* current version of wl_cnt_t struct */
+typedef struct {
+ uint16 version; /* see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION */
+ uint16 length; /* length of entire structure */
+ /* transmit stat counters */
+ uint32 txframe; /* tx data frames */
+ uint32 txbyte; /* tx data bytes */
+ uint32 txretrans; /* tx mac retransmits */
+ uint32 txerror; /* tx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
+ uint32 txctl; /* tx management frames */
+ uint32 txprshort; /* tx short preamble frames */
+ uint32 txserr; /* tx status errors */
+ uint32 txnobuf; /* tx out of buffers errors */
+ uint32 txnoassoc; /* tx discard because we're not associated */
+ uint32 txrunt; /* tx runt frames */
+ uint32 txchit; /* tx header cache hit (fastpath) */
+ uint32 txcmiss; /* tx header cache miss (slowpath) */
+ /* transmit chip error counters */
+ uint32 txuflo; /* tx fifo underflows */
+ uint32 txphyerr; /* tx phy errors (indicated in tx status) */
+ uint32 txphycrs;
+ /* receive stat counters */
+ uint32 rxframe; /* rx data frames */
+ uint32 rxbyte; /* rx data bytes */
+ uint32 rxerror; /* rx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
+ uint32 rxctl; /* rx management frames */
+ uint32 rxnobuf; /* rx out of buffers errors */
+ uint32 rxnondata; /* rx non data frames in the data channel errors */
+ uint32 rxbadds; /* rx bad DS errors */
+ uint32 rxbadcm; /* rx bad control or management frames */
+ uint32 rxfragerr; /* rx fragmentation errors */
+ uint32 rxrunt; /* rx runt frames */
+ uint32 rxgiant; /* rx giant frames */
+ uint32 rxnoscb; /* rx no scb error */
+ uint32 rxbadproto; /* rx invalid frames */
+ uint32 rxbadsrcmac; /* rx frames with Invalid Src Mac */
+ uint32 rxbadda; /* rx frames tossed for invalid da */
+ uint32 rxfilter; /* rx frames filtered out */
+ /* receive chip error counters */
+ uint32 rxoflo; /* rx fifo overflow errors */
+ uint32 rxuflo[NFIFO]; /* rx dma descriptor underflow errors */
+ uint32 d11cnt_txrts_off; /* d11cnt txrts value when reset d11cnt */
+ uint32 d11cnt_rxcrc_off; /* d11cnt rxcrc value when reset d11cnt */
+ uint32 d11cnt_txnocts_off; /* d11cnt txnocts value when reset d11cnt */
+ /* misc counters */
+ uint32 dmade; /* tx/rx dma descriptor errors */
+ uint32 dmada; /* tx/rx dma data errors */
+ uint32 dmape; /* tx/rx dma descriptor protocol errors */
+ uint32 reset; /* reset count */
+ uint32 tbtt; /* cnts the TBTT int's */
+ uint32 txdmawar;
+ uint32 pkt_callback_reg_fail; /* callbacks register failure */
+ /* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */
+ uint32 txallfrm; /* total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
+ * Control Management (includes retransmissions)
+ */
+ uint32 txrtsfrm; /* number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
+ uint32 txctsfrm; /* number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
+ uint32 txackfrm; /* number of ACK frames sent out */
+ uint32 txdnlfrm; /* Not used */
+ uint32 txbcnfrm; /* beacons transmitted */
+ uint32 txfunfl[8]; /* per-fifo tx underflows */
+ uint32 txtplunfl; /* Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS
+ * or BCN)
+ */
+ uint32 txphyerror; /* Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for
+ * driver enqueued frames
+ */
+ uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /* Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
+ uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /* Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
+ uint32 rxinvmachdr; /* Either the protocol version != 0 or frame type not
+ * data/control/management
+ */
+ uint32 rxbadfcs; /* number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
+ uint32 rxbadplcp; /* parity check of the PLCP header failed */
+ uint32 rxcrsglitch; /* PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
+ uint32 rxstrt; /* Number of received frames with a good PLCP
+ * (i.e. passing parity check)
+ */
+ uint32 rxdfrmucastmbss; /* Number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
+ uint32 rxmfrmucastmbss; /* number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */
+ uint32 rxcfrmucast; /* number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */
+ uint32 rxrtsucast; /* number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
+ uint32 rxctsucast; /* number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
+ uint32 rxackucast; /* number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
+ uint32 rxdfrmocast; /* number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
+ uint32 rxmfrmocast; /* number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
+ uint32 rxcfrmocast; /* number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */
+ uint32 rxrtsocast; /* number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
+ uint32 rxctsocast; /* number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
+ uint32 rxdfrmmcast; /* number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
+ uint32 rxmfrmmcast; /* number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */
+ uint32 rxcfrmmcast; /* number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC
+ * (unlikely to see these)
+ */
+ uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /* beacons received from member of BSS */
+ uint32 rxdfrmucastobss; /* number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
+ * other BSS (WDS FRAME)
+ */
+ uint32 rxbeaconobss; /* beacons received from other BSS */
+ uint32 rxrsptmout; /* Number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
+ * expecting a response
+ */
+ uint32 bcntxcancl; /* transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */
+ uint32 rxf0ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
+ uint32 rxf1ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 1 overflows (obsolete) */
+ uint32 rxf2ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 2 overflows (obsolete) */
+ uint32 txsfovfl; /* Number of transmit status fifo overflows (obsolete) */
+ uint32 pmqovfl; /* Number of PMQ overflows */
+ uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /* Number of received Probe requests that made it into
+ * the PRQ fifo
+ */
+ uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /* Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
+ uint32 txcgprsfail; /* Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did
+ * not get ACK
+ */
+ uint32 txcgprssuc; /* Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */
+ uint32 prs_timeout; /* Number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ
+ * fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within
+ * the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME
+ */
+ uint32 rxnack; /* Number of NACKS received (Afterburner) */
+ uint32 frmscons; /* Number of frames completed without transmission because of an
+ * Afterburner re-queue
+ */
+ uint32 txnack; /* Number of NACKs transmitted (Afterburner) */
+ uint32 txglitch_nack; /* obsolete */
+ uint32 txburst; /* obsolete */
+ /* 802.11 MIB counters, pp. 614 of 802.11 reaff doc. */
+ uint32 txfrag; /* dot11TransmittedFragmentCount */
+ uint32 txmulti; /* dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount */
+ uint32 txfail; /* dot11FailedCount */
+ uint32 txretry; /* dot11RetryCount */
+ uint32 txretrie; /* dot11MultipleRetryCount */
+ uint32 rxdup; /* dot11FrameduplicateCount */
+ uint32 txrts; /* dot11RTSSuccessCount */
+ uint32 txnocts; /* dot11RTSFailureCount */
+ uint32 txnoack; /* dot11ACKFailureCount */
+ uint32 rxfrag; /* dot11ReceivedFragmentCount */
+ uint32 rxmulti; /* dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount */
+ uint32 rxcrc; /* dot11FCSErrorCount */
+ uint32 txfrmsnt; /* dot11TransmittedFrameCount (bogus MIB?) */
+ uint32 rxundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
+ /* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */
+ uint32 tkipmicfaill; /* TKIPLocalMICFailures */
+ uint32 tkipcntrmsr; /* TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */
+ uint32 tkipreplay; /* TKIPReplays */
+ uint32 ccmpfmterr; /* CCMPFormatErrors */
+ uint32 ccmpreplay; /* CCMPReplays */
+ uint32 ccmpundec; /* CCMPDecryptErrors */
+ uint32 fourwayfail; /* FourWayHandshakeFailures */
+ uint32 wepundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
+ uint32 wepicverr; /* dot11WEPICVErrorCount */
+ uint32 decsuccess; /* DecryptSuccessCount */
+ uint32 tkipicverr; /* TKIPICVErrorCount */
+ uint32 wepexcluded; /* dot11WEPExcludedCount */
+ uint32 txchanrej; /* Tx frames suppressed due to channel rejection */
+ uint32 psmwds; /* Count PSM watchdogs */
+ uint32 phywatchdog; /* Count Phy lockups */
+} wl_cnt_t;
+#define WL_WME_CNT_VERSION 1 /* current version of wl_wme_cnt_t */
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 packets;
+ uint32 bytes;
+} wl_traffic_stats_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint16 version; /* see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION */
+ uint16 length; /* length of entire structure */
+ wl_traffic_stats_t tx[AC_COUNT]; /* Packets transmitted */
+ wl_traffic_stats_t tx_failed[AC_COUNT]; /* Packets dropped or failed to transmit */
+ wl_traffic_stats_t rx[AC_COUNT]; /* Packets received */
+ wl_traffic_stats_t rx_failed[AC_COUNT]; /* Packets failed to receive */
+ wl_traffic_stats_t forward[AC_COUNT]; /* Packets forwarded by AP */
+ wl_traffic_stats_t tx_expired[AC_COUNT]; /* packets dropped due to lifetime expiry */
+} wl_wme_cnt_t;
+#ifdef WLBA
+#define WLC_BA_CNT_VERSION 1 /* current version of wlc_ba_cnt_t */
+/* block ack related stats */
+typedef struct wlc_ba_cnt {
+ uint16 version; /* WLC_BA_CNT_VERSION */
+ uint16 length; /* length of entire structure */
+ /* transmit stat counters */
+ uint32 txpdu; /* pdus sent */
+ uint32 txsdu; /* sdus sent */
+ uint32 txfc; /* tx side flow controlled packets */
+ uint32 txfci; /* tx side flow control initiated */
+ uint32 txretrans; /* retransmitted pdus */
+ uint32 txbatimer; /* ba resend due to timer */
+ uint32 txdrop; /* dropped packets */
+ uint32 txaddbareq; /* addba req sent */
+ uint32 txaddbaresp; /* addba resp sent */
+ uint32 txdelba; /* delba sent */
+ uint32 txba; /* ba sent */
+ uint32 txbar; /* bar sent */
+ uint32 txpad[4]; /* future */
+ /* receive side counters */
+ uint32 rxpdu; /* pdus recd */
+ uint32 rxqed; /* pdus buffered before sending up */
+ uint32 rxdup; /* duplicate pdus */
+ uint32 rxnobuf; /* pdus discarded due to no buf */
+ uint32 rxaddbareq; /* addba req recd */
+ uint32 rxaddbaresp; /* addba resp recd */
+ uint32 rxdelba; /* delba recd */
+ uint32 rxba; /* ba recd */
+ uint32 rxbar; /* bar recd */
+ uint32 rxinvba; /* invalid ba recd */
+ uint32 rxbaholes; /* ba recd with holes */
+ uint32 rxunexp; /* unexpected packets */
+ uint32 rxpad[4]; /* future */
+} wlc_ba_cnt_t;
+#endif /* WLBA */
+/* structure for per-tid ampdu control */
+struct ampdu_tid_control {
+ uint8 tid; /* tid */
+ uint8 enable; /* enable/disable */
+/* structure for addts arguments */
+/* For ioctls that take a list of TSPEC */
+struct tslist {
+ int count; /* number of tspecs */
+ struct tsinfo_arg tsinfo[1]; /* variable length array of tsinfo */