X-Git-Url: https://git.rohieb.name/openwrt.git/blobdiff_plain/95bdcf394e439d688a5290a26a15e0bc31144f91..8fde2f44bbb95629cf9d78a5049e79ffb856a75b:/package/Makefile

diff --git a/package/Makefile b/package/Makefile
index af746715b..38b650c09 100644
--- a/package/Makefile
+++ b/package/Makefile
@@ -1,31 +1,54 @@
-# Main makefile for the packages
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-include $(TOPDIR)/.config
-include .pkgdeps
-COMPILE_PACKAGES:=$(patsubst %,%-compile,$(package-y) $(package-m))
-INSTALL_PACKAGES:=$(patsubst %,%-install,$(package-y))
-	mkdir -p $@
-%-prepare: $(STAMP_DIR) $(TARGET_DIR)
-	$(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-prepare,%,$@) prepare
-%-compile: $(STAMP_DIR) $(TARGET_DIR)
-	@echo "-> make $@"
-	$(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-compile,%,$@) compile
-%-clean: $(STAMP_DIR) $(TARGET_DIR)
-	$(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-clean,%,$@) clean
-.pkgdeps: $(TOPDIR)/.pkginfo FORCE
-	@$(TOPDIR)/scripts/gen_deps.pl < $< > $@ || rm -f $@
-all: compile
-clean: $(patsubst %,%-clean,$(package-) $(package-y) $(package-m))
-install: base-files-install $(INSTALL_PACKAGES)
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 OpenWrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+# $Id$
+-include $(TMP_DIR)/.packagedeps
+$(curdir)/builddirs:=$(sort $(package-) $(package-y) $(package-m))
+$(curdir)/builddirs-default:=. $(sort $(package-y) $(package-m))
+$(curdir)/builddirs-prereq:=. $(sort $(prereq-y) $(prereq-m))
+$(curdir)/builddirs-install:=. $(sort $(package-y))
+$(curdir)/cleanup: $(TMP_DIR)/.build
+	rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR)
+$(curdir)/rootfs-prepare: $(TMP_DIR)/.build
+	@if [ -d $(TOPDIR)/files ]; then \
+		$(CP) $(TOPDIR)/files/. $(TARGET_DIR); \
+	fi
+	@mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/rc.d
+	@( \
+		cd $(TARGET_DIR); \
+		for script in ./etc/init.d/*; do \
+			grep '#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common' $$script >/dev/null || continue; \
+			IPKG_INSTROOT=$(TARGET_DIR) $(which bash) ./etc/rc.common $$script enable; \
+		done || true \
+	)
+	@-find $(TARGET_DIR) -name CVS   | $(XARGS) rm -rf
+	@-find $(TARGET_DIR) -name .svn  | $(XARGS) rm -rf
+	@-find $(TARGET_DIR) -name '.#*' | $(XARGS) rm -f
+$(curdir)/index: FORCE
+	@(cd $(PACKAGE_DIR); $(SCRIPT_DIR)/ipkg-make-index.sh . > Packages)
+$(curdir)/flags-install:= -j1
+$(eval $(call stampfile,$(curdir),package,prereq))
+$(eval $(call stampfile,$(curdir),package,cleanup))
+$(eval $(call stampfile,$(curdir),package,compile))
+$(eval $(call stampfile,$(curdir),package,install))
+$(eval $(call stampfile,$(curdir),package,rootfs-prepare))
+$($(curdir)/stamp-cleanup): $(TMP_DIR)/.build
+$($(curdir)/stamp-compile): $($(curdir)/stamp-cleanup) $(TMP_DIR)/.build
+$($(curdir)/stamp-install): $($(curdir)/stamp-compile) $(TMP_DIR)/.build
+$($(curdir)/stamp-rootfs-prepare): $($(curdir)/stamp-install) $(TMP_DIR)/.build
+$(eval $(call subdir,$(curdir)))