- <p>As you can see, this short <i>Makefile</i> simply adds the
- target <code>foo</code> to the list of targets handled by Buildroot
- if software <i>foo</i> was selected using the configuration tool.</p>
+ <p>As you can see, this short line simply adds the target
+ <code>foo</code> to the list of targets handled by OpenWrt Buildroot.</p>
+ <p>In addition to the default dependencies, you make your package
+ depend on another package (e.g. a library) by adding a line:
+foo-compile: bar-compile
+ <h3>The <i>.control</i> file</h3>
+ <p>Additionally, you need to create a control file which contains
+ information about your package, readable by the <i>ipkg</i> package
+ utility.</p>
+ <p>The file looks like this</p>
+ 1 Package: foo
+ 2 Priority: optional
+ 3 Section: net
+ 4 Maintainer: Foo Software <foo@foosoftware.com>
+ 5 Source: http://foosoftware.com
+ 6 Description: Your Package Description
+ <p>You can skip the usual <code>Version:</code> and <code>Architecture</code>
+ fields, as they will be generated by the <code>make-ipkg-dir.sh</code> script
+ called from your Makefile</p>