+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/openssl/Default
+ TITLE:=Open source SSL toolkit
+ URL:=http://www.openssl.org/
+define Package/openssl/Default/description
+ The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust,
+ commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the
+ Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1)
+ protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library.
+define Package/libopenssl
+$(call Package/openssl/Default)
+ SECTION:=libs
+ CATEGORY:=Libraries
+ DEPENDS:=+zlib
+ TITLE+= (libraries)
+define Package/libopenssl/description
+$(call Package/openssl/Default/description)
+ This package contains the OpenSSL shared libraries, needed by other
+ programs.