wireless-tools: reduce binary size by ~13k by removing unused/obsolete features
authornbd <nbd@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 21:40:09 +0000 (21:40 +0000)
committernbd <nbd@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 21:40:09 +0000 (21:40 +0000)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk@18108 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73

package/wireless-tools/patches/003-we_essential_def.patch [new file with mode: 0644]

index 7195f15..80766ad 100644 (file)
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ define Build/Compile
        $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) \
                $(TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \
                CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS) -I." \
+               BUILD_WE_ESSENTIAL=y \
                libiw.so.$(PKG_VERSION) iwmulticall
        $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) \
                PREFIX="$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)" \
diff --git a/package/wireless-tools/patches/003-we_essential_def.patch b/package/wireless-tools/patches/003-we_essential_def.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6b28099
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+--- a/iwlist.c
++++ b/iwlist.c
+@@ -1302,7 +1302,6 @@ print_pm_info(int                skfd,
+   return(0);
+ }
+-#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+ /************************** TRANSMIT POWER **************************/
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+@@ -1405,6 +1404,7 @@ print_txpower_info(int           skfd,
+   return(0);
+ }
++#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+ /*********************** RETRY LIMIT/LIFETIME ***********************/
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+@@ -2060,8 +2060,8 @@ static const struct iwlist_entry iwlist_
+   { "encryption",     print_keys_info,        0, NULL },
+   { "keys",           print_keys_info,        0, NULL },
+   { "power",          print_pm_info,          0, NULL },
+-#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+   { "txpower",                print_txpower_info,     0, NULL },
++#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+   { "retry",          print_retry_info,       0, NULL },
+   { "ap",             print_ap_info,          0, NULL },
+   { "accesspoints",   print_ap_info,          0, NULL },
+--- a/iwconfig.c
++++ b/iwconfig.c
+@@ -106,16 +106,6 @@ get_info(int                      skfd,
+     if(wrq.u.data.length > 1)
+       info->has_nickname = 1;
+-  if((info->has_range) && (info->range.we_version_compiled > 9))
+-    {
+-      /* Get Transmit Power */
+-      if(iw_get_ext(skfd, ifname, SIOCGIWTXPOW, &wrq) >= 0)
+-      {
+-        info->has_txpower = 1;
+-        memcpy(&(info->txpower), &(wrq.u.txpower), sizeof(iwparam));
+-      }
+-    }
+   /* Get sensitivity */
+   if(iw_get_ext(skfd, ifname, SIOCGIWSENS, &wrq) >= 0)
+     {
+@@ -132,6 +122,17 @@ get_info(int                      skfd,
+         memcpy(&(info->retry), &(wrq.u.retry), sizeof(iwparam));
+       }
+     }
++#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
++  if((info->has_range) && (info->range.we_version_compiled > 9))
++    {
++      /* Get Transmit Power */
++      if(iw_get_ext(skfd, ifname, SIOCGIWTXPOW, &wrq) >= 0)
++      {
++        info->has_txpower = 1;
++        memcpy(&(info->txpower), &(wrq.u.txpower), sizeof(iwparam));
++      }
++    }
+   /* Get RTS threshold */
+   if(iw_get_ext(skfd, ifname, SIOCGIWRTS, &wrq) >= 0)
+@@ -146,7 +147,6 @@ get_info(int                       skfd,
+       info->has_frag = 1;
+       memcpy(&(info->frag), &(wrq.u.frag), sizeof(iwparam));
+     }
+-#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
+   return(0);
+ }
+@@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ display_info(struct wireless_info *        info
+       printf("Bit Rate%c%s   ", (info->bitrate.fixed ? '=' : ':'), buffer);
+     }
+-#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+   /* Display the Transmit Power */
+   if(info->has_txpower)
+     {
+@@ -286,6 +285,7 @@ display_info(struct wireless_info *        info
+       printf("Tx-Power%c%s   ", (info->txpower.fixed ? '=' : ':'), buffer);
+     }
++#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+   /* Display sensitivity */
+   if(info->has_sens)
+     {
+@@ -340,6 +340,7 @@ display_info(struct wireless_info *        info
+       printf("   ");
+       tokens += 5;    /* Between 3 and 5, depend on flags */
+     }
++#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
+   /* Display the RTS threshold */
+   if(info->has_rts)
+@@ -383,7 +384,6 @@ display_info(struct wireless_info *        info
+   /* Formating */
+   if(tokens > 0)
+     printf("\n          ");
+-#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
+   /* Display encryption information */
+   /* Note : we display only the "current" key, use iwlist to list all keys */
+@@ -995,6 +995,7 @@ set_enc_info(int           skfd,
+   return(i);
+ }
++#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+  * Set Power Management
+@@ -1111,7 +1112,6 @@ set_power_info(int               skfd,
+   return(i);
+ }
+-#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+  * Set Nickname
+@@ -1196,6 +1196,7 @@ set_nwid_info(int                skfd,
+   /* 1 arg */
+   return(1);
+ }
++#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+@@ -1362,6 +1363,7 @@ set_txpower_info(int             skfd,
+   return(i);
+ }
++#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+  * Set Sensitivity
+@@ -1459,6 +1461,7 @@ set_retry_info(int               skfd,
+   /* Var args */
+   return(i);
+ }
++#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+@@ -1565,6 +1568,7 @@ set_frag_info(int                skfd,
+   return(1);
+ }
++#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+  * Set Modulation
+@@ -1712,28 +1716,28 @@ static const struct iwconfig_entry iwcon
+       "Set Encode",                   "{NNNN-NNNN|off}" },
+   { "key",            set_enc_info,           1,      SIOCSIWENCODE,
+       "Set Encode",                   "{NNNN-NNNN|off}"  },
++#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+   { "power",          set_power_info,         1,      SIOCSIWPOWER,
+       "Set Power Management",         "{period N|timeout N|saving N|off}" },
+-#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+   { "nickname",               set_nick_info,          1,      SIOCSIWNICKN,
+       "Set Nickname",                 "NNN" },
+   { "nwid",           set_nwid_info,          1,      SIOCSIWNWID,
+       "Set NWID",                     "{NN|on|off}" },
+-  { "ap",             set_apaddr_info,        1,      SIOCSIWAP,
+-      "Set AP Address",               "{N|off|auto}" },
+-  { "txpower",                set_txpower_info,       1,      SIOCSIWTXPOW,
+-      "Set Tx Power",                 "{NmW|NdBm|off|auto}" },
+   { "sens",           set_sens_info,          1,      SIOCSIWSENS,
+       "Set Sensitivity",              "N" },
++  { "modulation",     set_modulation_info,    1,      SIOCGIWMODUL,
++      "Set Modulation",               "{11g|11a|CCK|OFDMg|...}" },
+   { "retry",          set_retry_info,         1,      SIOCSIWRETRY,
+       "Set Retry Limit",              "{limit N|lifetime N}" },
++#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
++  { "ap",             set_apaddr_info,        1,      SIOCSIWAP,
++      "Set AP Address",               "{N|off|auto}" },
++  { "txpower",                set_txpower_info,       1,      SIOCSIWTXPOW,
++      "Set Tx Power",                 "{NmW|NdBm|off|auto}" },
+   { "rts",            set_rts_info,           1,      SIOCSIWRTS,
+       "Set RTS Threshold",            "{N|auto|fixed|off}" },
+   { "frag",           set_frag_info,          1,      SIOCSIWFRAG,
+       "Set Fragmentation Threshold",  "{N|auto|fixed|off}" },
+-  { "modulation",     set_modulation_info,    1,      SIOCGIWMODUL,
+-      "Set Modulation",               "{11g|11a|CCK|OFDMg|...}" },
+-#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
+   { "commit",         set_commit_info,        0,      SIOCSIWCOMMIT,
+       "Commit changes",               "" },
+   { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
+--- a/iwmulticall.c
++++ b/iwmulticall.c
+@@ -76,12 +76,10 @@ extern int
+ #undef iw_usage
+ #undef main
+-#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+ /* Get iwspy in there, it's not that big. */
+ #define main(args...) main_iwspy(args)
+ #include "iwspy.c"
+ #undef main
+-#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
+ /* Get iwpriv in there. Mandatory for HostAP and some other drivers. */
+ #define main(args...) main_iwpriv(args)
+@@ -128,10 +126,8 @@ main(int  argc,
+     return(main_iwconfig(argc, argv));
+   if(!strcmp(call_name, "iwlist"))
+     return(main_iwlist(argc, argv));
+-#ifndef WE_ESSENTIAL
+   if(!strcmp(call_name, "iwspy"))
+     return(main_iwspy(argc, argv));
+-#endif        /* WE_ESSENTIAL */
+   if(!strcmp(call_name, "iwpriv"))
+     return(main_iwpriv(argc, argv));
+   if(!strcmp(call_name, "iwgetid"))
This page took 0.033048 seconds and 4 git commands to generate.