From: kaloz <kaloz@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 13:20:10 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: backport mv643xx ethernet changes from the Marvell git repo

backport mv643xx ethernet changes from the Marvell git repo

git-svn-id: svn:// 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73

diff --git a/target/linux/orion/patches/060-mv643xx_git_backport.patch b/target/linux/orion/patches/060-mv643xx_git_backport.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b039224d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/orion/patches/060-mv643xx_git_backport.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,5345 @@
+--- a/drivers/net/mv643xx_eth.c
++++ b/drivers/net/mv643xx_eth.c
+@@ -34,406 +34,145 @@
+  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+  */
+ #include <linux/init.h>
+ #include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+ #include <linux/in.h>
+-#include <linux/ip.h>
+ #include <linux/tcp.h>
+ #include <linux/udp.h>
+ #include <linux/etherdevice.h>
+-#include <linux/bitops.h>
+ #include <linux/delay.h>
+ #include <linux/ethtool.h>
+ #include <linux/platform_device.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+ #include <linux/spinlock.h>
+ #include <linux/workqueue.h>
+ #include <linux/mii.h>
+ #include <linux/mv643xx_eth.h>
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #include <asm/types.h>
+-#include <asm/pgtable.h>
+ #include <asm/system.h>
+-#include <asm/delay.h>
+-#include <asm/dma-mapping.h>
+-#define MV643XX_NAPI
+-#define MV643XX_TX_FAST_REFILL
+-#undef	MV643XX_COAL
+-#define MV643XX_TX_COAL 100
+-#ifdef MV643XX_COAL
+-#define MV643XX_RX_COAL 100
++static char mv643xx_eth_driver_name[] = "mv643xx_eth";
++static char mv643xx_eth_driver_version[] = "1.1";
++#define MV643XX_ETH_NAPI
+ #else
+ #define MAX_DESCS_PER_SKB	1
+ #endif
+-#define ETH_VLAN_HLEN		4
+-#define ETH_FCS_LEN		4
+-#define ETH_HW_IP_ALIGN		2		/* hw aligns IP header */
+-#define ETH_RX_SKB_SIZE		(dev->mtu + ETH_WRAPPER_LEN + \
+-					dma_get_cache_alignment())
+ /*
+  * Registers shared between all ports.
+  */
+-#define PHY_ADDR_REG				0x0000
+-#define SMI_REG					0x0004
+-#define WINDOW_BASE(i)				(0x0200 + ((i) << 3))
+-#define WINDOW_SIZE(i)				(0x0204 + ((i) << 3))
+-#define WINDOW_REMAP_HIGH(i)			(0x0280 + ((i) << 2))
+-#define WINDOW_BAR_ENABLE			0x0290
+-#define WINDOW_PROTECT(i)			(0x0294 + ((i) << 4))
++#define PHY_ADDR			0x0000
++#define SMI_REG				0x0004
++#define WINDOW_BASE(w)			(0x0200 + ((w) << 3))
++#define WINDOW_SIZE(w)			(0x0204 + ((w) << 3))
++#define WINDOW_REMAP_HIGH(w)		(0x0280 + ((w) << 2))
++#define WINDOW_BAR_ENABLE		0x0290
++#define WINDOW_PROTECT(w)		(0x0294 + ((w) << 4))
+ /*
+  * Per-port registers.
+  */
+-#define PORT_CONFIG_REG(p)				(0x0400 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define PORT_CONFIG_EXTEND_REG(p)			(0x0404 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define MAC_ADDR_LOW(p)					(0x0414 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define MAC_ADDR_HIGH(p)				(0x0418 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define SDMA_CONFIG_REG(p)				(0x041c + ((p) << 10))
+-#define PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(p)			(0x043c + ((p) << 10))
+-#define PORT_STATUS_REG(p)				(0x0444 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define TRANSMIT_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(p)			(0x0448 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define MAXIMUM_TRANSMIT_UNIT(p)			(0x0458 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG(p)				(0x0460 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define INTERRUPT_CAUSE_EXTEND_REG(p)			(0x0464 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(p)				(0x0468 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define INTERRUPT_EXTEND_MASK_REG(p)			(0x046c + ((p) << 10))
+-#define TX_FIFO_URGENT_THRESHOLD_REG(p)			(0x0474 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define RX_CURRENT_QUEUE_DESC_PTR_0(p)			(0x060c + ((p) << 10))
+-#define RECEIVE_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(p)			(0x0680 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define TX_CURRENT_QUEUE_DESC_PTR_0(p)			(0x06c0 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define MIB_COUNTERS_BASE(p)				(0x1000 + ((p) << 7))
+-#define DA_FILTER_SPECIAL_MULTICAST_TABLE_BASE(p)	(0x1400 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define DA_FILTER_OTHER_MULTICAST_TABLE_BASE(p)		(0x1500 + ((p) << 10))
+-#define DA_FILTER_UNICAST_TABLE_BASE(p)			(0x1600 + ((p) << 10))
+-/* These macros describe Ethernet Port configuration reg (Px_cR) bits */
+-#define UNICAST_NORMAL_MODE		(0 << 0)
+-#define DEFAULT_RX_QUEUE(queue)		((queue) << 1)
+-#define DEFAULT_RX_ARP_QUEUE(queue)	((queue) << 4)
+-#define RECEIVE_BC_IF_NOT_IP_OR_ARP	(0 << 7)
+-#define REJECT_BC_IF_NOT_IP_OR_ARP	(1 << 7)
+-#define RECEIVE_BC_IF_IP		(0 << 8)
+-#define REJECT_BC_IF_IP			(1 << 8)
+-#define RECEIVE_BC_IF_ARP		(0 << 9)
+-#define REJECT_BC_IF_ARP		(1 << 9)
+-#define TX_AM_NO_UPDATE_ERROR_SUMMARY	(1 << 12)
+-#define CAPTURE_TCP_FRAMES_DIS		(0 << 14)
+-#define CAPTURE_TCP_FRAMES_EN		(1 << 14)
+-#define CAPTURE_UDP_FRAMES_DIS		(0 << 15)
+-#define CAPTURE_UDP_FRAMES_EN		(1 << 15)
+-#define DEFAULT_RX_TCP_QUEUE(queue)	((queue) << 16)
+-#define DEFAULT_RX_UDP_QUEUE(queue)	((queue) << 19)
+-#define DEFAULT_RX_BPDU_QUEUE(queue)	((queue) << 22)
+-		DEFAULT_RX_QUEUE(0)		|	\
+-/* These macros describe Ethernet Port configuration extend reg (Px_cXR) bits*/
+-#define CLASSIFY_EN				(1 << 0)
+-#define SPAN_BPDU_PACKETS_AS_NORMAL		(0 << 1)
+-#define SPAN_BPDU_PACKETS_TO_RX_QUEUE_7		(1 << 1)
+-#define PARTITION_DISABLE			(0 << 2)
+-#define PARTITION_ENABLE			(1 << 2)
+-/* These macros describe Ethernet Port Sdma configuration reg (SDCR) bits */
+-#define RIFB				(1 << 0)
+-#define RX_BURST_SIZE_1_64BIT		(0 << 1)
+-#define RX_BURST_SIZE_2_64BIT		(1 << 1)
++#define PORT_CONFIG(p)			(0x0400 + ((p) << 10))
++#define  UNICAST_PROMISCUOUS_MODE	0x00000001
++#define PORT_CONFIG_EXT(p)		(0x0404 + ((p) << 10))
++#define MAC_ADDR_LOW(p)			(0x0414 + ((p) << 10))
++#define MAC_ADDR_HIGH(p)		(0x0418 + ((p) << 10))
++#define SDMA_CONFIG(p)			(0x041c + ((p) << 10))
++#define PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(p)		(0x043c + ((p) << 10))
++#define PORT_STATUS(p)			(0x0444 + ((p) << 10))
++#define  TX_FIFO_EMPTY			0x00000400
++#define TXQ_COMMAND(p)			(0x0448 + ((p) << 10))
++#define TXQ_FIX_PRIO_CONF(p)		(0x044c + ((p) << 10))
++#define TX_BW_RATE(p)			(0x0450 + ((p) << 10))
++#define TX_BW_MTU(p)			(0x0458 + ((p) << 10))
++#define TX_BW_BURST(p)			(0x045c + ((p) << 10))
++#define INT_CAUSE(p)			(0x0460 + ((p) << 10))
++#define  INT_TX_END			0x07f80000
++#define  INT_RX				0x0007fbfc
++#define  INT_EXT			0x00000002
++#define INT_CAUSE_EXT(p)		(0x0464 + ((p) << 10))
++#define  INT_EXT_LINK			0x00100000
++#define  INT_EXT_PHY			0x00010000
++#define  INT_EXT_TX_ERROR_0		0x00000100
++#define  INT_EXT_TX_0			0x00000001
++#define  INT_EXT_TX			0x0000ffff
++#define INT_MASK(p)			(0x0468 + ((p) << 10))
++#define INT_MASK_EXT(p)			(0x046c + ((p) << 10))
++#define TX_FIFO_URGENT_THRESHOLD(p)	(0x0474 + ((p) << 10))
++#define TXQ_FIX_PRIO_CONF_MOVED(p)	(0x04dc + ((p) << 10))
++#define TX_BW_RATE_MOVED(p)		(0x04e0 + ((p) << 10))
++#define TX_BW_MTU_MOVED(p)		(0x04e8 + ((p) << 10))
++#define TX_BW_BURST_MOVED(p)		(0x04ec + ((p) << 10))
++#define RXQ_CURRENT_DESC_PTR(p, q)	(0x060c + ((p) << 10) + ((q) << 4))
++#define RXQ_COMMAND(p)			(0x0680 + ((p) << 10))
++#define TXQ_CURRENT_DESC_PTR(p, q)	(0x06c0 + ((p) << 10) + ((q) << 2))
++#define TXQ_BW_TOKENS(p, q)		(0x0700 + ((p) << 10) + ((q) << 4))
++#define TXQ_BW_CONF(p, q)		(0x0704 + ((p) << 10) + ((q) << 4))
++#define TXQ_BW_WRR_CONF(p, q)		(0x0708 + ((p) << 10) + ((q) << 4))
++#define MIB_COUNTERS(p)			(0x1000 + ((p) << 7))
++#define SPECIAL_MCAST_TABLE(p)		(0x1400 + ((p) << 10))
++#define OTHER_MCAST_TABLE(p)		(0x1500 + ((p) << 10))
++#define UNICAST_TABLE(p)		(0x1600 + ((p) << 10))
++ * SDMA configuration register.
++ */
+ #define RX_BURST_SIZE_4_64BIT		(2 << 1)
+-#define RX_BURST_SIZE_8_64BIT		(3 << 1)
+-#define RX_BURST_SIZE_16_64BIT		(4 << 1)
+ #define BLM_RX_NO_SWAP			(1 << 4)
+-#define BLM_RX_BYTE_SWAP		(0 << 4)
+ #define BLM_TX_NO_SWAP			(1 << 5)
+-#define BLM_TX_BYTE_SWAP		(0 << 5)
+-#define DESCRIPTORS_BYTE_SWAP		(1 << 6)
+-#define DESCRIPTORS_NO_SWAP		(0 << 6)
+-#define IPG_INT_RX(value)		(((value) & 0x3fff) << 8)
+-#define TX_BURST_SIZE_1_64BIT		(0 << 22)
+-#define TX_BURST_SIZE_2_64BIT		(1 << 22)
+ #define TX_BURST_SIZE_4_64BIT		(2 << 22)
+-#define TX_BURST_SIZE_8_64BIT		(3 << 22)
+-#define TX_BURST_SIZE_16_64BIT		(4 << 22)
+ #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN)
+ 		RX_BURST_SIZE_4_64BIT	|	\
+-		IPG_INT_RX(0)		|	\
+ #elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+ 		RX_BURST_SIZE_4_64BIT	|	\
+ 		BLM_RX_NO_SWAP		|	\
+ 		BLM_TX_NO_SWAP		|	\
+-		IPG_INT_RX(0)		|	\
+ #else
+ #error One of __BIG_ENDIAN or __LITTLE_ENDIAN must be defined
+ #endif
+-/* These macros describe Ethernet Port serial control reg (PSCR) bits */
+-#define SERIAL_PORT_DISABLE			(0 << 0)
+-#define SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE			(1 << 0)
+-#define DO_NOT_FORCE_LINK_PASS			(0 << 1)
+-#define FORCE_LINK_PASS				(1 << 1)
+-#define ENABLE_AUTO_NEG_FOR_DUPLX		(0 << 2)
+-#define DISABLE_AUTO_NEG_FOR_DUPLX		(1 << 2)
+-#define ENABLE_AUTO_NEG_FOR_FLOW_CTRL		(0 << 3)
+-#define DISABLE_AUTO_NEG_FOR_FLOW_CTRL		(1 << 3)
+-#define ADV_NO_FLOW_CTRL			(0 << 4)
+-#define ADV_SYMMETRIC_FLOW_CTRL			(1 << 4)
+-#define FORCE_FC_MODE_NO_PAUSE_DIS_TX		(0 << 5)
+-#define FORCE_FC_MODE_TX_PAUSE_DIS		(1 << 5)
+-#define FORCE_BP_MODE_NO_JAM			(0 << 7)
+-#define FORCE_BP_MODE_JAM_TX			(1 << 7)
+-#define FORCE_BP_MODE_JAM_TX_ON_RX_ERR		(2 << 7)
+-#define FORCE_LINK_FAIL				(0 << 10)
+-#define DO_NOT_FORCE_LINK_FAIL			(1 << 10)
+-#define RETRANSMIT_16_ATTEMPTS			(0 << 11)
+-#define RETRANSMIT_FOREVER			(1 << 11)
+-#define ENABLE_AUTO_NEG_SPEED_GMII		(0 << 13)
+-#define DISABLE_AUTO_NEG_SPEED_GMII		(1 << 13)
+-#define DTE_ADV_0				(0 << 14)
+-#define DTE_ADV_1				(1 << 14)
+-#define DISABLE_AUTO_NEG_BYPASS			(0 << 15)
+-#define ENABLE_AUTO_NEG_BYPASS			(1 << 15)
+-#define AUTO_NEG_NO_CHANGE			(0 << 16)
+-#define RESTART_AUTO_NEG			(1 << 16)
+-#define MAX_RX_PACKET_1518BYTE			(0 << 17)
++ * Port serial control register.
++ */
++#define SET_MII_SPEED_TO_100			(1 << 24)
++#define SET_GMII_SPEED_TO_1000			(1 << 23)
++#define SET_FULL_DUPLEX_MODE			(1 << 21)
+ #define MAX_RX_PACKET_1522BYTE			(1 << 17)
+-#define MAX_RX_PACKET_1552BYTE			(2 << 17)
+-#define MAX_RX_PACKET_9022BYTE			(3 << 17)
+-#define MAX_RX_PACKET_9192BYTE			(4 << 17)
+ #define MAX_RX_PACKET_9700BYTE			(5 << 17)
+ #define MAX_RX_PACKET_MASK			(7 << 17)
+-#define CLR_EXT_LOOPBACK			(0 << 20)
+-#define SET_EXT_LOOPBACK			(1 << 20)
+-#define SET_HALF_DUPLEX_MODE			(0 << 21)
+-#define SET_FULL_DUPLEX_MODE			(1 << 21)
+-#define SET_GMII_SPEED_TO_10_100		(0 << 23)
+-#define SET_GMII_SPEED_TO_1000			(1 << 23)
+-#define SET_MII_SPEED_TO_10			(0 << 24)
+-#define SET_MII_SPEED_TO_100			(1 << 24)
++#define DISABLE_AUTO_NEG_SPEED_GMII		(1 << 13)
++#define DO_NOT_FORCE_LINK_FAIL			(1 << 10)
++#define DISABLE_AUTO_NEG_FOR_FLOW_CTRL		(1 << 3)
++#define DISABLE_AUTO_NEG_FOR_DUPLEX		(1 << 2)
++#define FORCE_LINK_PASS				(1 << 1)
++#define SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE			(1 << 0)
++#define DEFAULT_RX_QUEUE_SIZE		400
++#define DEFAULT_TX_QUEUE_SIZE		800
+-		(1 << 9) /* reserved */		|	\
+-		DTE_ADV_0			|	\
+-		MAX_RX_PACKET_9700BYTE		|	\
+-/* These macros describe Ethernet Serial Status reg (PSR) bits */
+-#define PORT_STATUS_MODE_10_BIT		(1 << 0)
+-#define PORT_STATUS_LINK_UP		(1 << 1)
+-#define PORT_STATUS_FULL_DUPLEX		(1 << 2)
+-#define PORT_STATUS_FLOW_CONTROL	(1 << 3)
+-#define PORT_STATUS_GMII_1000		(1 << 4)
+-#define PORT_STATUS_MII_100		(1 << 5)
+-/* PSR bit 6 is undocumented */
+-#define PORT_STATUS_TX_IN_PROGRESS	(1 << 7)
+-#define PORT_STATUS_PARTITION		(1 << 9)
+-#define PORT_STATUS_TX_FIFO_EMPTY	(1 << 10)
+-/* PSR bits 11-31 are reserved */
+-#define DESC_SIZE				64
+-#define ETH_RX_QUEUES_ENABLED	(1 << 0)	/* use only Q0 for receive */
+-#define ETH_TX_QUEUES_ENABLED	(1 << 0)	/* use only Q0 for transmit */
+-#define ETH_INT_CAUSE_EXT	0x00000002
+-#define ETH_INT_CAUSE_PHY	0x00010000
+-#define ETH_INT_CAUSE_STATE	0x00100000
+-#define ETH_INT_MASK_ALL	0x00000000
+-#define ETH_INT_MASK_ALL_EXT	0x00000000
+-#define PHY_WAIT_ITERATIONS	1000	/* 1000 iterations * 10uS = 10mS max */
+-/* Buffer offset from buffer pointer */
+-#define RX_BUF_OFFSET				0x2
+-/* Gigabit Ethernet Unit Global Registers */
+-/* MIB Counters register definitions */
+-#define ETH_MIB_FRAMES_64_OCTETS		0x20
+-#define ETH_MIB_FRAMES_65_TO_127_OCTETS		0x24
+-#define ETH_MIB_FRAMES_128_TO_255_OCTETS	0x28
+-#define ETH_MIB_FRAMES_256_TO_511_OCTETS	0x2c
+-#define ETH_MIB_FRAMES_512_TO_1023_OCTETS	0x30
+-#define ETH_MIB_FRAMES_1024_TO_MAX_OCTETS	0x34
+-#define ETH_MIB_GOOD_FRAMES_SENT		0x40
+-#define ETH_MIB_FC_SENT				0x54
+-#define ETH_MIB_GOOD_FC_RECEIVED		0x58
+-#define ETH_MIB_BAD_FC_RECEIVED			0x5c
+-#define ETH_MIB_JABBER_RECEIVED			0x6c
+-#define ETH_MIB_BAD_CRC_EVENT			0x74
+-#define ETH_MIB_COLLISION			0x78
+-#define ETH_MIB_LATE_COLLISION			0x7c
+-/* Port serial status reg (PSR) */
+-#define ETH_INTERFACE_PCM			0x00000001
+-#define ETH_LINK_IS_UP				0x00000002
+-#define ETH_PORT_AT_FULL_DUPLEX			0x00000004
+-#define ETH_RX_FLOW_CTRL_ENABLED		0x00000008
+-#define ETH_GMII_SPEED_1000			0x00000010
+-#define ETH_MII_SPEED_100			0x00000020
+-#define ETH_TX_IN_PROGRESS			0x00000080
+-#define ETH_BYPASS_ACTIVE			0x00000100
+-#define ETH_PORT_AT_PARTITION_STATE		0x00000200
+-#define ETH_PORT_TX_FIFO_EMPTY			0x00000400
+-/* SMI reg */
+-#define ETH_SMI_BUSY		0x10000000	/* 0 - Write, 1 - Read	*/
+-#define ETH_SMI_READ_VALID	0x08000000	/* 0 - Write, 1 - Read	*/
+-#define ETH_SMI_OPCODE_WRITE	0		/* Completion of Read	*/
+-#define ETH_SMI_OPCODE_READ	0x04000000	/* Operation is in progress */
+-/* Interrupt Cause Register Bit Definitions */
+-/* SDMA command status fields macros */
+-/* Tx & Rx descriptors status */
+-#define ETH_ERROR_SUMMARY			0x00000001
+-/* Tx & Rx descriptors command */
+-#define ETH_BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA			0x80000000
+-/* Tx descriptors status */
+-#define ETH_LC_ERROR				0
+-#define ETH_UR_ERROR				0x00000002
+-#define ETH_RL_ERROR				0x00000004
+-#define ETH_LLC_SNAP_FORMAT			0x00000200
+-/* Rx descriptors status */
+-#define ETH_OVERRUN_ERROR			0x00000002
+-#define ETH_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH_ERROR		0x00000004
+-#define ETH_RESOURCE_ERROR			0x00000006
+-#define ETH_VLAN_TAGGED				0x00080000
+-#define ETH_BPDU_FRAME				0x00100000
+-#define ETH_UDP_FRAME_OVER_IP_V_4		0x00200000
+-#define ETH_OTHER_FRAME_TYPE			0x00400000
+-#define ETH_LAYER_2_IS_ETH_V_2			0x00800000
+-#define ETH_FRAME_TYPE_IP_V_4			0x01000000
+-#define ETH_FRAME_HEADER_OK			0x02000000
+-#define ETH_RX_LAST_DESC			0x04000000
+-#define ETH_RX_FIRST_DESC			0x08000000
+-#define ETH_UNKNOWN_DESTINATION_ADDR		0x10000000
+-#define ETH_RX_ENABLE_INTERRUPT			0x20000000
+-#define ETH_LAYER_4_CHECKSUM_OK			0x40000000
+-/* Rx descriptors byte count */
+-#define ETH_FRAME_FRAGMENTED			0x00000004
+-/* Tx descriptors command */
+-#define ETH_LAYER_4_CHECKSUM_FIRST_DESC		0x00000400
+-#define ETH_FRAME_SET_TO_VLAN			0x00008000
+-#define ETH_UDP_FRAME				0x00010000
+-#define ETH_GEN_TCP_UDP_CHECKSUM		0x00020000
+-#define ETH_GEN_IP_V_4_CHECKSUM			0x00040000
+-#define ETH_ZERO_PADDING			0x00080000
+-#define ETH_TX_LAST_DESC			0x00100000
+-#define ETH_TX_FIRST_DESC			0x00200000
+-#define ETH_GEN_CRC				0x00400000
+-#define ETH_TX_ENABLE_INTERRUPT			0x00800000
+-#define ETH_AUTO_MODE				0x40000000
+-#define ETH_TX_IHL_SHIFT			11
+-/* typedefs */
+-typedef enum _eth_func_ret_status {
+-	ETH_OK,			/* Returned as expected.		*/
+-	ETH_ERROR,		/* Fundamental error.			*/
+-	ETH_RETRY,		/* Could not process request. Try later.*/
+-	ETH_END_OF_JOB,		/* Ring has nothing to process.		*/
+-	ETH_QUEUE_FULL,		/* Ring resource error.			*/
+-	ETH_QUEUE_LAST_RESOURCE	/* Ring resources about to exhaust.	*/
+-/* These are for big-endian machines.  Little endian needs different
+- * definitions.
++ * RX/TX descriptors.
+  */
+ #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN)
+-struct eth_rx_desc {
++struct rx_desc {
+ 	u16 byte_cnt;		/* Descriptor buffer byte count		*/
+ 	u16 buf_size;		/* Buffer size				*/
+ 	u32 cmd_sts;		/* Descriptor command status		*/
+@@ -441,7 +180,7 @@
+ 	u32 buf_ptr;		/* Descriptor buffer pointer		*/
+ };
+-struct eth_tx_desc {
++struct tx_desc {
+ 	u16 byte_cnt;		/* buffer byte count			*/
+ 	u16 l4i_chk;		/* CPU provided TCP checksum		*/
+ 	u32 cmd_sts;		/* Command/status field			*/
+@@ -449,7 +188,7 @@
+ 	u32 buf_ptr;		/* pointer to buffer for this descriptor*/
+ };
+ #elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+-struct eth_rx_desc {
++struct rx_desc {
+ 	u32 cmd_sts;		/* Descriptor command status		*/
+ 	u16 buf_size;		/* Buffer size				*/
+ 	u16 byte_cnt;		/* Descriptor buffer byte count		*/
+@@ -457,7 +196,7 @@
+ 	u32 next_desc_ptr;	/* Next descriptor pointer		*/
+ };
+-struct eth_tx_desc {
++struct tx_desc {
+ 	u32 cmd_sts;		/* Command/status field			*/
+ 	u16 l4i_chk;		/* CPU provided TCP checksum		*/
+ 	u16 byte_cnt;		/* buffer byte count			*/
+@@ -468,18 +207,59 @@
+ #error One of __BIG_ENDIAN or __LITTLE_ENDIAN must be defined
+ #endif
+-/* Unified struct for Rx and Tx operations. The user is not required to	*/
+-/* be familier with neither Tx nor Rx descriptors.			*/
+-struct pkt_info {
+-	unsigned short byte_cnt;	/* Descriptor buffer byte count	*/
+-	unsigned short l4i_chk;		/* Tx CPU provided TCP Checksum	*/
+-	unsigned int cmd_sts;		/* Descriptor command status	*/
+-	dma_addr_t buf_ptr;		/* Descriptor buffer pointer	*/
+-	struct sk_buff *return_info;	/* User resource return information */
++/* RX & TX descriptor command */
++#define BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA		0x80000000
++/* RX & TX descriptor status */
++#define ERROR_SUMMARY			0x00000001
++/* RX descriptor status */
++#define LAYER_4_CHECKSUM_OK		0x40000000
++#define RX_ENABLE_INTERRUPT		0x20000000
++#define RX_FIRST_DESC			0x08000000
++#define RX_LAST_DESC			0x04000000
++/* TX descriptor command */
++#define TX_ENABLE_INTERRUPT		0x00800000
++#define GEN_CRC				0x00400000
++#define TX_FIRST_DESC			0x00200000
++#define TX_LAST_DESC			0x00100000
++#define ZERO_PADDING			0x00080000
++#define GEN_IP_V4_CHECKSUM		0x00040000
++#define GEN_TCP_UDP_CHECKSUM		0x00020000
++#define UDP_FRAME			0x00010000
++#define TX_IHL_SHIFT			11
++/* global *******************************************************************/
++struct mv643xx_eth_shared_private {
++	/*
++	 * Ethernet controller base address.
++	 */
++	void __iomem *base;
++	/*
++	 * Protects access to SMI_REG, which is shared between ports.
++	 */
++	spinlock_t phy_lock;
++	/*
++	 * Per-port MBUS window access register value.
++	 */
++	u32 win_protect;
++	/*
++	 * Hardware-specific parameters.
++	 */
++	unsigned int t_clk;
++	int extended_rx_coal_limit;
++	int tx_bw_control_moved;
+ };
+-/* Ethernet port specific information */
+-struct mv643xx_mib_counters {
++/* per-port *****************************************************************/
++struct mib_counters {
+ 	u64 good_octets_received;
+ 	u32 bad_octets_received;
+ 	u32 internal_mac_transmit_err;
+@@ -512,461 +292,282 @@
+ 	u32 late_collision;
+ };
+-struct mv643xx_shared_private {
+-	void __iomem *eth_base;
+-	/* used to protect SMI_REG, which is shared across ports */
+-	spinlock_t phy_lock;
+-	u32 win_protect;
+-	unsigned int t_clk;
+-struct mv643xx_private {
+-	struct mv643xx_shared_private *shared;
+-	int port_num;			/* User Ethernet port number	*/
+-	struct mv643xx_shared_private *shared_smi;
++struct rx_queue {
++	int index;
+-	u32 rx_sram_addr;		/* Base address of rx sram area */
+-	u32 rx_sram_size;		/* Size of rx sram area		*/
+-	u32 tx_sram_addr;		/* Base address of tx sram area */
+-	u32 tx_sram_size;		/* Size of tx sram area		*/
++	int rx_ring_size;
+-	int rx_resource_err;		/* Rx ring resource error flag */
++	int rx_desc_count;
++	int rx_curr_desc;
++	int rx_used_desc;
+-	/* Tx/Rx rings managment indexes fields. For driver use */
++	struct rx_desc *rx_desc_area;
++	dma_addr_t rx_desc_dma;
++	int rx_desc_area_size;
++	struct sk_buff **rx_skb;
+-	/* Next available and first returning Rx resource */
+-	int rx_curr_desc_q, rx_used_desc_q;
++	struct timer_list rx_oom;
+-	/* Next available and first returning Tx resource */
+-	int tx_curr_desc_q, tx_used_desc_q;
++struct tx_queue {
++	int index;
+-	u32 tx_clean_threshold;
++	int tx_ring_size;
+-	struct eth_rx_desc *p_rx_desc_area;
+-	dma_addr_t rx_desc_dma;
+-	int rx_desc_area_size;
+-	struct sk_buff **rx_skb;
++	int tx_desc_count;
++	int tx_curr_desc;
++	int tx_used_desc;
+-	struct eth_tx_desc *p_tx_desc_area;
++	struct tx_desc *tx_desc_area;
+ 	dma_addr_t tx_desc_dma;
+ 	int tx_desc_area_size;
+ 	struct sk_buff **tx_skb;
+-	struct work_struct tx_timeout_task;
++struct mv643xx_eth_private {
++	struct mv643xx_eth_shared_private *shared;
++	int port_num;
+ 	struct net_device *dev;
+-	struct napi_struct napi;
+-	struct net_device_stats stats;
+-	struct mv643xx_mib_counters mib_counters;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_shared_private *shared_smi;
++	int phy_addr;
+ 	spinlock_t lock;
+-	/* Size of Tx Ring per queue */
+-	int tx_ring_size;
+-	/* Number of tx descriptors in use */
+-	int tx_desc_count;
+-	/* Size of Rx Ring per queue */
+-	int rx_ring_size;
+-	/* Number of rx descriptors in use */
+-	int rx_desc_count;
++	struct mib_counters mib_counters;
++	struct work_struct tx_timeout_task;
++	struct mii_if_info mii;
+ 	/*
+-	 * Used in case RX Ring is empty, which can be caused when
+-	 * system does not have resources (skb's)
++	 * RX state.
+ 	 */
+-	struct timer_list timeout;
+-	u32 rx_int_coal;
+-	u32 tx_int_coal;
+-	struct mii_if_info mii;
++	int default_rx_ring_size;
++	unsigned long rx_desc_sram_addr;
++	int rx_desc_sram_size;
++	u8 rxq_mask;
++	int rxq_primary;
++	struct napi_struct napi;
++	struct rx_queue rxq[8];
+-/* Static function declarations */
+-static void eth_port_init(struct mv643xx_private *mp);
+-static void eth_port_reset(struct mv643xx_private *mp);
+-static void eth_port_start(struct net_device *dev);
+-static void ethernet_phy_reset(struct mv643xx_private *mp);
+-static void eth_port_write_smi_reg(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-				   unsigned int phy_reg, unsigned int value);
+-static void eth_port_read_smi_reg(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-				  unsigned int phy_reg, unsigned int *value);
+-static void eth_clear_mib_counters(struct mv643xx_private *mp);
+-static ETH_FUNC_RET_STATUS eth_port_receive(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-					    struct pkt_info *p_pkt_info);
+-static ETH_FUNC_RET_STATUS eth_rx_return_buff(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-					      struct pkt_info *p_pkt_info);
+-static void eth_port_uc_addr_get(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-				 unsigned char *p_addr);
+-static void eth_port_uc_addr_set(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-				 unsigned char *p_addr);
+-static void eth_port_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *);
+-static void mv643xx_eth_port_enable_tx(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-						unsigned int queues);
+-static void mv643xx_eth_port_enable_rx(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-						unsigned int queues);
+-static unsigned int mv643xx_eth_port_disable_tx(struct mv643xx_private *mp);
+-static unsigned int mv643xx_eth_port_disable_rx(struct mv643xx_private *mp);
+-static int mv643xx_eth_open(struct net_device *);
+-static int mv643xx_eth_stop(struct net_device *);
+-static void eth_port_init_mac_tables(struct mv643xx_private *mp);
+-#ifdef MV643XX_NAPI
+-static int mv643xx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget);
++	/*
++	 * TX state.
++	 */
++	int default_tx_ring_size;
++	unsigned long tx_desc_sram_addr;
++	int tx_desc_sram_size;
++	u8 txq_mask;
++	int txq_primary;
++	struct tx_queue txq[8];
++	int tx_clean_threshold;
+ #endif
+-static int ethernet_phy_get(struct mv643xx_private *mp);
+-static void ethernet_phy_set(struct mv643xx_private *mp, int phy_addr);
+-static int ethernet_phy_detect(struct mv643xx_private *mp);
+-static int mv643xx_mdio_read(struct net_device *dev, int phy_id, int location);
+-static void mv643xx_mdio_write(struct net_device *dev, int phy_id, int location, int val);
+-static int mv643xx_eth_do_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd);
+-static const struct ethtool_ops mv643xx_ethtool_ops;
+-static char mv643xx_driver_name[] = "mv643xx_eth";
+-static char mv643xx_driver_version[] = "1.0";
+-static inline u32 rdl(struct mv643xx_private *mp, int offset)
++/* port register accessors **************************************************/
++static inline u32 rdl(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, int offset)
+ {
+-	return readl(mp->shared->eth_base + offset);
++	return readl(mp->shared->base + offset);
+ }
+-static inline void wrl(struct mv643xx_private *mp, int offset, u32 data)
++static inline void wrl(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, int offset, u32 data)
+ {
+-	writel(data, mp->shared->eth_base + offset);
++	writel(data, mp->shared->base + offset);
+ }
+- * Changes MTU (maximum transfer unit) of the gigabit ethenret port
+- *
+- * Input :	pointer to ethernet interface network device structure
+- *		new mtu size
+- * Output :	0 upon success, -EINVAL upon failure
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_eth_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu)
+-	if ((new_mtu > 9500) || (new_mtu < 64))
+-		return -EINVAL;
+-	dev->mtu = new_mtu;
+-	if (!netif_running(dev))
+-		return 0;
+-	/*
+-	 * Stop and then re-open the interface. This will allocate RX
+-	 * skbs of the new MTU.
+-	 * There is a possible danger that the open will not succeed,
+-	 * due to memory being full, which might fail the open function.
+-	 */
+-	mv643xx_eth_stop(dev);
+-	if (mv643xx_eth_open(dev)) {
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Fatal error on opening device\n",
+-			dev->name);
+-	}
+-	return 0;
+- * mv643xx_eth_rx_refill_descs
+- *
+- * Fills / refills RX queue on a certain gigabit ethernet port
+- *
+- * Input :	pointer to ethernet interface network device structure
+- * Output :	N/A
+- */
+-static void mv643xx_eth_rx_refill_descs(struct net_device *dev)
++/* rxq/txq helper functions *************************************************/
++static struct mv643xx_eth_private *rxq_to_mp(struct rx_queue *rxq)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	struct pkt_info pkt_info;
+-	struct sk_buff *skb;
+-	int unaligned;
+-	while (mp->rx_desc_count < mp->rx_ring_size) {
+-		skb = dev_alloc_skb(ETH_RX_SKB_SIZE + dma_get_cache_alignment());
+-		if (!skb)
+-			break;
+-		mp->rx_desc_count++;
+-		unaligned = (u32)skb->data & (dma_get_cache_alignment() - 1);
+-		if (unaligned)
+-			skb_reserve(skb, dma_get_cache_alignment() - unaligned);
+-		pkt_info.cmd_sts = ETH_RX_ENABLE_INTERRUPT;
+-		pkt_info.byte_cnt = ETH_RX_SKB_SIZE;
+-		pkt_info.buf_ptr = dma_map_single(NULL, skb->data,
+-		pkt_info.return_info = skb;
+-		if (eth_rx_return_buff(mp, &pkt_info) != ETH_OK) {
+-			printk(KERN_ERR
+-				"%s: Error allocating RX Ring\n", dev->name);
+-			break;
+-		}
+-		skb_reserve(skb, ETH_HW_IP_ALIGN);
+-	}
+-	/*
+-	 * If RX ring is empty of SKB, set a timer to try allocating
+-	 * again at a later time.
+-	 */
+-	if (mp->rx_desc_count == 0) {
+-		printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Rx ring is empty\n", dev->name);
+-		mp->timeout.expires = jiffies + (HZ / 10);	/* 100 mSec */
+-		add_timer(&mp->timeout);
+-	}
++	return container_of(rxq, struct mv643xx_eth_private, rxq[rxq->index]);
+ }
+- * mv643xx_eth_rx_refill_descs_timer_wrapper
+- *
+- * Timer routine to wake up RX queue filling task. This function is
+- * used only in case the RX queue is empty, and all alloc_skb has
+- * failed (due to out of memory event).
+- *
+- * Input :	pointer to ethernet interface network device structure
+- * Output :	N/A
+- */
+-static inline void mv643xx_eth_rx_refill_descs_timer_wrapper(unsigned long data)
++static struct mv643xx_eth_private *txq_to_mp(struct tx_queue *txq)
+ {
+-	mv643xx_eth_rx_refill_descs((struct net_device *)data);
++	return container_of(txq, struct mv643xx_eth_private, txq[txq->index]);
+ }
+- * mv643xx_eth_update_mac_address
+- *
+- * Update the MAC address of the port in the address table
+- *
+- * Input :	pointer to ethernet interface network device structure
+- * Output :	N/A
+- */
+-static void mv643xx_eth_update_mac_address(struct net_device *dev)
++static void rxq_enable(struct rx_queue *rxq)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	eth_port_init_mac_tables(mp);
+-	eth_port_uc_addr_set(mp, dev->dev_addr);
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = rxq_to_mp(rxq);
++	wrl(mp, RXQ_COMMAND(mp->port_num), 1 << rxq->index);
+ }
+- * mv643xx_eth_set_rx_mode
+- *
+- * Change from promiscuos to regular rx mode
+- *
+- * Input :	pointer to ethernet interface network device structure
+- * Output :	N/A
+- */
+-static void mv643xx_eth_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev)
++static void rxq_disable(struct rx_queue *rxq)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	u32 config_reg;
+-	config_reg = rdl(mp, PORT_CONFIG_REG(mp->port_num));
+-	if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC)
+-		config_reg |= (u32) UNICAST_PROMISCUOUS_MODE;
+-	else
+-		config_reg &= ~(u32) UNICAST_PROMISCUOUS_MODE;
+-	wrl(mp, PORT_CONFIG_REG(mp->port_num), config_reg);
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = rxq_to_mp(rxq);
++	u8 mask = 1 << rxq->index;
+-	eth_port_set_multicast_list(dev);
++	wrl(mp, RXQ_COMMAND(mp->port_num), mask << 8);
++	while (rdl(mp, RXQ_COMMAND(mp->port_num)) & mask)
++		udelay(10);
+ }
+- * mv643xx_eth_set_mac_address
+- *
+- * Change the interface's mac address.
+- * No special hardware thing should be done because interface is always
+- * put in promiscuous mode.
+- *
+- * Input :	pointer to ethernet interface network device structure and
+- *		a pointer to the designated entry to be added to the cache.
+- * Output :	zero upon success, negative upon failure
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_eth_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr)
++static void txq_enable(struct tx_queue *txq)
+ {
+-	int i;
+-	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+-		/* +2 is for the offset of the HW addr type */
+-		dev->dev_addr[i] = ((unsigned char *)addr)[i + 2];
+-	mv643xx_eth_update_mac_address(dev);
+-	return 0;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = txq_to_mp(txq);
++	wrl(mp, TXQ_COMMAND(mp->port_num), 1 << txq->index);
+ }
+- * mv643xx_eth_tx_timeout
+- *
+- * Called upon a timeout on transmitting a packet
+- *
+- * Input :	pointer to ethernet interface network device structure.
+- * Output :	N/A
+- */
+-static void mv643xx_eth_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev)
++static void txq_disable(struct tx_queue *txq)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	printk(KERN_INFO "%s: TX timeout  ", dev->name);
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = txq_to_mp(txq);
++	u8 mask = 1 << txq->index;
+-	/* Do the reset outside of interrupt context */
+-	schedule_work(&mp->tx_timeout_task);
++	wrl(mp, TXQ_COMMAND(mp->port_num), mask << 8);
++	while (rdl(mp, TXQ_COMMAND(mp->port_num)) & mask)
++		udelay(10);
+ }
+- * mv643xx_eth_tx_timeout_task
+- *
+- * Actual routine to reset the adapter when a timeout on Tx has occurred
+- */
+-static void mv643xx_eth_tx_timeout_task(struct work_struct *ugly)
++static void __txq_maybe_wake(struct tx_queue *txq)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = container_of(ugly, struct mv643xx_private,
+-						  tx_timeout_task);
+-	struct net_device *dev = mp->dev;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = txq_to_mp(txq);
+-	if (!netif_running(dev))
+-		return;
++	/*
++	 * netif_{stop,wake}_queue() flow control only applies to
++	 * the primary queue.
++	 */
++	BUG_ON(txq->index != mp->txq_primary);
+-	netif_stop_queue(dev);
++	if (txq->tx_ring_size - txq->tx_desc_count >= MAX_DESCS_PER_SKB)
++		netif_wake_queue(mp->dev);
+-	eth_port_reset(mp);
+-	eth_port_start(dev);
+-	if (mp->tx_ring_size - mp->tx_desc_count >= MAX_DESCS_PER_SKB)
+-		netif_wake_queue(dev);
++/* rx ***********************************************************************/
++static void txq_reclaim(struct tx_queue *txq, int force);
+- * mv643xx_eth_free_tx_descs - Free the tx desc data for completed descriptors
+- *
+- * If force is non-zero, frees uncompleted descriptors as well
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_eth_free_tx_descs(struct net_device *dev, int force)
++static void rxq_refill(struct rx_queue *rxq)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	struct eth_tx_desc *desc;
+-	u32 cmd_sts;
+-	struct sk_buff *skb;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = rxq_to_mp(rxq);
+ 	unsigned long flags;
+-	int tx_index;
+-	dma_addr_t addr;
+-	int count;
+-	int released = 0;
+-	while (mp->tx_desc_count > 0) {
+-		spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->lock, flags);
+-		/* tx_desc_count might have changed before acquiring the lock */
+-		if (mp->tx_desc_count <= 0) {
+-			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
+-			return released;
+-		}
+-		tx_index = mp->tx_used_desc_q;
+-		desc = &mp->p_tx_desc_area[tx_index];
+-		cmd_sts = desc->cmd_sts;
+-		if (!force && (cmd_sts & ETH_BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA)) {
+-			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
+-			return released;
+-		}
++	spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->lock, flags);
+-		mp->tx_used_desc_q = (tx_index + 1) % mp->tx_ring_size;
+-		mp->tx_desc_count--;
++	while (rxq->rx_desc_count < rxq->rx_ring_size) {
++		int skb_size;
++		struct sk_buff *skb;
++		int unaligned;
++		int rx;
+-		addr = desc->buf_ptr;
+-		count = desc->byte_cnt;
+-		skb = mp->tx_skb[tx_index];
+-		if (skb)
+-			mp->tx_skb[tx_index] = NULL;
++		/*
++		 * Reserve 2+14 bytes for an ethernet header (the
++		 * hardware automatically prepends 2 bytes of dummy
++		 * data to each received packet), 4 bytes for a VLAN
++		 * header, and 4 bytes for the trailing FCS -- 24
++		 * bytes total.
++		 */
++		skb_size = mp->dev->mtu + 24;
+-		if (cmd_sts & ETH_ERROR_SUMMARY) {
+-			printk("%s: Error in TX\n", dev->name);
+-			dev->stats.tx_errors++;
+-		}
++		skb = dev_alloc_skb(skb_size + dma_get_cache_alignment() - 1);
++		if (skb == NULL)
++			break;
+-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
++		unaligned = (u32)skb->data & (dma_get_cache_alignment() - 1);
++		if (unaligned)
++			skb_reserve(skb, dma_get_cache_alignment() - unaligned);
+-		if (cmd_sts & ETH_TX_FIRST_DESC)
+-			dma_unmap_single(NULL, addr, count, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+-		else
+-			dma_unmap_page(NULL, addr, count, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
++		rxq->rx_desc_count++;
++		rx = rxq->rx_used_desc;
++		rxq->rx_used_desc = (rx + 1) % rxq->rx_ring_size;
++		rxq->rx_desc_area[rx].buf_ptr = dma_map_single(NULL, skb->data,
++						skb_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
++		rxq->rx_desc_area[rx].buf_size = skb_size;
++		rxq->rx_skb[rx] = skb;
++		wmb();
++		rxq->rx_desc_area[rx].cmd_sts = BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA |
++		wmb();
+-		if (skb)
+-			dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
++		/*
++		 * The hardware automatically prepends 2 bytes of
++		 * dummy data to each received packet, so that the
++		 * IP header ends up 16-byte aligned.
++		 */
++		skb_reserve(skb, 2);
++	}
+-		released = 1;
++	if (rxq->rx_desc_count != rxq->rx_ring_size) {
++		rxq->rx_oom.expires = jiffies + (HZ / 10);
++		add_timer(&rxq->rx_oom);
+ 	}
+-	return released;
++	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
+ }
+-static void mv643xx_eth_free_completed_tx_descs(struct net_device *dev)
++static inline void rxq_refill_timer_wrapper(unsigned long data)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	if (mv643xx_eth_free_tx_descs(dev, 0) &&
+-	    mp->tx_ring_size - mp->tx_desc_count >= MAX_DESCS_PER_SKB)
+-		netif_wake_queue(dev);
++	rxq_refill((struct rx_queue *)data);
+ }
+-static void mv643xx_eth_free_all_tx_descs(struct net_device *dev)
++static int rxq_process(struct rx_queue *rxq, int budget)
+ {
+-	mv643xx_eth_free_tx_descs(dev, 1);
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = rxq_to_mp(rxq);
++	struct net_device_stats *stats = &mp->dev->stats;
++	int rx;
+- * mv643xx_eth_receive
+- *
+- * This function is forward packets that are received from the port's
+- * queues toward kernel core or FastRoute them to another interface.
+- *
+- * Input :	dev - a pointer to the required interface
+- *		max - maximum number to receive (0 means unlimted)
+- *
+- * Output :	number of served packets
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_eth_receive_queue(struct net_device *dev, int budget)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	struct net_device_stats *stats = &dev->stats;
+-	unsigned int received_packets = 0;
+-	struct sk_buff *skb;
+-	struct pkt_info pkt_info;
+-	while (budget-- > 0 && eth_port_receive(mp, &pkt_info) == ETH_OK) {
+-		dma_unmap_single(NULL, pkt_info.buf_ptr, ETH_RX_SKB_SIZE,
+-							DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
+-		mp->rx_desc_count--;
+-		received_packets++;
++	rx = 0;
++	while (rx < budget) {
++		struct rx_desc *rx_desc;
++		unsigned int cmd_sts;
++		struct sk_buff *skb;
++		unsigned long flags;
++		spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->lock, flags);
++		rx_desc = &rxq->rx_desc_area[rxq->rx_curr_desc];
++		cmd_sts = rx_desc->cmd_sts;
++		if (cmd_sts & BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA) {
++			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
++			break;
++		}
++		rmb();
++		skb = rxq->rx_skb[rxq->rx_curr_desc];
++		rxq->rx_skb[rxq->rx_curr_desc] = NULL;
++		rxq->rx_curr_desc = (rxq->rx_curr_desc + 1) % rxq->rx_ring_size;
++		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
++		dma_unmap_single(NULL, rx_desc->buf_ptr + 2,
++				 mp->dev->mtu + 24, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
++		rxq->rx_desc_count--;
++		rx++;
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Update statistics.
+-		 * Note byte count includes 4 byte CRC count
++		 *
++		 * Note that the descriptor byte count includes 2 dummy
++		 * bytes automatically inserted by the hardware at the
++		 * start of the packet (which we don't count), and a 4
++		 * byte CRC at the end of the packet (which we do count).
+ 		 */
+ 		stats->rx_packets++;
+-		stats->rx_bytes += pkt_info.byte_cnt;
+-		skb = pkt_info.return_info;
++		stats->rx_bytes += rx_desc->byte_cnt - 2;
+ 		/*
+-		 * In case received a packet without first / last bits on OR
+-		 * the error summary bit is on, the packets needs to be dropeed.
++		 * In case we received a packet without first / last bits
++		 * on, or the error summary bit is set, the packet needs
++		 * to be dropped.
+ 		 */
+-		if (((pkt_info.cmd_sts
+-				|| (pkt_info.cmd_sts & ETH_ERROR_SUMMARY)) {
++		if (((cmd_sts & (RX_FIRST_DESC | RX_LAST_DESC)) !=
++				|| (cmd_sts & ERROR_SUMMARY)) {
+ 			stats->rx_dropped++;
+-			if ((pkt_info.cmd_sts & (ETH_RX_FIRST_DESC |
+-							ETH_RX_LAST_DESC)) !=
++			if ((cmd_sts & (RX_FIRST_DESC | RX_LAST_DESC)) !=
+ 				if (net_ratelimit())
+-					printk(KERN_ERR
+-						"%s: Received packet spread "
+-						"on multiple descriptors\n",
+-						dev->name);
++					dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &mp->dev->dev,
++						   "received packet spanning "
++						   "multiple descriptors\n");
+ 			}
+-			if (pkt_info.cmd_sts & ETH_ERROR_SUMMARY)
++			if (cmd_sts & ERROR_SUMMARY)
+ 				stats->rx_errors++;
+ 			dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
+@@ -975,668 +576,120 @@
+ 			 * The -4 is for the CRC in the trailer of the
+ 			 * received packet
+ 			 */
+-			skb_put(skb, pkt_info.byte_cnt - 4);
++			skb_put(skb, rx_desc->byte_cnt - 2 - 4);
+-			if (pkt_info.cmd_sts & ETH_LAYER_4_CHECKSUM_OK) {
++			if (cmd_sts & LAYER_4_CHECKSUM_OK) {
+ 				skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
+ 				skb->csum = htons(
+-					(pkt_info.cmd_sts & 0x0007fff8) >> 3);
++					(cmd_sts & 0x0007fff8) >> 3);
+ 			}
+-			skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, dev);
+-#ifdef MV643XX_NAPI
++			skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, mp->dev);
++#ifdef MV643XX_ETH_NAPI
+ 			netif_receive_skb(skb);
+ #else
+ 			netif_rx(skb);
+ #endif
+ 		}
+-		dev->last_rx = jiffies;
++		mp->dev->last_rx = jiffies;
+ 	}
+-	mv643xx_eth_rx_refill_descs(dev);	/* Fill RX ring with skb's */
+-	return received_packets;
++	rxq_refill(rxq);
++	return rx;
+ }
+-/* Set the mv643xx port configuration register for the speed/duplex mode. */
+-static void mv643xx_eth_update_pscr(struct net_device *dev,
+-				    struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd)
++#ifdef MV643XX_ETH_NAPI
++static int mv643xx_eth_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	u32 o_pscr, n_pscr;
+-	unsigned int queues;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp;
++	int rx;
++	int i;
+-	o_pscr = rdl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num));
+-	n_pscr = o_pscr;
++	mp = container_of(napi, struct mv643xx_eth_private, napi);
+-	/* clear speed, duplex and rx buffer size fields */
+-	n_pscr &= ~(SET_MII_SPEED_TO_100  |
+-		   SET_GMII_SPEED_TO_1000 |
+-	if (ecmd->duplex == DUPLEX_FULL)
+-		n_pscr |= SET_FULL_DUPLEX_MODE;
+-	if (ecmd->speed == SPEED_1000)
+-		n_pscr |= SET_GMII_SPEED_TO_1000 |
+-			  MAX_RX_PACKET_9700BYTE;
+-	else {
+-		if (ecmd->speed == SPEED_100)
+-			n_pscr |= SET_MII_SPEED_TO_100;
+-		n_pscr |= MAX_RX_PACKET_1522BYTE;
+-	}
+-	if (n_pscr != o_pscr) {
+-		if ((o_pscr & SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE) == 0)
+-			wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num), n_pscr);
+-		else {
+-			queues = mv643xx_eth_port_disable_tx(mp);
++	if (++mp->tx_clean_threshold > 5) {
++		mp->tx_clean_threshold = 0;
++		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
++			if (mp->txq_mask & (1 << i))
++				txq_reclaim(mp->txq + i, 0);
++	}
+-			o_pscr &= ~SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE;
+-			wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num), o_pscr);
+-			wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num), n_pscr);
+-			wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num), n_pscr);
+-			if (queues)
+-				mv643xx_eth_port_enable_tx(mp, queues);
+-		}
++	rx = 0;
++	for (i = 7; rx < budget && i >= 0; i--)
++		if (mp->rxq_mask & (1 << i))
++			rx += rxq_process(mp->rxq + i, budget - rx);
++	if (rx < budget) {
++		netif_rx_complete(mp->dev, napi);
++		wrl(mp, INT_CAUSE(mp->port_num), 0);
++		wrl(mp, INT_CAUSE_EXT(mp->port_num), 0);
++		wrl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num), INT_TX_END | INT_RX | INT_EXT);
+ 	}
++	return rx;
+ }
+- * mv643xx_eth_int_handler
+- *
+- * Main interrupt handler for the gigbit ethernet ports
+- *
+- * Input :	irq	- irq number (not used)
+- *		dev_id	- a pointer to the required interface's data structure
+- *		regs	- not used
+- * Output :	N/A
+- */
+-static irqreturn_t mv643xx_eth_int_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
++/* tx ***********************************************************************/
++static inline unsigned int has_tiny_unaligned_frags(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+-	struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)dev_id;
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	u32 eth_int_cause, eth_int_cause_ext = 0;
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	/* Read interrupt cause registers */
+-	eth_int_cause = rdl(mp, INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG(port_num)) &
+-	if (eth_int_cause & ETH_INT_CAUSE_EXT) {
+-		eth_int_cause_ext = rdl(mp,
+-		wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_CAUSE_EXTEND_REG(port_num),
+-							~eth_int_cause_ext);
+-	}
+-	/* PHY status changed */
+-	if (eth_int_cause_ext & (ETH_INT_CAUSE_PHY | ETH_INT_CAUSE_STATE)) {
+-		struct ethtool_cmd cmd;
++	int frag;
+-		if (mii_link_ok(&mp->mii)) {
+-			mii_ethtool_gset(&mp->mii, &cmd);
+-			mv643xx_eth_update_pscr(dev, &cmd);
+-			mv643xx_eth_port_enable_tx(mp, ETH_TX_QUEUES_ENABLED);
+-			if (!netif_carrier_ok(dev)) {
+-				netif_carrier_on(dev);
+-				if (mp->tx_ring_size - mp->tx_desc_count >=
+-					netif_wake_queue(dev);
+-			}
+-		} else if (netif_carrier_ok(dev)) {
+-			netif_stop_queue(dev);
+-			netif_carrier_off(dev);
+-		}
++	for (frag = 0; frag < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; frag++) {
++		skb_frag_t *fragp = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[frag];
++		if (fragp->size <= 8 && fragp->page_offset & 7)
++			return 1;
+ 	}
+-#ifdef MV643XX_NAPI
+-	if (eth_int_cause & ETH_INT_CAUSE_RX) {
+-		/* schedule the NAPI poll routine to maintain port */
+-		wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(port_num), ETH_INT_MASK_ALL);
++	return 0;
+-		/* wait for previous write to complete */
+-		rdl(mp, INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(port_num));
++static int txq_alloc_desc_index(struct tx_queue *txq)
++	int tx_desc_curr;
+-		netif_rx_schedule(dev, &mp->napi);
+-	}
+-	if (eth_int_cause & ETH_INT_CAUSE_RX)
+-		mv643xx_eth_receive_queue(dev, INT_MAX);
+-	if (eth_int_cause_ext & ETH_INT_CAUSE_TX)
+-		mv643xx_eth_free_completed_tx_descs(dev);
++	BUG_ON(txq->tx_desc_count >= txq->tx_ring_size);
+-	/*
+-	 * If no real interrupt occured, exit.
+-	 * This can happen when using gigE interrupt coalescing mechanism.
+-	 */
+-	if ((eth_int_cause == 0x0) && (eth_int_cause_ext == 0x0))
+-		return IRQ_NONE;
++	tx_desc_curr = txq->tx_curr_desc;
++	txq->tx_curr_desc = (tx_desc_curr + 1) % txq->tx_ring_size;
+-	return IRQ_HANDLED;
+-#ifdef MV643XX_COAL
+- * eth_port_set_rx_coal - Sets coalescing interrupt mechanism on RX path
+- *
+- *	This routine sets the RX coalescing interrupt mechanism parameter.
+- *	This parameter is a timeout counter, that counts in 64 t_clk
+- *	chunks ; that when timeout event occurs a maskable interrupt
+- *	occurs.
+- *	The parameter is calculated using the tClk of the MV-643xx chip
+- *	, and the required delay of the interrupt in usec.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet port
+- *	unsigned int delay		Delay in usec
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	Interrupt coalescing mechanism value is set in MV-643xx chip.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	The interrupt coalescing value set in the gigE port.
+- *
+- */
+-static unsigned int eth_port_set_rx_coal(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-					unsigned int delay)
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	unsigned int coal = ((mp->shared->t_clk / 1000000) * delay) / 64;
+-	/* Set RX Coalescing mechanism */
+-	wrl(mp, SDMA_CONFIG_REG(port_num),
+-		((coal & 0x3fff) << 8) |
+-		(rdl(mp, SDMA_CONFIG_REG(port_num))
+-			& 0xffc000ff));
+-	return coal;
+- * eth_port_set_tx_coal - Sets coalescing interrupt mechanism on TX path
+- *
+- *	This routine sets the TX coalescing interrupt mechanism parameter.
+- *	This parameter is a timeout counter, that counts in 64 t_clk
+- *	chunks ; that when timeout event occurs a maskable interrupt
+- *	occurs.
+- *	The parameter is calculated using the t_cLK frequency of the
+- *	MV-643xx chip and the required delay in the interrupt in uSec
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet port
+- *	unsigned int delay		Delay in uSeconds
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	Interrupt coalescing mechanism value is set in MV-643xx chip.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	The interrupt coalescing value set in the gigE port.
+- *
+- */
+-static unsigned int eth_port_set_tx_coal(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-					unsigned int delay)
+-	unsigned int coal = ((mp->shared->t_clk / 1000000) * delay) / 64;
+-	/* Set TX Coalescing mechanism */
+-	wrl(mp, TX_FIFO_URGENT_THRESHOLD_REG(mp->port_num), coal << 4);
+-	return coal;
+- * ether_init_rx_desc_ring - Curve a Rx chain desc list and buffer in memory.
+- *
+- *	This function prepares a Rx chained list of descriptors and packet
+- *	buffers in a form of a ring. The routine must be called after port
+- *	initialization routine and before port start routine.
+- *	The Ethernet SDMA engine uses CPU bus addresses to access the various
+- *	devices in the system (i.e. DRAM). This function uses the ethernet
+- *	struct 'virtual to physical' routine (set by the user) to set the ring
+- *	with physical addresses.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port Control srtuct.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	The routine updates the Ethernet port control struct with information
+- *	regarding the Rx descriptors and buffers.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	None.
+- */
+-static void ether_init_rx_desc_ring(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
+-	volatile struct eth_rx_desc *p_rx_desc;
+-	int rx_desc_num = mp->rx_ring_size;
+-	int i;
+-	/* initialize the next_desc_ptr links in the Rx descriptors ring */
+-	p_rx_desc = (struct eth_rx_desc *)mp->p_rx_desc_area;
+-	for (i = 0; i < rx_desc_num; i++) {
+-		p_rx_desc[i].next_desc_ptr = mp->rx_desc_dma +
+-			((i + 1) % rx_desc_num) * sizeof(struct eth_rx_desc);
+-	}
+-	/* Save Rx desc pointer to driver struct. */
+-	mp->rx_curr_desc_q = 0;
+-	mp->rx_used_desc_q = 0;
+-	mp->rx_desc_area_size = rx_desc_num * sizeof(struct eth_rx_desc);
+- * ether_init_tx_desc_ring - Curve a Tx chain desc list and buffer in memory.
+- *
+- *	This function prepares a Tx chained list of descriptors and packet
+- *	buffers in a form of a ring. The routine must be called after port
+- *	initialization routine and before port start routine.
+- *	The Ethernet SDMA engine uses CPU bus addresses to access the various
+- *	devices in the system (i.e. DRAM). This function uses the ethernet
+- *	struct 'virtual to physical' routine (set by the user) to set the ring
+- *	with physical addresses.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port Control srtuct.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	The routine updates the Ethernet port control struct with information
+- *	regarding the Tx descriptors and buffers.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	None.
+- */
+-static void ether_init_tx_desc_ring(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
+-	int tx_desc_num = mp->tx_ring_size;
+-	struct eth_tx_desc *p_tx_desc;
+-	int i;
+-	/* Initialize the next_desc_ptr links in the Tx descriptors ring */
+-	p_tx_desc = (struct eth_tx_desc *)mp->p_tx_desc_area;
+-	for (i = 0; i < tx_desc_num; i++) {
+-		p_tx_desc[i].next_desc_ptr = mp->tx_desc_dma +
+-			((i + 1) % tx_desc_num) * sizeof(struct eth_tx_desc);
+-	}
+-	mp->tx_curr_desc_q = 0;
+-	mp->tx_used_desc_q = 0;
+-	mp->tx_desc_area_size = tx_desc_num * sizeof(struct eth_tx_desc);
+-static int mv643xx_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	int err;
+-	spin_lock_irq(&mp->lock);
+-	err = mii_ethtool_sset(&mp->mii, cmd);
+-	spin_unlock_irq(&mp->lock);
+-	return err;
+-static int mv643xx_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	int err;
+-	spin_lock_irq(&mp->lock);
+-	err = mii_ethtool_gset(&mp->mii, cmd);
+-	spin_unlock_irq(&mp->lock);
+-	/* The PHY may support 1000baseT_Half, but the mv643xx does not */
+-	cmd->supported &= ~SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Half;
+-	cmd->advertising &= ~ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half;
+-	return err;
+- * mv643xx_eth_open
+- *
+- * This function is called when openning the network device. The function
+- * should initialize all the hardware, initialize cyclic Rx/Tx
+- * descriptors chain and buffers and allocate an IRQ to the network
+- * device.
+- *
+- * Input :	a pointer to the network device structure
+- *
+- * Output :	zero of success , nonzero if fails.
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_eth_open(struct net_device *dev)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	unsigned int size;
+-	int err;
+-	/* Clear any pending ethernet port interrupts */
+-	wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG(port_num), 0);
+-	wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_CAUSE_EXTEND_REG(port_num), 0);
+-	/* wait for previous write to complete */
+-	rdl(mp, INTERRUPT_CAUSE_EXTEND_REG(port_num));
+-	err = request_irq(dev->irq, mv643xx_eth_int_handler,
+-			IRQF_SHARED | IRQF_SAMPLE_RANDOM, dev->name, dev);
+-	if (err) {
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Can not assign IRQ\n", dev->name);
+-		return -EAGAIN;
+-	}
+-	eth_port_init(mp);
+-	memset(&mp->timeout, 0, sizeof(struct timer_list));
+-	mp->timeout.function = mv643xx_eth_rx_refill_descs_timer_wrapper;
+-	mp-> = (unsigned long)dev;
+-	/* Allocate RX and TX skb rings */
+-	mp->rx_skb = kmalloc(sizeof(*mp->rx_skb) * mp->rx_ring_size,
+-								GFP_KERNEL);
+-	if (!mp->rx_skb) {
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cannot allocate Rx skb ring\n", dev->name);
+-		err = -ENOMEM;
+-		goto out_free_irq;
+-	}
+-	mp->tx_skb = kmalloc(sizeof(*mp->tx_skb) * mp->tx_ring_size,
+-								GFP_KERNEL);
+-	if (!mp->tx_skb) {
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cannot allocate Tx skb ring\n", dev->name);
+-		err = -ENOMEM;
+-		goto out_free_rx_skb;
+-	}
+-	/* Allocate TX ring */
+-	mp->tx_desc_count = 0;
+-	size = mp->tx_ring_size * sizeof(struct eth_tx_desc);
+-	mp->tx_desc_area_size = size;
+-	if (mp->tx_sram_size) {
+-		mp->p_tx_desc_area = ioremap(mp->tx_sram_addr,
+-							mp->tx_sram_size);
+-		mp->tx_desc_dma = mp->tx_sram_addr;
+-	} else
+-		mp->p_tx_desc_area = dma_alloc_coherent(NULL, size,
+-							&mp->tx_desc_dma,
+-							GFP_KERNEL);
+-	if (!mp->p_tx_desc_area) {
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cannot allocate Tx Ring (size %d bytes)\n",
+-							dev->name, size);
+-		err = -ENOMEM;
+-		goto out_free_tx_skb;
+-	}
+-	BUG_ON((u32) mp->p_tx_desc_area & 0xf);	/* check 16-byte alignment */
+-	memset((void *)mp->p_tx_desc_area, 0, mp->tx_desc_area_size);
+-	ether_init_tx_desc_ring(mp);
+-	/* Allocate RX ring */
+-	mp->rx_desc_count = 0;
+-	size = mp->rx_ring_size * sizeof(struct eth_rx_desc);
+-	mp->rx_desc_area_size = size;
+-	if (mp->rx_sram_size) {
+-		mp->p_rx_desc_area = ioremap(mp->rx_sram_addr,
+-							mp->rx_sram_size);
+-		mp->rx_desc_dma = mp->rx_sram_addr;
+-	} else
+-		mp->p_rx_desc_area = dma_alloc_coherent(NULL, size,
+-							&mp->rx_desc_dma,
+-							GFP_KERNEL);
+-	if (!mp->p_rx_desc_area) {
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cannot allocate Rx ring (size %d bytes)\n",
+-							dev->name, size);
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Freeing previously allocated TX queues...",
+-							dev->name);
+-		if (mp->rx_sram_size)
+-			iounmap(mp->p_tx_desc_area);
+-		else
+-			dma_free_coherent(NULL, mp->tx_desc_area_size,
+-					mp->p_tx_desc_area, mp->tx_desc_dma);
+-		err = -ENOMEM;
+-		goto out_free_tx_skb;
+-	}
+-	memset((void *)mp->p_rx_desc_area, 0, size);
+-	ether_init_rx_desc_ring(mp);
+-	mv643xx_eth_rx_refill_descs(dev);	/* Fill RX ring with skb's */
+-#ifdef MV643XX_NAPI
+-	napi_enable(&mp->napi);
+-	eth_port_start(dev);
+-	/* Interrupt Coalescing */
+-#ifdef MV643XX_COAL
+-	mp->rx_int_coal =
+-		eth_port_set_rx_coal(mp, MV643XX_RX_COAL);
+-	mp->tx_int_coal =
+-		eth_port_set_tx_coal(mp, MV643XX_TX_COAL);
+-	/* Unmask phy and link status changes interrupts */
+-	/* Unmask RX buffer and TX end interrupt */
+-	return 0;
+-	kfree(mp->tx_skb);
+-	kfree(mp->rx_skb);
+-	free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
+-	return err;
+-static void mv643xx_eth_free_tx_rings(struct net_device *dev)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	/* Stop Tx Queues */
+-	mv643xx_eth_port_disable_tx(mp);
+-	/* Free outstanding skb's on TX ring */
+-	mv643xx_eth_free_all_tx_descs(dev);
+-	BUG_ON(mp->tx_used_desc_q != mp->tx_curr_desc_q);
+-	/* Free TX ring */
+-	if (mp->tx_sram_size)
+-		iounmap(mp->p_tx_desc_area);
+-	else
+-		dma_free_coherent(NULL, mp->tx_desc_area_size,
+-				mp->p_tx_desc_area, mp->tx_desc_dma);
+-static void mv643xx_eth_free_rx_rings(struct net_device *dev)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	int curr;
+-	/* Stop RX Queues */
+-	mv643xx_eth_port_disable_rx(mp);
+-	/* Free preallocated skb's on RX rings */
+-	for (curr = 0; mp->rx_desc_count && curr < mp->rx_ring_size; curr++) {
+-		if (mp->rx_skb[curr]) {
+-			dev_kfree_skb(mp->rx_skb[curr]);
+-			mp->rx_desc_count--;
+-		}
+-	}
+-	if (mp->rx_desc_count)
+-		printk(KERN_ERR
+-			"%s: Error in freeing Rx Ring. %d skb's still"
+-			" stuck in RX Ring - ignoring them\n", dev->name,
+-			mp->rx_desc_count);
+-	/* Free RX ring */
+-	if (mp->rx_sram_size)
+-		iounmap(mp->p_rx_desc_area);
+-	else
+-		dma_free_coherent(NULL, mp->rx_desc_area_size,
+-				mp->p_rx_desc_area, mp->rx_desc_dma);
+- * mv643xx_eth_stop
+- *
+- * This function is used when closing the network device.
+- * It updates the hardware,
+- * release all memory that holds buffers and descriptors and release the IRQ.
+- * Input :	a pointer to the device structure
+- * Output :	zero if success , nonzero if fails
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_eth_stop(struct net_device *dev)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	/* Mask all interrupts on ethernet port */
+-	wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(port_num), ETH_INT_MASK_ALL);
+-	/* wait for previous write to complete */
+-	rdl(mp, INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(port_num));
+-#ifdef MV643XX_NAPI
+-	napi_disable(&mp->napi);
+-	netif_carrier_off(dev);
+-	netif_stop_queue(dev);
+-	eth_port_reset(mp);
+-	mv643xx_eth_free_tx_rings(dev);
+-	mv643xx_eth_free_rx_rings(dev);
+-	free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
+-	return 0;
+-#ifdef MV643XX_NAPI
+- * mv643xx_poll
+- *
+- * This function is used in case of NAPI
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = container_of(napi, struct mv643xx_private, napi);
+-	struct net_device *dev = mp->dev;
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	int work_done;
+-	if (++mp->tx_clean_threshold > 5) {
+-		mv643xx_eth_free_completed_tx_descs(dev);
+-		mp->tx_clean_threshold = 0;
+-	}
+-	work_done = 0;
+-	if ((rdl(mp, RX_CURRENT_QUEUE_DESC_PTR_0(port_num)))
+-	    != (u32) mp->rx_used_desc_q)
+-		work_done = mv643xx_eth_receive_queue(dev, budget);
+-	if (work_done < budget) {
+-		netif_rx_complete(dev, napi);
+-		wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_CAUSE_REG(port_num), 0);
+-		wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_CAUSE_EXTEND_REG(port_num), 0);
+-		wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(port_num), ETH_INT_UNMASK_ALL);
+-	}
+-	return work_done;
+- * has_tiny_unaligned_frags - check if skb has any small, unaligned fragments
+- *
+- * Hardware can't handle unaligned fragments smaller than 9 bytes.
+- * This helper function detects that case.
+- */
+-static inline unsigned int has_tiny_unaligned_frags(struct sk_buff *skb)
+-	unsigned int frag;
+-	skb_frag_t *fragp;
+-	for (frag = 0; frag < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; frag++) {
+-		fragp = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[frag];
+-		if (fragp->size <= 8 && fragp->page_offset & 0x7)
+-			return 1;
+-	}
+-	return 0;
+- * eth_alloc_tx_desc_index - return the index of the next available tx desc
+- */
+-static int eth_alloc_tx_desc_index(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
+-	int tx_desc_curr;
+-	BUG_ON(mp->tx_desc_count >= mp->tx_ring_size);
+-	tx_desc_curr = mp->tx_curr_desc_q;
+-	mp->tx_curr_desc_q = (tx_desc_curr + 1) % mp->tx_ring_size;
+-	BUG_ON(mp->tx_curr_desc_q == mp->tx_used_desc_q);
++	BUG_ON(txq->tx_curr_desc == txq->tx_used_desc);
+ 	return tx_desc_curr;
+ }
+- * eth_tx_fill_frag_descs - fill tx hw descriptors for an skb's fragments.
+- *
+- * Ensure the data for each fragment to be transmitted is mapped properly,
+- * then fill in descriptors in the tx hw queue.
+- */
+-static void eth_tx_fill_frag_descs(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-				   struct sk_buff *skb)
++static void txq_submit_frag_skb(struct tx_queue *txq, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
++	int nr_frags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;
+ 	int frag;
+-	int tx_index;
+-	struct eth_tx_desc *desc;
+-	for (frag = 0; frag < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; frag++) {
+-		skb_frag_t *this_frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[frag];
+-		tx_index = eth_alloc_tx_desc_index(mp);
+-		desc = &mp->p_tx_desc_area[tx_index];
++	for (frag = 0; frag < nr_frags; frag++) {
++		skb_frag_t *this_frag;
++		int tx_index;
++		struct tx_desc *desc;
++		this_frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[frag];
++		tx_index = txq_alloc_desc_index(txq);
++		desc = &txq->tx_desc_area[tx_index];
+-		desc->cmd_sts = ETH_BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA;
+-		/* Last Frag enables interrupt and frees the skb */
+-		if (frag == (skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags - 1)) {
+-			desc->cmd_sts |= ETH_ZERO_PADDING |
+-					 ETH_TX_LAST_DESC |
+-			mp->tx_skb[tx_index] = skb;
+-		} else
+-			mp->tx_skb[tx_index] = NULL;
++		/*
++		 * The last fragment will generate an interrupt
++		 * which will free the skb on TX completion.
++		 */
++		if (frag == nr_frags - 1) {
++			desc->cmd_sts = BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA |
++			txq->tx_skb[tx_index] = skb;
++		} else {
++			desc->cmd_sts = BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA;
++			txq->tx_skb[tx_index] = NULL;
++		}
+-		desc = &mp->p_tx_desc_area[tx_index];
+ 		desc->l4i_chk = 0;
+ 		desc->byte_cnt = this_frag->size;
+ 		desc->buf_ptr = dma_map_page(NULL, this_frag->page,
+@@ -1651,37 +704,28 @@
+ 	return (__force __be16)sum;
+ }
+- * eth_tx_submit_descs_for_skb - submit data from an skb to the tx hw
+- *
+- * Ensure the data for an skb to be transmitted is mapped properly,
+- * then fill in descriptors in the tx hw queue and start the hardware.
+- */
+-static void eth_tx_submit_descs_for_skb(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-					struct sk_buff *skb)
++static void txq_submit_skb(struct tx_queue *txq, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
++	int nr_frags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;
+ 	int tx_index;
+-	struct eth_tx_desc *desc;
++	struct tx_desc *desc;
+ 	u32 cmd_sts;
+ 	int length;
+-	int nr_frags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;
+-	tx_index = eth_alloc_tx_desc_index(mp);
+-	desc = &mp->p_tx_desc_area[tx_index];
++	tx_index = txq_alloc_desc_index(txq);
++	desc = &txq->tx_desc_area[tx_index];
+ 	if (nr_frags) {
+-		eth_tx_fill_frag_descs(mp, skb);
++		txq_submit_frag_skb(txq, skb);
+ 		length = skb_headlen(skb);
+-		mp->tx_skb[tx_index] = NULL;
++		txq->tx_skb[tx_index] = NULL;
+ 	} else {
+-		cmd_sts |= ETH_ZERO_PADDING |
+-			   ETH_TX_LAST_DESC |
+ 		length = skb->len;
+-		mp->tx_skb[tx_index] = skb;
++		txq->tx_skb[tx_index] = skb;
+ 	}
+ 	desc->byte_cnt = length;
+@@ -1690,13 +734,13 @@
+ 	if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) {
+ 		BUG_ON(skb->protocol != htons(ETH_P_IP));
+-		cmd_sts |= ETH_GEN_TCP_UDP_CHECKSUM |
+-			   ETH_GEN_IP_V_4_CHECKSUM  |
+-			   ip_hdr(skb)->ihl << ETH_TX_IHL_SHIFT;
++		cmd_sts |= GEN_TCP_UDP_CHECKSUM |
++			   GEN_IP_V4_CHECKSUM   |
++			   ip_hdr(skb)->ihl << TX_IHL_SHIFT;
+ 		switch (ip_hdr(skb)->protocol) {
+ 		case IPPROTO_UDP:
+-			cmd_sts |= ETH_UDP_FRAME;
++			cmd_sts |= UDP_FRAME;
+ 			desc->l4i_chk = ntohs(sum16_as_be(udp_hdr(skb)->check));
+ 			break;
+ 		case IPPROTO_TCP:
+@@ -1707,7 +751,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+ 		/* Errata BTS #50, IHL must be 5 if no HW checksum */
+-		cmd_sts |= 5 << ETH_TX_IHL_SHIFT;
++		cmd_sts |= 5 << TX_IHL_SHIFT;
+ 		desc->l4i_chk = 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -1717,1649 +761,1818 @@
+ 	/* ensure all descriptors are written before poking hardware */
+ 	wmb();
+-	mv643xx_eth_port_enable_tx(mp, ETH_TX_QUEUES_ENABLED);
++	txq_enable(txq);
+-	mp->tx_desc_count += nr_frags + 1;
++	txq->tx_desc_count += nr_frags + 1;
+ }
+- * mv643xx_eth_start_xmit - queue an skb to the hardware for transmission
+- *
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_eth_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
++static int mv643xx_eth_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+ 	struct net_device_stats *stats = &dev->stats;
++	struct tx_queue *txq;
+ 	unsigned long flags;
+-	BUG_ON(netif_queue_stopped(dev));
+ 	if (has_tiny_unaligned_frags(skb) && __skb_linearize(skb)) {
+ 		stats->tx_dropped++;
+-		printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: failed to linearize tiny "
+-				"unaligned fragment\n", dev->name);
++		dev_printk(KERN_DEBUG, &dev->dev,
++			   "failed to linearize skb with tiny "
++			   "unaligned fragment\n");
+ 		return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
+ 	}
+ 	spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->lock, flags);
+-	if (mp->tx_ring_size - mp->tx_desc_count < MAX_DESCS_PER_SKB) {
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: transmit with queue full\n", dev->name);
+-		netif_stop_queue(dev);
++	txq = mp->txq + mp->txq_primary;
++	if (txq->tx_ring_size - txq->tx_desc_count < MAX_DESCS_PER_SKB) {
+ 		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
+-		return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
++		if (txq->index == mp->txq_primary && net_ratelimit())
++			dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &dev->dev,
++				   "primary tx queue full?!\n");
++		kfree_skb(skb);
++		return NETDEV_TX_OK;
+ 	}
+-	eth_tx_submit_descs_for_skb(mp, skb);
++	txq_submit_skb(txq, skb);
+ 	stats->tx_bytes += skb->len;
+ 	stats->tx_packets++;
+ 	dev->trans_start = jiffies;
+-	if (mp->tx_ring_size - mp->tx_desc_count < MAX_DESCS_PER_SKB)
+-		netif_stop_queue(dev);
++	if (txq->index == mp->txq_primary) {
++		int entries_left;
++		entries_left = txq->tx_ring_size - txq->tx_desc_count;
++		if (entries_left < MAX_DESCS_PER_SKB)
++			netif_stop_queue(dev);
++	}
+ 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
+ 	return NETDEV_TX_OK;
+ }
+-static void mv643xx_netpoll(struct net_device *netdev)
++/* tx rate control **********************************************************/
++ * Set total maximum TX rate (shared by all TX queues for this port)
++ * to 'rate' bits per second, with a maximum burst of 'burst' bytes.
++ */
++static void tx_set_rate(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, int rate, int burst)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(netdev);
+-	int port_num = mp->port_num;
++	int token_rate;
++	int mtu;
++	int bucket_size;
++	token_rate = ((rate / 1000) * 64) / (mp->shared->t_clk / 1000);
++	if (token_rate > 1023)
++		token_rate = 1023;
+-	wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(port_num), ETH_INT_MASK_ALL);
+-	/* wait for previous write to complete */
+-	rdl(mp, INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(port_num));
++	mtu = (mp->dev->mtu + 255) >> 8;
++	if (mtu > 63)
++		mtu = 63;
+-	mv643xx_eth_int_handler(netdev->irq, netdev);
++	bucket_size = (burst + 255) >> 8;
++	if (bucket_size > 65535)
++		bucket_size = 65535;
++	if (mp->shared->tx_bw_control_moved) {
++		wrl(mp, TX_BW_RATE_MOVED(mp->port_num), token_rate);
++		wrl(mp, TX_BW_MTU_MOVED(mp->port_num), mtu);
++		wrl(mp, TX_BW_BURST_MOVED(mp->port_num), bucket_size);
++	} else {
++		wrl(mp, TX_BW_RATE(mp->port_num), token_rate);
++		wrl(mp, TX_BW_MTU(mp->port_num), mtu);
++		wrl(mp, TX_BW_BURST(mp->port_num), bucket_size);
++	}
+ }
+-static void mv643xx_init_ethtool_cmd(struct net_device *dev, int phy_address,
+-				     int speed, int duplex,
+-				     struct ethtool_cmd *cmd)
++static void txq_set_rate(struct tx_queue *txq, int rate, int burst)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = txq_to_mp(txq);
++	int token_rate;
++	int bucket_size;
+-	memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
++	token_rate = ((rate / 1000) * 64) / (mp->shared->t_clk / 1000);
++	if (token_rate > 1023)
++		token_rate = 1023;
+-	cmd->port = PORT_MII;
+-	cmd->transceiver = XCVR_INTERNAL;
+-	cmd->phy_address = phy_address;
++	bucket_size = (burst + 255) >> 8;
++	if (bucket_size > 65535)
++		bucket_size = 65535;
+-	if (speed == 0) {
+-		cmd->autoneg = AUTONEG_ENABLE;
+-		/* mii lib checks, but doesn't use speed on AUTONEG_ENABLE */
+-		cmd->speed = SPEED_100;
+-		cmd->advertising = ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half  |
+-				   ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full  |
+-				   ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half |
+-				   ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full;
+-		if (mp->mii.supports_gmii)
+-			cmd->advertising |= ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full;
+-	} else {
+-		cmd->autoneg = AUTONEG_DISABLE;
+-		cmd->speed = speed;
+-		cmd->duplex = duplex;
+-	}
++	wrl(mp, TXQ_BW_TOKENS(mp->port_num, txq->index), token_rate << 14);
++	wrl(mp, TXQ_BW_CONF(mp->port_num, txq->index),
++			(bucket_size << 10) | token_rate);
+ }
+- * mv643xx_eth_probe
+- *
+- * First function called after registering the network device.
+- * It's purpose is to initialize the device as an ethernet device,
+- * fill the ethernet device structure with pointers * to functions,
+- * and set the MAC address of the interface
+- *
+- * Input :	struct device *
+- * Output :	-ENOMEM if failed , 0 if success
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_eth_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
++static void txq_set_fixed_prio_mode(struct tx_queue *txq)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_eth_platform_data *pd;
+-	int port_num;
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp;
+-	struct net_device *dev;
+-	u8 *p;
+-	struct resource *res;
+-	int err;
+-	struct ethtool_cmd cmd;
+-	int duplex = DUPLEX_HALF;
+-	int speed = 0;			/* default to auto-negotiation */
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = txq_to_mp(txq);
++	int off;
++	u32 val;
+-	pd = pdev->dev.platform_data;
+-	if (pd == NULL) {
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "No mv643xx_eth_platform_data\n");
+-		return -ENODEV;
+-	}
++	/*
++	 * Turn on fixed priority mode.
++	 */
++	if (mp->shared->tx_bw_control_moved)
++		off = TXQ_FIX_PRIO_CONF_MOVED(mp->port_num);
++	else
++		off = TXQ_FIX_PRIO_CONF(mp->port_num);
+-	if (pd->shared == NULL) {
+-		printk(KERN_ERR "No mv643xx_eth_platform_data->shared\n");
+-		return -ENODEV;
+-	}
++	val = rdl(mp, off);
++	val |= 1 << txq->index;
++	wrl(mp, off, val);
+-	dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct mv643xx_private));
+-	if (!dev)
+-		return -ENOMEM;
++static void txq_set_wrr(struct tx_queue *txq, int weight)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = txq_to_mp(txq);
++	int off;
++	u32 val;
+-	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, dev);
++	/*
++	 * Turn off fixed priority mode.
++	 */
++	if (mp->shared->tx_bw_control_moved)
++		off = TXQ_FIX_PRIO_CONF_MOVED(mp->port_num);
++	else
++		off = TXQ_FIX_PRIO_CONF(mp->port_num);
+-	mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	mp->dev = dev;
+-#ifdef MV643XX_NAPI
+-	netif_napi_add(dev, &mp->napi, mv643xx_poll, 64);
++	val = rdl(mp, off);
++	val &= ~(1 << txq->index);
++	wrl(mp, off, val);
+-	res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_IRQ, 0);
+-	BUG_ON(!res);
+-	dev->irq = res->start;
++	/*
++	 * Configure WRR weight for this queue.
++	 */
++	off = TXQ_BW_WRR_CONF(mp->port_num, txq->index);
+-	dev->open = mv643xx_eth_open;
+-	dev->stop = mv643xx_eth_stop;
+-	dev->hard_start_xmit = mv643xx_eth_start_xmit;
+-	dev->set_mac_address = mv643xx_eth_set_mac_address;
+-	dev->set_multicast_list = mv643xx_eth_set_rx_mode;
++	val = rdl(mp, off);
++	val = (val & ~0xff) | (weight & 0xff);
++	wrl(mp, off, val);
+-	/* No need to Tx Timeout */
+-	dev->tx_timeout = mv643xx_eth_tx_timeout;
+-	dev->poll_controller = mv643xx_netpoll;
++/* mii management interface *************************************************/
++#define SMI_BUSY		0x10000000
++#define SMI_READ_VALID		0x08000000
++#define SMI_OPCODE_READ		0x04000000
++#define SMI_OPCODE_WRITE	0x00000000
+-	dev->watchdog_timeo = 2 * HZ;
+-	dev->base_addr = 0;
+-	dev->change_mtu = mv643xx_eth_change_mtu;
+-	dev->do_ioctl = mv643xx_eth_do_ioctl;
+-	SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(dev, &mv643xx_ethtool_ops);
++static void smi_reg_read(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, unsigned int addr,
++			 unsigned int reg, unsigned int *value)
++	void __iomem *smi_reg = mp->shared_smi->base + SMI_REG;
++	unsigned long flags;
++	int i;
++	/* the SMI register is a shared resource */
++	spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->shared_smi->phy_lock, flags);
++	/* wait for the SMI register to become available */
++	for (i = 0; readl(smi_reg) & SMI_BUSY; i++) {
++		if (i == 1000) {
++			printk("%s: PHY busy timeout\n", mp->dev->name);
++			goto out;
++		}
++		udelay(10);
++	}
++	writel(SMI_OPCODE_READ | (reg << 21) | (addr << 16), smi_reg);
++	/* now wait for the data to be valid */
++	for (i = 0; !(readl(smi_reg) & SMI_READ_VALID); i++) {
++		if (i == 1000) {
++			printk("%s: PHY read timeout\n", mp->dev->name);
++			goto out;
++		}
++		udelay(10);
++	}
++	*value = readl(smi_reg) & 0xffff;
++	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->shared_smi->phy_lock, flags);
++static void smi_reg_write(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp,
++			  unsigned int addr,
++			  unsigned int reg, unsigned int value)
++	void __iomem *smi_reg = mp->shared_smi->base + SMI_REG;
++	unsigned long flags;
++	int i;
++	/* the SMI register is a shared resource */
++	spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->shared_smi->phy_lock, flags);
++	/* wait for the SMI register to become available */
++	for (i = 0; readl(smi_reg) & SMI_BUSY; i++) {
++		if (i == 1000) {
++			printk("%s: PHY busy timeout\n", mp->dev->name);
++			goto out;
++		}
++		udelay(10);
++	}
++	writel(SMI_OPCODE_WRITE | (reg << 21) |
++		(addr << 16) | (value & 0xffff), smi_reg);
++	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->shared_smi->phy_lock, flags);
++/* mib counters *************************************************************/
++static inline u32 mib_read(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, int offset)
++	return rdl(mp, MIB_COUNTERS(mp->port_num) + offset);
++static void mib_counters_clear(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp)
++	int i;
++	for (i = 0; i < 0x80; i += 4)
++		mib_read(mp, i);
++static void mib_counters_update(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp)
++	struct mib_counters *p = &mp->mib_counters;
++	p->good_octets_received += mib_read(mp, 0x00);
++	p->good_octets_received += (u64)mib_read(mp, 0x04) << 32;
++	p->bad_octets_received += mib_read(mp, 0x08);
++	p->internal_mac_transmit_err += mib_read(mp, 0x0c);
++	p->good_frames_received += mib_read(mp, 0x10);
++	p->bad_frames_received += mib_read(mp, 0x14);
++	p->broadcast_frames_received += mib_read(mp, 0x18);
++	p->multicast_frames_received += mib_read(mp, 0x1c);
++	p->frames_64_octets += mib_read(mp, 0x20);
++	p->frames_65_to_127_octets += mib_read(mp, 0x24);
++	p->frames_128_to_255_octets += mib_read(mp, 0x28);
++	p->frames_256_to_511_octets += mib_read(mp, 0x2c);
++	p->frames_512_to_1023_octets += mib_read(mp, 0x30);
++	p->frames_1024_to_max_octets += mib_read(mp, 0x34);
++	p->good_octets_sent += mib_read(mp, 0x38);
++	p->good_octets_sent += (u64)mib_read(mp, 0x3c) << 32;
++	p->good_frames_sent += mib_read(mp, 0x40);
++	p->excessive_collision += mib_read(mp, 0x44);
++	p->multicast_frames_sent += mib_read(mp, 0x48);
++	p->broadcast_frames_sent += mib_read(mp, 0x4c);
++	p->unrec_mac_control_received += mib_read(mp, 0x50);
++	p->fc_sent += mib_read(mp, 0x54);
++	p->good_fc_received += mib_read(mp, 0x58);
++	p->bad_fc_received += mib_read(mp, 0x5c);
++	p->undersize_received += mib_read(mp, 0x60);
++	p->fragments_received += mib_read(mp, 0x64);
++	p->oversize_received += mib_read(mp, 0x68);
++	p->jabber_received += mib_read(mp, 0x6c);
++	p->mac_receive_error += mib_read(mp, 0x70);
++	p->bad_crc_event += mib_read(mp, 0x74);
++	p->collision += mib_read(mp, 0x78);
++	p->late_collision += mib_read(mp, 0x7c);
++/* ethtool ******************************************************************/
++struct mv643xx_eth_stats {
++	char stat_string[ETH_GSTRING_LEN];
++	int sizeof_stat;
++	int netdev_off;
++	int mp_off;
++#define SSTAT(m)						\
++	{ #m, FIELD_SIZEOF(struct net_device_stats, m),		\
++	  offsetof(struct net_device, stats.m), -1 }
++#define MIBSTAT(m)						\
++	{ #m, FIELD_SIZEOF(struct mib_counters, m),		\
++	  -1, offsetof(struct mv643xx_eth_private, mib_counters.m) }
++static const struct mv643xx_eth_stats mv643xx_eth_stats[] = {
++	SSTAT(rx_packets),
++	SSTAT(tx_packets),
++	SSTAT(rx_bytes),
++	SSTAT(tx_bytes),
++	SSTAT(rx_errors),
++	SSTAT(tx_errors),
++	SSTAT(rx_dropped),
++	SSTAT(tx_dropped),
++	MIBSTAT(good_octets_received),
++	MIBSTAT(bad_octets_received),
++	MIBSTAT(internal_mac_transmit_err),
++	MIBSTAT(good_frames_received),
++	MIBSTAT(bad_frames_received),
++	MIBSTAT(broadcast_frames_received),
++	MIBSTAT(multicast_frames_received),
++	MIBSTAT(frames_64_octets),
++	MIBSTAT(frames_65_to_127_octets),
++	MIBSTAT(frames_128_to_255_octets),
++	MIBSTAT(frames_256_to_511_octets),
++	MIBSTAT(frames_512_to_1023_octets),
++	MIBSTAT(frames_1024_to_max_octets),
++	MIBSTAT(good_octets_sent),
++	MIBSTAT(good_frames_sent),
++	MIBSTAT(excessive_collision),
++	MIBSTAT(multicast_frames_sent),
++	MIBSTAT(broadcast_frames_sent),
++	MIBSTAT(unrec_mac_control_received),
++	MIBSTAT(fc_sent),
++	MIBSTAT(good_fc_received),
++	MIBSTAT(bad_fc_received),
++	MIBSTAT(undersize_received),
++	MIBSTAT(fragments_received),
++	MIBSTAT(oversize_received),
++	MIBSTAT(jabber_received),
++	MIBSTAT(mac_receive_error),
++	MIBSTAT(bad_crc_event),
++	MIBSTAT(collision),
++	MIBSTAT(late_collision),
++static int mv643xx_eth_get_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	int err;
++	spin_lock_irq(&mp->lock);
++	err = mii_ethtool_gset(&mp->mii, cmd);
++	spin_unlock_irq(&mp->lock);
+-#ifdef MAX_SKB_FRAGS
+ 	/*
+-	 * Zero copy can only work if we use Discovery II memory. Else, we will
+-	 * have to map the buffers to ISA memory which is only 16 MB
++	 * The MAC does not support 1000baseT_Half.
+ 	 */
+-	dev->features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
++	cmd->supported &= ~SUPPORTED_1000baseT_Half;
++	cmd->advertising &= ~ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half;
+-	/* Configure the timeout task */
+-	INIT_WORK(&mp->tx_timeout_task, mv643xx_eth_tx_timeout_task);
++	return err;
+-	spin_lock_init(&mp->lock);
++static int mv643xx_eth_get_settings_phyless(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd)
++	cmd->supported = SUPPORTED_MII;
++	cmd->advertising = ADVERTISED_MII;
++	cmd->speed = SPEED_1000;
++	cmd->duplex = DUPLEX_FULL;
++	cmd->port = PORT_MII;
++	cmd->phy_address = 0;
++	cmd->transceiver = XCVR_INTERNAL;
++	cmd->autoneg = AUTONEG_DISABLE;
++	cmd->maxtxpkt = 1;
++	cmd->maxrxpkt = 1;
+-	mp->shared = platform_get_drvdata(pd->shared);
+-	port_num = mp->port_num = pd->port_number;
++	return 0;
+-	if (mp->shared->win_protect)
+-		wrl(mp, WINDOW_PROTECT(port_num), mp->shared->win_protect);
++static int mv643xx_eth_set_settings(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	int err;
+-	mp->shared_smi = mp->shared;
+-	if (pd->shared_smi != NULL)
+-		mp->shared_smi = platform_get_drvdata(pd->shared_smi);
+-	/* set default config values */
+-	eth_port_uc_addr_get(mp, dev->dev_addr);
+-	mp->rx_ring_size = PORT_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_QUEUE_SIZE;
++	/*
++	 * The MAC does not support 1000baseT_Half.
++	 */
++	cmd->advertising &= ~ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Half;
+-	if (is_valid_ether_addr(pd->mac_addr))
+-		memcpy(dev->dev_addr, pd->mac_addr, 6);
++	spin_lock_irq(&mp->lock);
++	err = mii_ethtool_sset(&mp->mii, cmd);
++	spin_unlock_irq(&mp->lock);
+-	if (pd->phy_addr || pd->force_phy_addr)
+-		ethernet_phy_set(mp, pd->phy_addr);
++	return err;
+-	if (pd->rx_queue_size)
+-		mp->rx_ring_size = pd->rx_queue_size;
++static int mv643xx_eth_set_settings_phyless(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_cmd *cmd)
++	return -EINVAL;
+-	if (pd->tx_queue_size)
+-		mp->tx_ring_size = pd->tx_queue_size;
++static void mv643xx_eth_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *dev,
++				    struct ethtool_drvinfo *drvinfo)
++	strncpy(drvinfo->driver,  mv643xx_eth_driver_name, 32);
++	strncpy(drvinfo->version, mv643xx_eth_driver_version, 32);
++	strncpy(drvinfo->fw_version, "N/A", 32);
++	strncpy(drvinfo->bus_info, "platform", 32);
++	drvinfo->n_stats = ARRAY_SIZE(mv643xx_eth_stats);
++static int mv643xx_eth_nway_reset(struct net_device *dev)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	if (pd->tx_sram_size) {
+-		mp->tx_sram_size = pd->tx_sram_size;
+-		mp->tx_sram_addr = pd->tx_sram_addr;
++	return mii_nway_restart(&mp->mii);
++static int mv643xx_eth_nway_reset_phyless(struct net_device *dev)
++	return -EINVAL;
++static u32 mv643xx_eth_get_link(struct net_device *dev)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	return mii_link_ok(&mp->mii);
++static u32 mv643xx_eth_get_link_phyless(struct net_device *dev)
++	return 1;
++static void mv643xx_eth_get_strings(struct net_device *dev,
++				    uint32_t stringset, uint8_t *data)
++	int i;
++	if (stringset == ETH_SS_STATS) {
++		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mv643xx_eth_stats); i++) {
++			memcpy(data + i * ETH_GSTRING_LEN,
++				mv643xx_eth_stats[i].stat_string,
++		}
+ 	}
++static void mv643xx_eth_get_ethtool_stats(struct net_device *dev,
++					  struct ethtool_stats *stats,
++					  uint64_t *data)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = dev->priv;
++	int i;
++	mib_counters_update(mp);
++	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mv643xx_eth_stats); i++) {
++		const struct mv643xx_eth_stats *stat;
++		void *p;
++		stat = mv643xx_eth_stats + i;
++		if (stat->netdev_off >= 0)
++			p = ((void *)mp->dev) + stat->netdev_off;
++		else
++			p = ((void *)mp) + stat->mp_off;
+-	if (pd->rx_sram_size) {
+-		mp->rx_sram_size = pd->rx_sram_size;
+-		mp->rx_sram_addr = pd->rx_sram_addr;
++		data[i] = (stat->sizeof_stat == 8) ?
++				*(uint64_t *)p : *(uint32_t *)p;
+ 	}
+-	duplex = pd->duplex;
+-	speed = pd->speed;
++static int mv643xx_eth_get_sset_count(struct net_device *dev, int sset)
++	if (sset == ETH_SS_STATS)
++		return ARRAY_SIZE(mv643xx_eth_stats);
+-	/* Hook up MII support for ethtool */
+-	mp-> = dev;
+-	mp->mii.mdio_read = mv643xx_mdio_read;
+-	mp->mii.mdio_write = mv643xx_mdio_write;
+-	mp->mii.phy_id = ethernet_phy_get(mp);
+-	mp->mii.phy_id_mask = 0x3f;
+-	mp->mii.reg_num_mask = 0x1f;
++	return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+-	err = ethernet_phy_detect(mp);
+-	if (err) {
+-		pr_debug("%s: No PHY detected at addr %d\n",
+-				dev->name, ethernet_phy_get(mp));
++static const struct ethtool_ops mv643xx_eth_ethtool_ops = {
++	.get_settings		= mv643xx_eth_get_settings,
++	.set_settings		= mv643xx_eth_set_settings,
++	.get_drvinfo		= mv643xx_eth_get_drvinfo,
++	.nway_reset		= mv643xx_eth_nway_reset,
++	.get_link		= mv643xx_eth_get_link,
++	.set_sg			= ethtool_op_set_sg,
++	.get_strings		= mv643xx_eth_get_strings,
++	.get_ethtool_stats	= mv643xx_eth_get_ethtool_stats,
++	.get_sset_count		= mv643xx_eth_get_sset_count,
++static const struct ethtool_ops mv643xx_eth_ethtool_ops_phyless = {
++	.get_settings		= mv643xx_eth_get_settings_phyless,
++	.set_settings		= mv643xx_eth_set_settings_phyless,
++	.get_drvinfo		= mv643xx_eth_get_drvinfo,
++	.nway_reset		= mv643xx_eth_nway_reset_phyless,
++	.get_link		= mv643xx_eth_get_link_phyless,
++	.set_sg			= ethtool_op_set_sg,
++	.get_strings		= mv643xx_eth_get_strings,
++	.get_ethtool_stats	= mv643xx_eth_get_ethtool_stats,
++	.get_sset_count		= mv643xx_eth_get_sset_count,
++/* address handling *********************************************************/
++static void uc_addr_get(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, unsigned char *addr)
++	unsigned int mac_h;
++	unsigned int mac_l;
++	mac_h = rdl(mp, MAC_ADDR_HIGH(mp->port_num));
++	mac_l = rdl(mp, MAC_ADDR_LOW(mp->port_num));
++	addr[0] = (mac_h >> 24) & 0xff;
++	addr[1] = (mac_h >> 16) & 0xff;
++	addr[2] = (mac_h >> 8) & 0xff;
++	addr[3] = mac_h & 0xff;
++	addr[4] = (mac_l >> 8) & 0xff;
++	addr[5] = mac_l & 0xff;
++static void init_mac_tables(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp)
++	int i;
++	for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i += 4) {
++		wrl(mp, SPECIAL_MCAST_TABLE(mp->port_num) + i, 0);
++		wrl(mp, OTHER_MCAST_TABLE(mp->port_num) + i, 0);
++	}
++	for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i += 4)
++		wrl(mp, UNICAST_TABLE(mp->port_num) + i, 0);
++static void set_filter_table_entry(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp,
++				   int table, unsigned char entry)
++	unsigned int table_reg;
++	/* Set "accepts frame bit" at specified table entry */
++	table_reg = rdl(mp, table + (entry & 0xfc));
++	table_reg |= 0x01 << (8 * (entry & 3));
++	wrl(mp, table + (entry & 0xfc), table_reg);
++static void uc_addr_set(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, unsigned char *addr)
++	unsigned int mac_h;
++	unsigned int mac_l;
++	int table;
++	mac_l = (addr[4] << 8) | addr[5];
++	mac_h = (addr[0] << 24) | (addr[1] << 16) | (addr[2] << 8) | addr[3];
++	wrl(mp, MAC_ADDR_LOW(mp->port_num), mac_l);
++	wrl(mp, MAC_ADDR_HIGH(mp->port_num), mac_h);
++	table = UNICAST_TABLE(mp->port_num);
++	set_filter_table_entry(mp, table, addr[5] & 0x0f);
++static int mv643xx_eth_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	/* +2 is for the offset of the HW addr type */
++	memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr + 2, 6);
++	init_mac_tables(mp);
++	uc_addr_set(mp, dev->dev_addr);
++	return 0;
++static int addr_crc(unsigned char *addr)
++	int crc = 0;
++	int i;
++	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
++		int j;
++		crc = (crc ^ addr[i]) << 8;
++		for (j = 7; j >= 0; j--) {
++			if (crc & (0x100 << j))
++				crc ^= 0x107 << j;
++		}
++	}
++	return crc;
++static void mv643xx_eth_set_rx_mode(struct net_device *dev)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	u32 port_config;
++	struct dev_addr_list *addr;
++	int i;
++	port_config = rdl(mp, PORT_CONFIG(mp->port_num));
++	if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC)
++		port_config |= UNICAST_PROMISCUOUS_MODE;
++	else
++		port_config &= ~UNICAST_PROMISCUOUS_MODE;
++	wrl(mp, PORT_CONFIG(mp->port_num), port_config);
++	if (dev->flags & (IFF_PROMISC | IFF_ALLMULTI)) {
++		int port_num = mp->port_num;
++		u32 accept = 0x01010101;
++		for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i += 4) {
++			wrl(mp, SPECIAL_MCAST_TABLE(port_num) + i, accept);
++			wrl(mp, OTHER_MCAST_TABLE(port_num) + i, accept);
++		}
++		return;
++	}
++	for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i += 4) {
++		wrl(mp, SPECIAL_MCAST_TABLE(mp->port_num) + i, 0);
++		wrl(mp, OTHER_MCAST_TABLE(mp->port_num) + i, 0);
++	}
++	for (addr = dev->mc_list; addr != NULL; addr = addr->next) {
++		u8 *a = addr->da_addr;
++		int table;
++		if (addr->da_addrlen != 6)
++			continue;
++		if (memcmp(a, "\x01\x00\x5e\x00\x00", 5) == 0) {
++			table = SPECIAL_MCAST_TABLE(mp->port_num);
++			set_filter_table_entry(mp, table, a[5]);
++		} else {
++			int crc = addr_crc(a);
++			table = OTHER_MCAST_TABLE(mp->port_num);
++			set_filter_table_entry(mp, table, crc);
++		}
++	}
++/* rx/tx queue initialisation ***********************************************/
++static int rxq_init(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, int index)
++	struct rx_queue *rxq = mp->rxq + index;
++	struct rx_desc *rx_desc;
++	int size;
++	int i;
++	rxq->index = index;
++	rxq->rx_ring_size = mp->default_rx_ring_size;
++	rxq->rx_desc_count = 0;
++	rxq->rx_curr_desc = 0;
++	rxq->rx_used_desc = 0;
++	size = rxq->rx_ring_size * sizeof(struct rx_desc);
++	if (index == mp->rxq_primary && size <= mp->rx_desc_sram_size) {
++		rxq->rx_desc_area = ioremap(mp->rx_desc_sram_addr,
++						mp->rx_desc_sram_size);
++		rxq->rx_desc_dma = mp->rx_desc_sram_addr;
++	} else {
++		rxq->rx_desc_area = dma_alloc_coherent(NULL, size,
++							&rxq->rx_desc_dma,
++							GFP_KERNEL);
++	}
++	if (rxq->rx_desc_area == NULL) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &mp->dev->dev,
++			   "can't allocate rx ring (%d bytes)\n", size);
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
++	memset(rxq->rx_desc_area, 0, size);
+-	ethernet_phy_reset(mp);
+-	mp->mii.supports_gmii = mii_check_gmii_support(&mp->mii);
+-	mv643xx_init_ethtool_cmd(dev, mp->mii.phy_id, speed, duplex, &cmd);
+-	mv643xx_eth_update_pscr(dev, &cmd);
+-	mv643xx_set_settings(dev, &cmd);
++	rxq->rx_desc_area_size = size;
++	rxq->rx_skb = kmalloc(rxq->rx_ring_size * sizeof(*rxq->rx_skb),
++								GFP_KERNEL);
++	if (rxq->rx_skb == NULL) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &mp->dev->dev,
++			   "can't allocate rx skb ring\n");
++		goto out_free;
++	}
+-	SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev);
+-	err = register_netdev(dev);
+-	if (err)
++	rx_desc = (struct rx_desc *)rxq->rx_desc_area;
++	for (i = 0; i < rxq->rx_ring_size; i++) {
++		int nexti = (i + 1) % rxq->rx_ring_size;
++		rx_desc[i].next_desc_ptr = rxq->rx_desc_dma +
++					nexti * sizeof(struct rx_desc);
++	}
++	init_timer(&rxq->rx_oom);
++	rxq-> = (unsigned long)rxq;
++	rxq->rx_oom.function = rxq_refill_timer_wrapper;
++	return 0;
++	if (index == mp->rxq_primary && size <= mp->rx_desc_sram_size)
++		iounmap(rxq->rx_desc_area);
++	else
++		dma_free_coherent(NULL, size,
++				  rxq->rx_desc_area,
++				  rxq->rx_desc_dma);
++	return -ENOMEM;
++static void rxq_deinit(struct rx_queue *rxq)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = rxq_to_mp(rxq);
++	int i;
++	rxq_disable(rxq);
++	del_timer_sync(&rxq->rx_oom);
++	for (i = 0; i < rxq->rx_ring_size; i++) {
++		if (rxq->rx_skb[i]) {
++			dev_kfree_skb(rxq->rx_skb[i]);
++			rxq->rx_desc_count--;
++		}
++	}
++	if (rxq->rx_desc_count) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &mp->dev->dev,
++			   "error freeing rx ring -- %d skbs stuck\n",
++			   rxq->rx_desc_count);
++	}
++	if (rxq->index == mp->rxq_primary &&
++	    rxq->rx_desc_area_size <= mp->rx_desc_sram_size)
++		iounmap(rxq->rx_desc_area);
++	else
++		dma_free_coherent(NULL, rxq->rx_desc_area_size,
++				  rxq->rx_desc_area, rxq->rx_desc_dma);
++	kfree(rxq->rx_skb);
++static int txq_init(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, int index)
++	struct tx_queue *txq = mp->txq + index;
++	struct tx_desc *tx_desc;
++	int size;
++	int i;
++	txq->index = index;
++	txq->tx_ring_size = mp->default_tx_ring_size;
++	txq->tx_desc_count = 0;
++	txq->tx_curr_desc = 0;
++	txq->tx_used_desc = 0;
++	size = txq->tx_ring_size * sizeof(struct tx_desc);
++	if (index == mp->txq_primary && size <= mp->tx_desc_sram_size) {
++		txq->tx_desc_area = ioremap(mp->tx_desc_sram_addr,
++						mp->tx_desc_sram_size);
++		txq->tx_desc_dma = mp->tx_desc_sram_addr;
++	} else {
++		txq->tx_desc_area = dma_alloc_coherent(NULL, size,
++							&txq->tx_desc_dma,
++							GFP_KERNEL);
++	}
++	if (txq->tx_desc_area == NULL) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &mp->dev->dev,
++			   "can't allocate tx ring (%d bytes)\n", size);
+ 		goto out;
++	}
++	memset(txq->tx_desc_area, 0, size);
+-	p = dev->dev_addr;
+-	printk(KERN_NOTICE
+-		"%s: port %d with MAC address %s\n",
+-		dev->name, port_num, print_mac(mac, p));
++	txq->tx_desc_area_size = size;
++	txq->tx_skb = kmalloc(txq->tx_ring_size * sizeof(*txq->tx_skb),
++								GFP_KERNEL);
++	if (txq->tx_skb == NULL) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &mp->dev->dev,
++			   "can't allocate tx skb ring\n");
++		goto out_free;
++	}
+-	if (dev->features & NETIF_F_SG)
+-		printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: Scatter Gather Enabled\n", dev->name);
++	tx_desc = (struct tx_desc *)txq->tx_desc_area;
++	for (i = 0; i < txq->tx_ring_size; i++) {
++		int nexti = (i + 1) % txq->tx_ring_size;
++		tx_desc[i].next_desc_ptr = txq->tx_desc_dma +
++					nexti * sizeof(struct tx_desc);
++	}
+-	if (dev->features & NETIF_F_IP_CSUM)
+-		printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: TX TCP/IP Checksumming Supported\n",
+-								dev->name);
++	return 0;
++	if (index == mp->txq_primary && size <= mp->tx_desc_sram_size)
++		iounmap(txq->tx_desc_area);
++	else
++		dma_free_coherent(NULL, size,
++				  txq->tx_desc_area,
++				  txq->tx_desc_dma);
++	return -ENOMEM;
++static void txq_reclaim(struct tx_queue *txq, int force)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = txq_to_mp(txq);
++	unsigned long flags;
++	spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->lock, flags);
++	while (txq->tx_desc_count > 0) {
++		int tx_index;
++		struct tx_desc *desc;
++		u32 cmd_sts;
++		struct sk_buff *skb;
++		dma_addr_t addr;
++		int count;
++		tx_index = txq->tx_used_desc;
++		desc = &txq->tx_desc_area[tx_index];
++		cmd_sts = desc->cmd_sts;
++		if (!force && (cmd_sts & BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA))
++			break;
++		txq->tx_used_desc = (tx_index + 1) % txq->tx_ring_size;
++		txq->tx_desc_count--;
++		addr = desc->buf_ptr;
++		count = desc->byte_cnt;
++		skb = txq->tx_skb[tx_index];
++		txq->tx_skb[tx_index] = NULL;
++		if (cmd_sts & ERROR_SUMMARY) {
++			dev_printk(KERN_INFO, &mp->dev->dev, "tx error\n");
++			mp->dev->stats.tx_errors++;
++		}
++		/*
++		 * Drop mp->lock while we free the skb.
++		 */
++		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
+-	printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: RX TCP/UDP Checksum Offload ON \n", dev->name);
++		if (cmd_sts & TX_FIRST_DESC)
++			dma_unmap_single(NULL, addr, count, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
++		else
++			dma_unmap_page(NULL, addr, count, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
++		if (skb)
++			dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
++		spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->lock, flags);
++	}
++	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
++static void txq_deinit(struct tx_queue *txq)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = txq_to_mp(txq);
++	txq_disable(txq);
++	txq_reclaim(txq, 1);
++	BUG_ON(txq->tx_used_desc != txq->tx_curr_desc);
++	if (txq->index == mp->txq_primary &&
++	    txq->tx_desc_area_size <= mp->tx_desc_sram_size)
++		iounmap(txq->tx_desc_area);
++	else
++		dma_free_coherent(NULL, txq->tx_desc_area_size,
++				  txq->tx_desc_area, txq->tx_desc_dma);
++	kfree(txq->tx_skb);
++/* netdev ops and related ***************************************************/
++static void update_pscr(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, int speed, int duplex)
++	u32 pscr_o;
++	u32 pscr_n;
++	pscr_o = rdl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num));
++	/* clear speed, duplex and rx buffer size fields */
++	pscr_n = pscr_o & ~(SET_MII_SPEED_TO_100   |
++			    SET_GMII_SPEED_TO_1000 |
++	if (speed == SPEED_1000) {
++		pscr_n |= SET_GMII_SPEED_TO_1000 | MAX_RX_PACKET_9700BYTE;
++	} else {
++		if (speed == SPEED_100)
++			pscr_n |= SET_MII_SPEED_TO_100;
++		pscr_n |= MAX_RX_PACKET_1522BYTE;
++	}
++	if (duplex == DUPLEX_FULL)
++		pscr_n |= SET_FULL_DUPLEX_MODE;
++	if (pscr_n != pscr_o) {
++		if ((pscr_o & SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE) == 0)
++			wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num), pscr_n);
++		else {
++			int i;
++			for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
++				if (mp->txq_mask & (1 << i))
++					txq_disable(mp->txq + i);
++			pscr_o &= ~SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE;
++			wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num), pscr_o);
++			wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num), pscr_n);
++			wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num), pscr_n);
++			for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
++				if (mp->txq_mask & (1 << i))
++					txq_enable(mp->txq + i);
++		}
++	}
++static irqreturn_t mv643xx_eth_irq(int irq, void *dev_id)
++	struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)dev_id;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	u32 int_cause;
++	u32 int_cause_ext;
++	u32 txq_active;
++	int_cause = rdl(mp, INT_CAUSE(mp->port_num)) &
++	if (int_cause == 0)
++		return IRQ_NONE;
++	int_cause_ext = 0;
++	if (int_cause & INT_EXT) {
++		int_cause_ext = rdl(mp, INT_CAUSE_EXT(mp->port_num))
++		wrl(mp, INT_CAUSE_EXT(mp->port_num), ~int_cause_ext);
++	}
++	if (int_cause_ext & (INT_EXT_PHY | INT_EXT_LINK)) {
++		if (mp->phy_addr == -1 || mii_link_ok(&mp->mii)) {
++			int i;
++			if (mp->phy_addr != -1) {
++				struct ethtool_cmd cmd;
++				mii_ethtool_gset(&mp->mii, &cmd);
++				update_pscr(mp, cmd.speed, cmd.duplex);
++			}
++			for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
++				if (mp->txq_mask & (1 << i))
++					txq_enable(mp->txq + i);
++			if (!netif_carrier_ok(dev)) {
++				netif_carrier_on(dev);
++				__txq_maybe_wake(mp->txq + mp->txq_primary);
++			}
++		} else if (netif_carrier_ok(dev)) {
++			netif_stop_queue(dev);
++			netif_carrier_off(dev);
++		}
++	}
++	/*
++	 * RxBuffer or RxError set for any of the 8 queues?
++	 */
++#ifdef MV643XX_ETH_NAPI
++	if (int_cause & INT_RX) {
++		wrl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num), 0x00000000);
++		rdl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num));
++		netif_rx_schedule(dev, &mp->napi);
++	}
++	if (int_cause & INT_RX) {
++		int i;
++		for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
++			if (mp->rxq_mask & (1 << i))
++				rxq_process(mp->rxq + i, INT_MAX);
++	}
+ #endif
+-#ifdef MV643XX_COAL
+-	printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: TX and RX Interrupt Coalescing ON \n",
+-								dev->name);
++	txq_active = rdl(mp, TXQ_COMMAND(mp->port_num));
++	/*
++	 * TxBuffer or TxError set for any of the 8 queues?
++	 */
++	if (int_cause_ext & INT_EXT_TX) {
++		int i;
++		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
++			if (mp->txq_mask & (1 << i))
++				txq_reclaim(mp->txq + i, 0);
++	}
++	/*
++	 * Any TxEnd interrupts?
++	 */
++	if (int_cause & INT_TX_END) {
++		int i;
++		wrl(mp, INT_CAUSE(mp->port_num), ~(int_cause & INT_TX_END));
++		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++			struct tx_queue *txq = mp->txq + i;
++			if (txq->tx_desc_count && !((txq_active >> i) & 1))
++				txq_enable(txq);
++		}
++	}
++	/*
++	 * Enough space again in the primary TX queue for a full packet?
++	 */
++	if (int_cause_ext & INT_EXT_TX) {
++		struct tx_queue *txq = mp->txq + mp->txq_primary;
++		__txq_maybe_wake(txq);
++	}
++	return IRQ_HANDLED;
++static void phy_reset(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp)
++	unsigned int data;
++	smi_reg_read(mp, mp->phy_addr, 0, &data);
++	data |= 0x8000;
++	smi_reg_write(mp, mp->phy_addr, 0, data);
++	do {
++		udelay(1);
++		smi_reg_read(mp, mp->phy_addr, 0, &data);
++	} while (data & 0x8000);
++static void port_start(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp)
++	u32 pscr;
++	int i;
++	/*
++	 * Configure basic link parameters.
++	 */
++	pscr = rdl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num));
++	wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num), pscr);
++	wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num), pscr);
++	wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num), pscr);
++	/*
++	 * Perform PHY reset, if there is a PHY.
++	 */
++	if (mp->phy_addr != -1) {
++		struct ethtool_cmd cmd;
++		mv643xx_eth_get_settings(mp->dev, &cmd);
++		phy_reset(mp);
++		mv643xx_eth_set_settings(mp->dev, &cmd);
++	}
++	/*
++	 * Configure TX path and queues.
++	 */
++	tx_set_rate(mp, 1000000000, 16777216);
++	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++		struct tx_queue *txq = mp->txq + i;
++		int off = TXQ_CURRENT_DESC_PTR(mp->port_num, i);
++		u32 addr;
++		if ((mp->txq_mask & (1 << i)) == 0)
++			continue;
++		addr = (u32)txq->tx_desc_dma;
++		addr += txq->tx_curr_desc * sizeof(struct tx_desc);
++		wrl(mp, off, addr);
++		txq_set_rate(txq, 1000000000, 16777216);
++		txq_set_fixed_prio_mode(txq);
++	}
++	/*
++	 * Add configured unicast address to address filter table.
++	 */
++	uc_addr_set(mp, mp->dev->dev_addr);
++	/*
++	 * Receive all unmatched unicast, TCP, UDP, BPDU and broadcast
++	 * frames to RX queue #0.
++	 */
++	wrl(mp, PORT_CONFIG(mp->port_num), 0x00000000);
+-#ifdef MV643XX_NAPI
+-	printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: RX NAPI Enabled \n", dev->name);
++	/*
++	 * Treat BPDUs as normal multicasts, and disable partition mode.
++	 */
++	wrl(mp, PORT_CONFIG_EXT(mp->port_num), 0x00000000);
+-	if (mp->tx_sram_size > 0)
+-		printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: Using SRAM\n", dev->name);
++	/*
++	 * Enable the receive queues.
++	 */
++	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++		struct rx_queue *rxq = mp->rxq + i;
++		int off = RXQ_CURRENT_DESC_PTR(mp->port_num, i);
++		u32 addr;
+-	return 0;
++		if ((mp->rxq_mask & (1 << i)) == 0)
++			continue;
+-	free_netdev(dev);
++		addr = (u32)rxq->rx_desc_dma;
++		addr += rxq->rx_curr_desc * sizeof(struct rx_desc);
++		wrl(mp, off, addr);
+-	return err;
++		rxq_enable(rxq);
++	}
+ }
+-static int mv643xx_eth_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
++static void set_rx_coal(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, unsigned int delay)
+ {
+-	struct net_device *dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
++	unsigned int coal = ((mp->shared->t_clk / 1000000) * delay) / 64;
++	u32 val;
+-	unregister_netdev(dev);
+-	flush_scheduled_work();
++	val = rdl(mp, SDMA_CONFIG(mp->port_num));
++	if (mp->shared->extended_rx_coal_limit) {
++		if (coal > 0xffff)
++			coal = 0xffff;
++		val &= ~0x023fff80;
++		val |= (coal & 0x8000) << 10;
++		val |= (coal & 0x7fff) << 7;
++	} else {
++		if (coal > 0x3fff)
++			coal = 0x3fff;
++		val &= ~0x003fff00;
++		val |= (coal & 0x3fff) << 8;
++	}
++	wrl(mp, SDMA_CONFIG(mp->port_num), val);
+-	free_netdev(dev);
+-	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
+-	return 0;
++static void set_tx_coal(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, unsigned int delay)
++	unsigned int coal = ((mp->shared->t_clk / 1000000) * delay) / 64;
++	if (coal > 0x3fff)
++		coal = 0x3fff;
++	wrl(mp, TX_FIFO_URGENT_THRESHOLD(mp->port_num), (coal & 0x3fff) << 4);
+ }
+-static void mv643xx_eth_conf_mbus_windows(struct mv643xx_shared_private *msp,
+-					  struct mbus_dram_target_info *dram)
++static int mv643xx_eth_open(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+-	void __iomem *base = msp->eth_base;
+-	u32 win_enable;
+-	u32 win_protect;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	int err;
+ 	int i;
+-	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+-		writel(0, base + WINDOW_BASE(i));
+-		writel(0, base + WINDOW_SIZE(i));
+-		if (i < 4)
+-			writel(0, base + WINDOW_REMAP_HIGH(i));
++	wrl(mp, INT_CAUSE(mp->port_num), 0);
++	wrl(mp, INT_CAUSE_EXT(mp->port_num), 0);
++	rdl(mp, INT_CAUSE_EXT(mp->port_num));
++	err = request_irq(dev->irq, mv643xx_eth_irq,
++			  dev->name, dev);
++	if (err) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &dev->dev, "can't assign irq\n");
++		return -EAGAIN;
+ 	}
+-	win_enable = 0x3f;
+-	win_protect = 0;
+-	for (i = 0; i < dram->num_cs; i++) {
+-		struct mbus_dram_window *cs = dram->cs + i;
++	init_mac_tables(mp);
+-		writel((cs->base & 0xffff0000) |
+-			(cs->mbus_attr << 8) |
+-			dram->mbus_dram_target_id, base + WINDOW_BASE(i));
+-		writel((cs->size - 1) & 0xffff0000, base + WINDOW_SIZE(i));
++	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++		if ((mp->rxq_mask & (1 << i)) == 0)
++			continue;
++		err = rxq_init(mp, i);
++		if (err) {
++			while (--i >= 0)
++				if (mp->rxq_mask & (1 << i))
++					rxq_deinit(mp->rxq + i);
++			goto out;
++		}
+-		win_enable &= ~(1 << i);
+-		win_protect |= 3 << (2 * i);
++		rxq_refill(mp->rxq + i);
+ 	}
+-	writel(win_enable, base + WINDOW_BAR_ENABLE);
+-	msp->win_protect = win_protect;
+-static int mv643xx_eth_shared_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+-	static int mv643xx_version_printed = 0;
+-	struct mv643xx_eth_shared_platform_data *pd = pdev->dev.platform_data;
+-	struct mv643xx_shared_private *msp;
+-	struct resource *res;
+-	int ret;
+-	if (!mv643xx_version_printed++)
+-		printk(KERN_NOTICE "MV-643xx 10/100/1000 Ethernet Driver\n");
+-	ret = -EINVAL;
+-	res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
+-	if (res == NULL)
+-		goto out;
++	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++		if ((mp->txq_mask & (1 << i)) == 0)
++			continue;
++		err = txq_init(mp, i);
++		if (err) {
++			while (--i >= 0)
++				if (mp->txq_mask & (1 << i))
++					txq_deinit(mp->txq + i);
++			goto out_free;
++		}
++	}
+-	ret = -ENOMEM;
+-	msp = kmalloc(sizeof(*msp), GFP_KERNEL);
+-	if (msp == NULL)
+-		goto out;
+-	memset(msp, 0, sizeof(*msp));
++#ifdef MV643XX_ETH_NAPI
++	napi_enable(&mp->napi);
+-	msp->eth_base = ioremap(res->start, res->end - res->start + 1);
+-	if (msp->eth_base == NULL)
+-		goto out_free;
++	port_start(mp);
+-	spin_lock_init(&msp->phy_lock);
+-	msp->t_clk = (pd != NULL && pd->t_clk != 0) ? pd->t_clk : 133000000;
++	set_rx_coal(mp, 0);
++	set_tx_coal(mp, 0);
+-	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, msp);
++	wrl(mp, INT_MASK_EXT(mp->port_num),
+-	/*
+-	 * (Re-)program MBUS remapping windows if we are asked to.
+-	 */
+-	if (pd != NULL && pd->dram != NULL)
+-		mv643xx_eth_conf_mbus_windows(msp, pd->dram);
++	wrl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num), INT_TX_END | INT_RX | INT_EXT);
+ 	return 0;
+ out_free:
+-	kfree(msp);
++	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
++		if (mp->rxq_mask & (1 << i))
++			rxq_deinit(mp->rxq + i);
+ out:
+-	return ret;
++	free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
++	return err;
+ }
+-static int mv643xx_eth_shared_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
++static void port_reset(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_shared_private *msp = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
++	unsigned int data;
++	int i;
+-	iounmap(msp->eth_base);
+-	kfree(msp);
++	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++		if (mp->rxq_mask & (1 << i))
++			rxq_disable(mp->rxq + i);
++		if (mp->txq_mask & (1 << i))
++			txq_disable(mp->txq + i);
++	}
++	while (!(rdl(mp, PORT_STATUS(mp->port_num)) & TX_FIFO_EMPTY))
++		udelay(10);
+-	return 0;
++	/* Reset the Enable bit in the Configuration Register */
++	data = rdl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num));
++	data &= ~(SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE		|
++	wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL(mp->port_num), data);
+ }
+-static void mv643xx_eth_shutdown(struct platform_device *pdev)
++static int mv643xx_eth_stop(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+-	struct net_device *dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	/* Mask all interrupts on ethernet port */
+-	wrl(mp, INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(port_num), 0);
+-	rdl(mp, INTERRUPT_MASK_REG(port_num));
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	int i;
+-	eth_port_reset(mp);
++	wrl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num), 0x00000000);
++	rdl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num));
+-static struct platform_driver mv643xx_eth_driver = {
+-	.probe = mv643xx_eth_probe,
+-	.remove = mv643xx_eth_remove,
+-	.shutdown = mv643xx_eth_shutdown,
+-	.driver = {
+-		.name = MV643XX_ETH_NAME,
+-		.owner	= THIS_MODULE,
+-	},
++#ifdef MV643XX_ETH_NAPI
++	napi_disable(&mp->napi);
++	netif_carrier_off(dev);
++	netif_stop_queue(dev);
+-static struct platform_driver mv643xx_eth_shared_driver = {
+-	.probe = mv643xx_eth_shared_probe,
+-	.remove = mv643xx_eth_shared_remove,
+-	.driver = {
+-		.name = MV643XX_ETH_SHARED_NAME,
+-		.owner	= THIS_MODULE,
+-	},
++	free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
+- * mv643xx_init_module
+- *
+- * Registers the network drivers into the Linux kernel
+- *
+- * Input :	N/A
+- *
+- * Output :	N/A
+- */
+-static int __init mv643xx_init_module(void)
+-	int rc;
++	port_reset(mp);
++	mib_counters_update(mp);
+-	rc = platform_driver_register(&mv643xx_eth_shared_driver);
+-	if (!rc) {
+-		rc = platform_driver_register(&mv643xx_eth_driver);
+-		if (rc)
+-			platform_driver_unregister(&mv643xx_eth_shared_driver);
++	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
++		if (mp->rxq_mask & (1 << i))
++			rxq_deinit(mp->rxq + i);
++		if (mp->txq_mask & (1 << i))
++			txq_deinit(mp->txq + i);
+ 	}
+-	return rc;
+- * mv643xx_cleanup_module
+- *
+- * Registers the network drivers into the Linux kernel
+- *
+- * Input :	N/A
+- *
+- * Output :	N/A
+- */
+-static void __exit mv643xx_cleanup_module(void)
+-	platform_driver_unregister(&mv643xx_eth_driver);
+-	platform_driver_unregister(&mv643xx_eth_shared_driver);
++	return 0;
+ }
+-MODULE_AUTHOR(	"Rabeeh Khoury, Assaf Hoffman, Matthew Dharm, Manish Lachwani"
+-		" and Dale Farnsworth");
+-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Ethernet driver for Marvell MV643XX");
+-MODULE_ALIAS("platform:" MV643XX_ETH_NAME);
+- * The second part is the low level driver of the gigE ethernet ports.
+- */
+- * Marvell's Gigabit Ethernet controller low level driver
+- *
+- *	This file introduce low level API to Marvell's Gigabit Ethernet
+- *		controller. This Gigabit Ethernet Controller driver API controls
+- *		1) Operations (i.e. port init, start, reset etc').
+- *		2) Data flow (i.e. port send, receive etc').
+- *		Each Gigabit Ethernet port is controlled via
+- *		struct mv643xx_private.
+- *		This struct includes user configuration information as well as
+- *		driver internal data needed for its operations.
+- *
+- *		Supported Features:
+- *		- This low level driver is OS independent. Allocating memory for
+- *		  the descriptor rings and buffers are not within the scope of
+- *		  this driver.
+- *		- The user is free from Rx/Tx queue managing.
+- *		- This low level driver introduce functionality API that enable
+- *		  the to operate Marvell's Gigabit Ethernet Controller in a
+- *		  convenient way.
+- *		- Simple Gigabit Ethernet port operation API.
+- *		- Simple Gigabit Ethernet port data flow API.
+- *		- Data flow and operation API support per queue functionality.
+- *		- Support cached descriptors for better performance.
+- *		- Enable access to all four DRAM banks and internal SRAM memory
+- *		  spaces.
+- *		- PHY access and control API.
+- *		- Port control register configuration API.
+- *		- Full control over Unicast and Multicast MAC configurations.
+- *
+- *		Operation flow:
+- *
+- *		Initialization phase
+- *		This phase complete the initialization of the the
+- *		mv643xx_private struct.
+- *		User information regarding port configuration has to be set
+- *		prior to calling the port initialization routine.
+- *
+- *		In this phase any port Tx/Rx activity is halted, MIB counters
+- *		are cleared, PHY address is set according to user parameter and
+- *		access to DRAM and internal SRAM memory spaces.
+- *
+- *		Driver ring initialization
+- *		Allocating memory for the descriptor rings and buffers is not
+- *		within the scope of this driver. Thus, the user is required to
+- *		allocate memory for the descriptors ring and buffers. Those
+- *		memory parameters are used by the Rx and Tx ring initialization
+- *		routines in order to curve the descriptor linked list in a form
+- *		of a ring.
+- *		Note: Pay special attention to alignment issues when using
+- *		cached descriptors/buffers. In this phase the driver store
+- *		information in the mv643xx_private struct regarding each queue
+- *		ring.
+- *
+- *		Driver start
+- *		This phase prepares the Ethernet port for Rx and Tx activity.
+- *		It uses the information stored in the mv643xx_private struct to
+- *		initialize the various port registers.
+- *
+- *		Data flow:
+- *		All packet references to/from the driver are done using
+- *		struct pkt_info.
+- *		This struct is a unified struct used with Rx and Tx operations.
+- *		This way the user is not required to be familiar with neither
+- *		Tx nor Rx descriptors structures.
+- *		The driver's descriptors rings are management by indexes.
+- *		Those indexes controls the ring resources and used to indicate
+- *		a SW resource error:
+- *		'current'
+- *		This index points to the current available resource for use. For
+- *		example in Rx process this index will point to the descriptor
+- *		that will be passed to the user upon calling the receive
+- *		routine.  In Tx process, this index will point to the descriptor
+- *		that will be assigned with the user packet info and transmitted.
+- *		'used'
+- *		This index points to the descriptor that need to restore its
+- *		resources. For example in Rx process, using the Rx buffer return
+- *		API will attach the buffer returned in packet info to the
+- *		descriptor pointed by 'used'. In Tx process, using the Tx
+- *		descriptor return will merely return the user packet info with
+- *		the command status of the transmitted buffer pointed by the
+- *		'used' index. Nevertheless, it is essential to use this routine
+- *		to update the 'used' index.
+- *		'first'
+- *		This index supports Tx Scatter-Gather. It points to the first
+- *		descriptor of a packet assembled of multiple buffers. For
+- *		example when in middle of Such packet we have a Tx resource
+- *		error the 'curr' index get the value of 'first' to indicate
+- *		that the ring returned to its state before trying to transmit
+- *		this packet.
+- *
+- *		Receive operation:
+- *		The eth_port_receive API set the packet information struct,
+- *		passed by the caller, with received information from the
+- *		'current' SDMA descriptor.
+- *		It is the user responsibility to return this resource back
+- *		to the Rx descriptor ring to enable the reuse of this source.
+- *		Return Rx resource is done using the eth_rx_return_buff API.
+- *
+- *	Prior to calling the initialization routine eth_port_init() the user
+- *	must set the following fields under mv643xx_private struct:
+- *	port_num		User Ethernet port number.
+- *	port_config		User port configuration value.
+- *	port_config_extend	User port config extend value.
+- *	port_sdma_config	User port SDMA config value.
+- *	port_serial_control	User port serial control value.
+- *
+- *		This driver data flow is done using the struct pkt_info which
+- *		is a unified struct for Rx and Tx operations:
+- *
+- *		byte_cnt	Tx/Rx descriptor buffer byte count.
+- *		l4i_chk		CPU provided TCP Checksum. For Tx operation
+- *				only.
+- *		cmd_sts		Tx/Rx descriptor command status.
+- *		buf_ptr		Tx/Rx descriptor buffer pointer.
+- *		return_info	Tx/Rx user resource return information.
+- */
+-/* Ethernet Port routines */
+-static void eth_port_set_filter_table_entry(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-					    int table, unsigned char entry);
+- * eth_port_init - Initialize the Ethernet port driver
+- *
+- *	This function prepares the ethernet port to start its activity:
+- *	1) Completes the ethernet port driver struct initialization toward port
+- *		start routine.
+- *	2) Resets the device to a quiescent state in case of warm reboot.
+- *	3) Enable SDMA access to all four DRAM banks as well as internal SRAM.
+- *	4) Clean MAC tables. The reset status of those tables is unknown.
+- *	5) Set PHY address.
+- *	Note: Call this routine prior to eth_port_start routine and after
+- *	setting user values in the user fields of Ethernet port control
+- *	struct.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet port control struct
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	See description.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	None.
+- */
+-static void eth_port_init(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
++static int mv643xx_eth_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd)
+ {
+-	mp->rx_resource_err = 0;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	eth_port_reset(mp);
++	if (mp->phy_addr != -1)
++		return generic_mii_ioctl(&mp->mii, if_mii(ifr), cmd, NULL);
+-	eth_port_init_mac_tables(mp);
++	return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+- * eth_port_start - Start the Ethernet port activity.
+- *
+- *	This routine prepares the Ethernet port for Rx and Tx activity:
+- *	 1. Initialize Tx and Rx Current Descriptor Pointer for each queue that
+- *	    has been initialized a descriptor's ring (using
+- *	    ether_init_tx_desc_ring for Tx and ether_init_rx_desc_ring for Rx)
+- *	 2. Initialize and enable the Ethernet configuration port by writing to
+- *	    the port's configuration and command registers.
+- *	 3. Initialize and enable the SDMA by writing to the SDMA's
+- *	    configuration and command registers.  After completing these steps,
+- *	    the ethernet port SDMA can starts to perform Rx and Tx activities.
+- *
+- *	Note: Each Rx and Tx queue descriptor's list must be initialized prior
+- *	to calling this function (use ether_init_tx_desc_ring for Tx queues
+- *	and ether_init_rx_desc_ring for Rx queues).
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	dev - a pointer to the required interface
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	Ethernet port is ready to receive and transmit.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	None.
+- */
+-static void eth_port_start(struct net_device *dev)
++static int mv643xx_eth_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	int tx_curr_desc, rx_curr_desc;
+-	u32 pscr;
+-	struct ethtool_cmd ethtool_cmd;
+-	/* Assignment of Tx CTRP of given queue */
+-	tx_curr_desc = mp->tx_curr_desc_q;
+-	wrl(mp, TX_CURRENT_QUEUE_DESC_PTR_0(port_num),
+-		(u32)((struct eth_tx_desc *)mp->tx_desc_dma + tx_curr_desc));
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	/* Assignment of Rx CRDP of given queue */
+-	rx_curr_desc = mp->rx_curr_desc_q;
+-	wrl(mp, RX_CURRENT_QUEUE_DESC_PTR_0(port_num),
+-		(u32)((struct eth_rx_desc *)mp->rx_desc_dma + rx_curr_desc));
+-	/* Add the assigned Ethernet address to the port's address table */
+-	eth_port_uc_addr_set(mp, dev->dev_addr);
++	if (new_mtu < 64 || new_mtu > 9500)
++		return -EINVAL;
+-	/* Assign port configuration and command. */
+-	wrl(mp, PORT_CONFIG_REG(port_num),
++	dev->mtu = new_mtu;
++	tx_set_rate(mp, 1000000000, 16777216);
+-	wrl(mp, PORT_CONFIG_EXTEND_REG(port_num),
++	if (!netif_running(dev))
++		return 0;
+-	pscr = rdl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num));
++	/*
++	 * Stop and then re-open the interface. This will allocate RX
++	 * skbs of the new MTU.
++	 * There is a possible danger that the open will not succeed,
++	 * due to memory being full.
++	 */
++	mv643xx_eth_stop(dev);
++	if (mv643xx_eth_open(dev)) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &dev->dev,
++			   "fatal error on re-opening device after "
++			   "MTU change\n");
++	}
+-	wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num), pscr);
++	return 0;
++static void tx_timeout_task(struct work_struct *ugly)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp;
+-	wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num), pscr);
++	mp = container_of(ugly, struct mv643xx_eth_private, tx_timeout_task);
++	if (netif_running(mp->dev)) {
++		netif_stop_queue(mp->dev);
+-	wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num), pscr);
++		port_reset(mp);
++		port_start(mp);
+-	/* Assign port SDMA configuration */
+-	wrl(mp, SDMA_CONFIG_REG(port_num),
+-	/* Enable port Rx. */
+-	mv643xx_eth_port_enable_rx(mp, ETH_RX_QUEUES_ENABLED);
+-	/* Disable port bandwidth limits by clearing MTU register */
+-	wrl(mp, MAXIMUM_TRANSMIT_UNIT(port_num), 0);
+-	/* save phy settings across reset */
+-	mv643xx_get_settings(dev, &ethtool_cmd);
+-	ethernet_phy_reset(mp);
+-	mv643xx_set_settings(dev, &ethtool_cmd);
++		__txq_maybe_wake(mp->txq + mp->txq_primary);
++	}
+ }
+- * eth_port_uc_addr_set - Write a MAC address into the port's hw registers
+- */
+-static void eth_port_uc_addr_set(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-				 unsigned char *p_addr)
++static void mv643xx_eth_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	unsigned int mac_h;
+-	unsigned int mac_l;
+-	int table;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	mac_l = (p_addr[4] << 8) | (p_addr[5]);
+-	mac_h = (p_addr[0] << 24) | (p_addr[1] << 16) | (p_addr[2] << 8) |
+-							(p_addr[3] << 0);
+-	wrl(mp, MAC_ADDR_LOW(port_num), mac_l);
+-	wrl(mp, MAC_ADDR_HIGH(port_num), mac_h);
+-	/* Accept frames with this address */
+-	table = DA_FILTER_UNICAST_TABLE_BASE(port_num);
+-	eth_port_set_filter_table_entry(mp, table, p_addr[5] & 0x0f);
++	dev_printk(KERN_INFO, &dev->dev, "tx timeout\n");
++	schedule_work(&mp->tx_timeout_task);
+ }
+- * eth_port_uc_addr_get - Read the MAC address from the port's hw registers
+- */
+-static void eth_port_uc_addr_get(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-				 unsigned char *p_addr)
++static void mv643xx_eth_netpoll(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	unsigned int mac_h;
+-	unsigned int mac_l;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	wrl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num), 0x00000000);
++	rdl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num));
+-	mac_h = rdl(mp, MAC_ADDR_HIGH(port_num));
+-	mac_l = rdl(mp, MAC_ADDR_LOW(port_num));
++	mv643xx_eth_irq(dev->irq, dev);
+-	p_addr[0] = (mac_h >> 24) & 0xff;
+-	p_addr[1] = (mac_h >> 16) & 0xff;
+-	p_addr[2] = (mac_h >> 8) & 0xff;
+-	p_addr[3] = mac_h & 0xff;
+-	p_addr[4] = (mac_l >> 8) & 0xff;
+-	p_addr[5] = mac_l & 0xff;
++	wrl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num), INT_TX_END | INT_RX | INT_CAUSE_EXT);
+ }
+- * The entries in each table are indexed by a hash of a packet's MAC
+- * address.  One bit in each entry determines whether the packet is
+- * accepted.  There are 4 entries (each 8 bits wide) in each register
+- * of the table.  The bits in each entry are defined as follows:
+- *	0	Accept=1, Drop=0
+- *	3-1	Queue			(ETH_Q0=0)
+- *	7-4	Reserved = 0;
+- */
+-static void eth_port_set_filter_table_entry(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-					    int table, unsigned char entry)
++static int mv643xx_eth_mdio_read(struct net_device *dev, int addr, int reg)
+ {
+-	unsigned int table_reg;
+-	unsigned int tbl_offset;
+-	unsigned int reg_offset;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	int val;
+-	tbl_offset = (entry / 4) * 4;	/* Register offset of DA table entry */
+-	reg_offset = entry % 4;		/* Entry offset within the register */
++	smi_reg_read(mp, addr, reg, &val);
+-	/* Set "accepts frame bit" at specified table entry */
+-	table_reg = rdl(mp, table + tbl_offset);
+-	table_reg |= 0x01 << (8 * reg_offset);
+-	wrl(mp, table + tbl_offset, table_reg);
++	return val;
+ }
+- * eth_port_mc_addr - Multicast address settings.
+- *
+- * The MV device supports multicast using two tables:
+- * 1) Special Multicast Table for MAC addresses of the form
+- *    0x01-00-5E-00-00-XX (where XX is between 0x00 and 0x_FF).
+- *    The MAC DA[7:0] bits are used as a pointer to the Special Multicast
+- *    Table entries in the DA-Filter table.
+- * 2) Other Multicast Table for multicast of another type. A CRC-8bit
+- *    is used as an index to the Other Multicast Table entries in the
+- *    DA-Filter table.  This function calculates the CRC-8bit value.
+- * In either case, eth_port_set_filter_table_entry() is then called
+- * to set to set the actual table entry.
+- */
+-static void eth_port_mc_addr(struct mv643xx_private *mp, unsigned char *p_addr)
++static void mv643xx_eth_mdio_write(struct net_device *dev, int addr, int reg, int val)
+ {
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	unsigned int mac_h;
+-	unsigned int mac_l;
+-	unsigned char crc_result = 0;
+-	int table;
+-	int mac_array[48];
+-	int crc[8];
+-	int i;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	smi_reg_write(mp, addr, reg, val);
+-	if ((p_addr[0] == 0x01) && (p_addr[1] == 0x00) &&
+-	    (p_addr[2] == 0x5E) && (p_addr[3] == 0x00) && (p_addr[4] == 0x00)) {
+-		eth_port_set_filter_table_entry(mp, table, p_addr[5]);
+-		return;
+-	}
+-	/* Calculate CRC-8 out of the given address */
+-	mac_h = (p_addr[0] << 8) | (p_addr[1]);
+-	mac_l = (p_addr[2] << 24) | (p_addr[3] << 16) |
+-			(p_addr[4] << 8) | (p_addr[5] << 0);
+-	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+-		mac_array[i] = (mac_l >> i) & 0x1;
+-	for (i = 32; i < 48; i++)
+-		mac_array[i] = (mac_h >> (i - 32)) & 0x1;
+-	crc[0] = mac_array[45] ^ mac_array[43] ^ mac_array[40] ^ mac_array[39] ^
+-		 mac_array[35] ^ mac_array[34] ^ mac_array[31] ^ mac_array[30] ^
+-		 mac_array[28] ^ mac_array[23] ^ mac_array[21] ^ mac_array[19] ^
+-		 mac_array[18] ^ mac_array[16] ^ mac_array[14] ^ mac_array[12] ^
+-		 mac_array[8]  ^ mac_array[7]  ^ mac_array[6]  ^ mac_array[0];
+-	crc[1] = mac_array[46] ^ mac_array[45] ^ mac_array[44] ^ mac_array[43] ^
+-		 mac_array[41] ^ mac_array[39] ^ mac_array[36] ^ mac_array[34] ^
+-		 mac_array[32] ^ mac_array[30] ^ mac_array[29] ^ mac_array[28] ^
+-		 mac_array[24] ^ mac_array[23] ^ mac_array[22] ^ mac_array[21] ^
+-		 mac_array[20] ^ mac_array[18] ^ mac_array[17] ^ mac_array[16] ^
+-		 mac_array[15] ^ mac_array[14] ^ mac_array[13] ^ mac_array[12] ^
+-		 mac_array[9]  ^ mac_array[6]  ^ mac_array[1]  ^ mac_array[0];
+-	crc[2] = mac_array[47] ^ mac_array[46] ^ mac_array[44] ^ mac_array[43] ^
+-		 mac_array[42] ^ mac_array[39] ^ mac_array[37] ^ mac_array[34] ^
+-		 mac_array[33] ^ mac_array[29] ^ mac_array[28] ^ mac_array[25] ^
+-		 mac_array[24] ^ mac_array[22] ^ mac_array[17] ^ mac_array[15] ^
+-		 mac_array[13] ^ mac_array[12] ^ mac_array[10] ^ mac_array[8]  ^
+-		 mac_array[6]  ^ mac_array[2]  ^ mac_array[1]  ^ mac_array[0];
+-	crc[3] = mac_array[47] ^ mac_array[45] ^ mac_array[44] ^ mac_array[43] ^
+-		 mac_array[40] ^ mac_array[38] ^ mac_array[35] ^ mac_array[34] ^
+-		 mac_array[30] ^ mac_array[29] ^ mac_array[26] ^ mac_array[25] ^
+-		 mac_array[23] ^ mac_array[18] ^ mac_array[16] ^ mac_array[14] ^
+-		 mac_array[13] ^ mac_array[11] ^ mac_array[9]  ^ mac_array[7]  ^
+-		 mac_array[3]  ^ mac_array[2]  ^ mac_array[1];
+-	crc[4] = mac_array[46] ^ mac_array[45] ^ mac_array[44] ^ mac_array[41] ^
+-		 mac_array[39] ^ mac_array[36] ^ mac_array[35] ^ mac_array[31] ^
+-		 mac_array[30] ^ mac_array[27] ^ mac_array[26] ^ mac_array[24] ^
+-		 mac_array[19] ^ mac_array[17] ^ mac_array[15] ^ mac_array[14] ^
+-		 mac_array[12] ^ mac_array[10] ^ mac_array[8]  ^ mac_array[4]  ^
+-		 mac_array[3]  ^ mac_array[2];
+-	crc[5] = mac_array[47] ^ mac_array[46] ^ mac_array[45] ^ mac_array[42] ^
+-		 mac_array[40] ^ mac_array[37] ^ mac_array[36] ^ mac_array[32] ^
+-		 mac_array[31] ^ mac_array[28] ^ mac_array[27] ^ mac_array[25] ^
+-		 mac_array[20] ^ mac_array[18] ^ mac_array[16] ^ mac_array[15] ^
+-		 mac_array[13] ^ mac_array[11] ^ mac_array[9]  ^ mac_array[5]  ^
+-		 mac_array[4]  ^ mac_array[3];
+-	crc[6] = mac_array[47] ^ mac_array[46] ^ mac_array[43] ^ mac_array[41] ^
+-		 mac_array[38] ^ mac_array[37] ^ mac_array[33] ^ mac_array[32] ^
+-		 mac_array[29] ^ mac_array[28] ^ mac_array[26] ^ mac_array[21] ^
+-		 mac_array[19] ^ mac_array[17] ^ mac_array[16] ^ mac_array[14] ^
+-		 mac_array[12] ^ mac_array[10] ^ mac_array[6]  ^ mac_array[5]  ^
+-		 mac_array[4];
+-	crc[7] = mac_array[47] ^ mac_array[44] ^ mac_array[42] ^ mac_array[39] ^
+-		 mac_array[38] ^ mac_array[34] ^ mac_array[33] ^ mac_array[30] ^
+-		 mac_array[29] ^ mac_array[27] ^ mac_array[22] ^ mac_array[20] ^
+-		 mac_array[18] ^ mac_array[17] ^ mac_array[15] ^ mac_array[13] ^
+-		 mac_array[11] ^ mac_array[7]  ^ mac_array[6]  ^ mac_array[5];
++/* platform glue ************************************************************/
++static void
++mv643xx_eth_conf_mbus_windows(struct mv643xx_eth_shared_private *msp,
++			      struct mbus_dram_target_info *dram)
++	void __iomem *base = msp->base;
++	u32 win_enable;
++	u32 win_protect;
++	int i;
+-	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+-		crc_result = crc_result | (crc[i] << i);
++	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
++		writel(0, base + WINDOW_BASE(i));
++		writel(0, base + WINDOW_SIZE(i));
++		if (i < 4)
++			writel(0, base + WINDOW_REMAP_HIGH(i));
++	}
+-	eth_port_set_filter_table_entry(mp, table, crc_result);
++	win_enable = 0x3f;
++	win_protect = 0;
+- * Set the entire multicast list based on dev->mc_list.
+- */
+-static void eth_port_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *dev)
++	for (i = 0; i < dram->num_cs; i++) {
++		struct mbus_dram_window *cs = dram->cs + i;
+-	struct dev_mc_list	*mc_list;
+-	int			i;
+-	int			table_index;
+-	struct mv643xx_private	*mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	unsigned int		eth_port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	/* If the device is in promiscuous mode or in all multicast mode,
+-	 * we will fully populate both multicast tables with accept.
+-	 * This is guaranteed to yield a match on all multicast addresses...
+-	 */
+-	if ((dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) || (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)) {
+-		for (table_index = 0; table_index <= 0xFC; table_index += 4) {
+-			/* Set all entries in DA filter special multicast
+-			 * table (Ex_dFSMT)
+-			 * Set for ETH_Q0 for now
+-			 * Bits
+-			 * 0	  Accept=1, Drop=0
+-			 * 3-1  Queue	 ETH_Q0=0
+-			 * 7-4  Reserved = 0;
+-			 */
+-			wrl(mp, DA_FILTER_SPECIAL_MULTICAST_TABLE_BASE(eth_port_num) + table_index, 0x01010101);
++		writel((cs->base & 0xffff0000) |
++			(cs->mbus_attr << 8) |
++			dram->mbus_dram_target_id, base + WINDOW_BASE(i));
++		writel((cs->size - 1) & 0xffff0000, base + WINDOW_SIZE(i));
+-			/* Set all entries in DA filter other multicast
+-			 * table (Ex_dFOMT)
+-			 * Set for ETH_Q0 for now
+-			 * Bits
+-			 * 0	  Accept=1, Drop=0
+-			 * 3-1  Queue	 ETH_Q0=0
+-			 * 7-4  Reserved = 0;
+-			 */
+-			wrl(mp, DA_FILTER_OTHER_MULTICAST_TABLE_BASE(eth_port_num) + table_index, 0x01010101);
+-		}
+-		return;
++		win_enable &= ~(1 << i);
++		win_protect |= 3 << (2 * i);
+ 	}
+-	/* We will clear out multicast tables every time we get the list.
+-	 * Then add the entire new list...
+-	 */
+-	for (table_index = 0; table_index <= 0xFC; table_index += 4) {
+-		/* Clear DA filter special multicast table (Ex_dFSMT) */
+-				(eth_port_num) + table_index, 0);
+-		/* Clear DA filter other multicast table (Ex_dFOMT) */
+-				(eth_port_num) + table_index, 0);
+-	}
+-	/* Get pointer to net_device multicast list and add each one... */
+-	for (i = 0, mc_list = dev->mc_list;
+-			(i < 256) && (mc_list != NULL) && (i < dev->mc_count);
+-			i++, mc_list = mc_list->next)
+-		if (mc_list->dmi_addrlen == 6)
+-			eth_port_mc_addr(mp, mc_list->dmi_addr);
++	writel(win_enable, base + WINDOW_BAR_ENABLE);
++	msp->win_protect = win_protect;
+ }
+- * eth_port_init_mac_tables - Clear all entrance in the UC, SMC and OMC tables
+- *
+- *	Go through all the DA filter tables (Unicast, Special Multicast &
+- *	Other Multicast) and set each entry to 0.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	Multicast and Unicast packets are rejected.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	None.
+- */
+-static void eth_port_init_mac_tables(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
++static void infer_hw_params(struct mv643xx_eth_shared_private *msp)
+ {
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	int table_index;
++	/*
++	 * Check whether we have a 14-bit coal limit field in bits
++	 * [21:8], or a 16-bit coal limit in bits [25,21:7] of the
++	 * SDMA config register.
++	 */
++	writel(0x02000000, msp->base + SDMA_CONFIG(0));
++	if (readl(msp->base + SDMA_CONFIG(0)) & 0x02000000)
++		msp->extended_rx_coal_limit = 1;
++	else
++		msp->extended_rx_coal_limit = 0;
+-	/* Clear DA filter unicast table (Ex_dFUT) */
+-	for (table_index = 0; table_index <= 0xC; table_index += 4)
+-		wrl(mp, DA_FILTER_UNICAST_TABLE_BASE(port_num) +
+-					table_index, 0);
+-	for (table_index = 0; table_index <= 0xFC; table_index += 4) {
+-		/* Clear DA filter special multicast table (Ex_dFSMT) */
+-					table_index, 0);
+-		/* Clear DA filter other multicast table (Ex_dFOMT) */
+-					table_index, 0);
+-	}
++	/*
++	 * Check whether the TX rate control registers are in the
++	 * old or the new place.
++	 */
++	writel(1, msp->base + TX_BW_MTU_MOVED(0));
++	if (readl(msp->base + TX_BW_MTU_MOVED(0)) & 1)
++		msp->tx_bw_control_moved = 1;
++	else
++		msp->tx_bw_control_moved = 0;
+ }
+- * eth_clear_mib_counters - Clear all MIB counters
+- *
+- *	This function clears all MIB counters of a specific ethernet port.
+- *	A read from the MIB counter will reset the counter.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	After reading all MIB counters, the counters resets.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	MIB counter value.
+- *
+- */
+-static void eth_clear_mib_counters(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
++static int mv643xx_eth_shared_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+ {
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	int i;
+-	/* Perform dummy reads from MIB counters */
+-									i += 4)
+-		rdl(mp, MIB_COUNTERS_BASE(port_num) + i);
++	static int mv643xx_eth_version_printed = 0;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_shared_platform_data *pd = pdev->dev.platform_data;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_shared_private *msp;
++	struct resource *res;
++	int ret;
+-static inline u32 read_mib(struct mv643xx_private *mp, int offset)
+-	return rdl(mp, MIB_COUNTERS_BASE(mp->port_num) + offset);
++	if (!mv643xx_eth_version_printed++)
++		printk(KERN_NOTICE "MV-643xx 10/100/1000 Ethernet Driver\n");
+-static void eth_update_mib_counters(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
+-	struct mv643xx_mib_counters *p = &mp->mib_counters;
+-	int offset;
++	ret = -EINVAL;
++	res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
++	if (res == NULL)
++		goto out;
+-	p->good_octets_received +=
+-	p->good_octets_received +=
+-		(u64)read_mib(mp, ETH_MIB_GOOD_OCTETS_RECEIVED_HIGH) << 32;
++	ret = -ENOMEM;
++	msp = kmalloc(sizeof(*msp), GFP_KERNEL);
++	if (msp == NULL)
++		goto out;
++	memset(msp, 0, sizeof(*msp));
+-			offset <= ETH_MIB_FRAMES_1024_TO_MAX_OCTETS;
+-			offset += 4)
+-		*(u32 *)((char *)p + offset) += read_mib(mp, offset);
++	msp->base = ioremap(res->start, res->end - res->start + 1);
++	if (msp->base == NULL)
++		goto out_free;
+-	p->good_octets_sent += read_mib(mp, ETH_MIB_GOOD_OCTETS_SENT_LOW);
+-	p->good_octets_sent +=
+-		(u64)read_mib(mp, ETH_MIB_GOOD_OCTETS_SENT_HIGH) << 32;
++	spin_lock_init(&msp->phy_lock);
+-	for (offset = ETH_MIB_GOOD_FRAMES_SENT;
+-			offset <= ETH_MIB_LATE_COLLISION;
+-			offset += 4)
+-		*(u32 *)((char *)p + offset) += read_mib(mp, offset);
++	/*
++	 * (Re-)program MBUS remapping windows if we are asked to.
++	 */
++	if (pd != NULL && pd->dram != NULL)
++		mv643xx_eth_conf_mbus_windows(msp, pd->dram);
+- * ethernet_phy_detect - Detect whether a phy is present
+- *
+- *	This function tests whether there is a PHY present on
+- *	the specified port.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	None
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	0 on success
+- *	-ENODEV on failure
+- *
+- */
+-static int ethernet_phy_detect(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
+-	unsigned int phy_reg_data0;
+-	int auto_neg;
++	/*
++	 * Detect hardware parameters.
++	 */
++	msp->t_clk = (pd != NULL && pd->t_clk != 0) ? pd->t_clk : 133000000;
++	infer_hw_params(msp);
+-	eth_port_read_smi_reg(mp, 0, &phy_reg_data0);
+-	auto_neg = phy_reg_data0 & 0x1000;
+-	phy_reg_data0 ^= 0x1000;	/* invert auto_neg */
+-	eth_port_write_smi_reg(mp, 0, phy_reg_data0);
+-	eth_port_read_smi_reg(mp, 0, &phy_reg_data0);
+-	if ((phy_reg_data0 & 0x1000) == auto_neg)
+-		return -ENODEV;				/* change didn't take */
++	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, msp);
+-	phy_reg_data0 ^= 0x1000;
+-	eth_port_write_smi_reg(mp, 0, phy_reg_data0);
+ 	return 0;
++	kfree(msp);
++	return ret;
+ }
+- * ethernet_phy_get - Get the ethernet port PHY address.
+- *
+- *	This routine returns the given ethernet port PHY address.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	None.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	PHY address.
+- *
+- */
+-static int ethernet_phy_get(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
++static int mv643xx_eth_shared_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+ {
+-	unsigned int reg_data;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_shared_private *msp = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+-	reg_data = rdl(mp, PHY_ADDR_REG);
++	iounmap(msp->base);
++	kfree(msp);
+-	return ((reg_data >> (5 * mp->port_num)) & 0x1f);
++	return 0;
+ }
+- * ethernet_phy_set - Set the ethernet port PHY address.
+- *
+- *	This routine sets the given ethernet port PHY address.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port.
+- *	int		phy_addr	PHY address.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	None.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	None.
+- *
+- */
+-static void ethernet_phy_set(struct mv643xx_private *mp, int phy_addr)
++static struct platform_driver mv643xx_eth_shared_driver = {
++	.probe		= mv643xx_eth_shared_probe,
++	.remove		= mv643xx_eth_shared_remove,
++	.driver = {
++		.name	= MV643XX_ETH_SHARED_NAME,
++		.owner	= THIS_MODULE,
++	},
++static void phy_addr_set(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp, int phy_addr)
+ {
+-	u32 reg_data;
+ 	int addr_shift = 5 * mp->port_num;
++	u32 data;
+-	reg_data = rdl(mp, PHY_ADDR_REG);
+-	reg_data &= ~(0x1f << addr_shift);
+-	reg_data |= (phy_addr & 0x1f) << addr_shift;
+-	wrl(mp, PHY_ADDR_REG, reg_data);
++	data = rdl(mp, PHY_ADDR);
++	data &= ~(0x1f << addr_shift);
++	data |= (phy_addr & 0x1f) << addr_shift;
++	wrl(mp, PHY_ADDR, data);
+ }
+- * ethernet_phy_reset - Reset Ethernet port PHY.
+- *
+- *	This routine utilizes the SMI interface to reset the ethernet port PHY.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	The PHY is reset.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	None.
+- *
+- */
+-static void ethernet_phy_reset(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
++static int phy_addr_get(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp)
+ {
+-	unsigned int phy_reg_data;
++	unsigned int data;
+-	/* Reset the PHY */
+-	eth_port_read_smi_reg(mp, 0, &phy_reg_data);
+-	phy_reg_data |= 0x8000;	/* Set bit 15 to reset the PHY */
+-	eth_port_write_smi_reg(mp, 0, phy_reg_data);
++	data = rdl(mp, PHY_ADDR);
+-	/* wait for PHY to come out of reset */
+-	do {
+-		udelay(1);
+-		eth_port_read_smi_reg(mp, 0, &phy_reg_data);
+-	} while (phy_reg_data & 0x8000);
++	return (data >> (5 * mp->port_num)) & 0x1f;
+ }
+-static void mv643xx_eth_port_enable_tx(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-					unsigned int queues)
++static void set_params(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp,
++		       struct mv643xx_eth_platform_data *pd)
+ {
+-	wrl(mp, TRANSMIT_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(mp->port_num), queues);
++	struct net_device *dev = mp->dev;
+-static void mv643xx_eth_port_enable_rx(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-					unsigned int queues)
+-	wrl(mp, RECEIVE_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(mp->port_num), queues);
++	if (is_valid_ether_addr(pd->mac_addr))
++		memcpy(dev->dev_addr, pd->mac_addr, 6);
++	else
++		uc_addr_get(mp, dev->dev_addr);
+-static unsigned int mv643xx_eth_port_disable_tx(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	u32 queues;
++	if (pd->phy_addr == -1) {
++		mp->shared_smi = NULL;
++		mp->phy_addr = -1;
++	} else {
++		mp->shared_smi = mp->shared;
++		if (pd->shared_smi != NULL)
++			mp->shared_smi = platform_get_drvdata(pd->shared_smi);
++		if (pd->force_phy_addr || pd->phy_addr) {
++			mp->phy_addr = pd->phy_addr & 0x3f;
++			phy_addr_set(mp, mp->phy_addr);
++		} else {
++			mp->phy_addr = phy_addr_get(mp);
++		}
++	}
+-	/* Stop Tx port activity. Check port Tx activity. */
+-	queues = rdl(mp, TRANSMIT_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(port_num)) & 0xFF;
+-	if (queues) {
+-		/* Issue stop command for active queues only */
+-		wrl(mp, TRANSMIT_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(port_num), (queues << 8));
++	mp->default_rx_ring_size = DEFAULT_RX_QUEUE_SIZE;
++	if (pd->rx_queue_size)
++		mp->default_rx_ring_size = pd->rx_queue_size;
++	mp->rx_desc_sram_addr = pd->rx_sram_addr;
++	mp->rx_desc_sram_size = pd->rx_sram_size;
+-		/* Wait for all Tx activity to terminate. */
+-		/* Check port cause register that all Tx queues are stopped */
+-		while (rdl(mp, TRANSMIT_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(port_num)) & 0xFF)
++	if (pd->rx_queue_mask)
++		mp->rxq_mask = pd->rx_queue_mask;
++	else
++		mp->rxq_mask = 0x01;
++	mp->rxq_primary = fls(mp->rxq_mask) - 1;
+-		/* Wait for Tx FIFO to empty */
+-		while (rdl(mp, PORT_STATUS_REG(port_num)) &
+-	}
++	mp->default_tx_ring_size = DEFAULT_TX_QUEUE_SIZE;
++	if (pd->tx_queue_size)
++		mp->default_tx_ring_size = pd->tx_queue_size;
++	mp->tx_desc_sram_addr = pd->tx_sram_addr;
++	mp->tx_desc_sram_size = pd->tx_sram_size;
+-	return queues;
++	if (pd->tx_queue_mask)
++		mp->txq_mask = pd->tx_queue_mask;
++	else
++		mp->txq_mask = 0x01;
++	mp->txq_primary = fls(mp->txq_mask) - 1;
+ }
+-static unsigned int mv643xx_eth_port_disable_rx(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
++static int phy_detect(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp)
+ {
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	u32 queues;
++	unsigned int data;
++	unsigned int data2;
+-	/* Stop Rx port activity. Check port Rx activity. */
+-	queues = rdl(mp, RECEIVE_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(port_num)) & 0xFF;
+-	if (queues) {
+-		/* Issue stop command for active queues only */
+-		wrl(mp, RECEIVE_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(port_num), (queues << 8));
++	smi_reg_read(mp, mp->phy_addr, 0, &data);
++	smi_reg_write(mp, mp->phy_addr, 0, data ^ 0x1000);
+-		/* Wait for all Rx activity to terminate. */
+-		/* Check port cause register that all Rx queues are stopped */
+-		while (rdl(mp, RECEIVE_QUEUE_COMMAND_REG(port_num)) & 0xFF)
+-	}
++	smi_reg_read(mp, mp->phy_addr, 0, &data2);
++	if (((data ^ data2) & 0x1000) == 0)
++		return -ENODEV;
++	smi_reg_write(mp, mp->phy_addr, 0, data);
+-	return queues;
++	return 0;
+ }
+- * eth_port_reset - Reset Ethernet port
+- *
+- * 	This routine resets the chip by aborting any SDMA engine activity and
+- *	clearing the MIB counters. The Receiver and the Transmit unit are in
+- *	idle state after this command is performed and the port is disabled.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	Channel activity is halted.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	None.
+- *
+- */
+-static void eth_port_reset(struct mv643xx_private *mp)
++static int phy_init(struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp,
++		    struct mv643xx_eth_platform_data *pd)
+ {
+-	unsigned int port_num = mp->port_num;
+-	unsigned int reg_data;
+-	mv643xx_eth_port_disable_tx(mp);
+-	mv643xx_eth_port_disable_rx(mp);
+-	/* Clear all MIB counters */
+-	eth_clear_mib_counters(mp);
++	struct ethtool_cmd cmd;
++	int err;
+-	/* Reset the Enable bit in the Configuration Register */
+-	reg_data = rdl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num));
+-	reg_data &= ~(SERIAL_PORT_ENABLE		|
+-	wrl(mp, PORT_SERIAL_CONTROL_REG(port_num), reg_data);
++	err = phy_detect(mp);
++	if (err) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_INFO, &mp->dev->dev,
++			   "no PHY detected at addr %d\n", mp->phy_addr);
++		return err;
++	}
++	phy_reset(mp);
++	mp->mii.phy_id = mp->phy_addr;
++	mp->mii.phy_id_mask = 0x3f;
++	mp->mii.reg_num_mask = 0x1f;
++	mp-> = mp->dev;
++	mp->mii.mdio_read = mv643xx_eth_mdio_read;
++	mp->mii.mdio_write = mv643xx_eth_mdio_write;
+- * eth_port_read_smi_reg - Read PHY registers
+- *
+- *	This routine utilize the SMI interface to interact with the PHY in
+- *	order to perform PHY register read.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port.
+- *	unsigned int	phy_reg		PHY register address offset.
+- *	unsigned int	*value		Register value buffer.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	Write the value of a specified PHY register into given buffer.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	false if the PHY is busy or read data is not in valid state.
+- *	true otherwise.
+- *
+- */
+-static void eth_port_read_smi_reg(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-				unsigned int phy_reg, unsigned int *value)
+-	void __iomem *smi_reg = mp->shared_smi->eth_base + SMI_REG;
+-	int phy_addr = ethernet_phy_get(mp);
+-	unsigned long flags;
+-	int i;
++	mp->mii.supports_gmii = mii_check_gmii_support(&mp->mii);
+-	/* the SMI register is a shared resource */
+-	spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->shared_smi->phy_lock, flags);
++	memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+-	/* wait for the SMI register to become available */
+-	for (i = 0; readl(smi_reg) & ETH_SMI_BUSY; i++) {
+-		if (i == PHY_WAIT_ITERATIONS) {
+-			printk("%s: PHY busy timeout\n", mp->dev->name);
+-			goto out;
+-		}
++	cmd.port = PORT_MII;
++	cmd.transceiver = XCVR_INTERNAL;
++	cmd.phy_address = mp->phy_addr;
++	if (pd->speed == 0) {
++		cmd.autoneg = AUTONEG_ENABLE;
++		cmd.speed = SPEED_100;
++		cmd.advertising = ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half  |
++				  ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full  |
++				  ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half |
++				  ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full;
++		if (mp->mii.supports_gmii)
++			cmd.advertising |= ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full;
++	} else {
++		cmd.autoneg = AUTONEG_DISABLE;
++		cmd.speed = pd->speed;
++		cmd.duplex = pd->duplex;
+ 	}
+-	writel((phy_addr << 16) | (phy_reg << 21) | ETH_SMI_OPCODE_READ,
+-		smi_reg);
+-	/* now wait for the data to be valid */
+-	for (i = 0; !(readl(smi_reg) & ETH_SMI_READ_VALID); i++) {
+-		if (i == PHY_WAIT_ITERATIONS) {
+-			printk("%s: PHY read timeout\n", mp->dev->name);
+-			goto out;
+-		}
+-	}
++	update_pscr(mp, cmd.speed, cmd.duplex);
++	mv643xx_eth_set_settings(mp->dev, &cmd);
+-	*value = readl(smi_reg) & 0xffff;
+-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->shared_smi->phy_lock, flags);
++	return 0;
+ }
+- * eth_port_write_smi_reg - Write to PHY registers
+- *
+- *	This routine utilize the SMI interface to interact with the PHY in
+- *	order to perform writes to PHY registers.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private *mp	Ethernet Port.
+- *	unsigned int	phy_reg		PHY register address offset.
+- *	unsigned int	value		Register value.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	Write the given value to the specified PHY register.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	false if the PHY is busy.
+- *	true otherwise.
+- *
+- */
+-static void eth_port_write_smi_reg(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-				   unsigned int phy_reg, unsigned int value)
++static int mv643xx_eth_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+ {
+-	void __iomem *smi_reg = mp->shared_smi->eth_base + SMI_REG;
+-	int phy_addr = ethernet_phy_get(mp);
+-	unsigned long flags;
+-	int i;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_platform_data *pd;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp;
++	struct net_device *dev;
++	struct resource *res;
++	int err;
+-	/* the SMI register is a shared resource */
+-	spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->shared_smi->phy_lock, flags);
++	pd = pdev->dev.platform_data;
++	if (pd == NULL) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &pdev->dev,
++			   "no mv643xx_eth_platform_data\n");
++		return -ENODEV;
++	}
+-	/* wait for the SMI register to become available */
+-	for (i = 0; readl(smi_reg) & ETH_SMI_BUSY; i++) {
+-		if (i == PHY_WAIT_ITERATIONS) {
+-			printk("%s: PHY busy timeout\n", mp->dev->name);
+-			goto out;
+-		}
++	if (pd->shared == NULL) {
++		dev_printk(KERN_ERR, &pdev->dev,
++			   "no mv643xx_eth_platform_data->shared\n");
++		return -ENODEV;
+ 	}
+-	writel((phy_addr << 16) | (phy_reg << 21) |
+-		ETH_SMI_OPCODE_WRITE | (value & 0xffff), smi_reg);
+-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->shared_smi->phy_lock, flags);
++	dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct mv643xx_eth_private));
++	if (!dev)
++		return -ENOMEM;
+- * Wrappers for MII support library.
+- */
+-static int mv643xx_mdio_read(struct net_device *dev, int phy_id, int location)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	int val;
++	mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, mp);
+-	eth_port_read_smi_reg(mp, location, &val);
+-	return val;
++	mp->shared = platform_get_drvdata(pd->shared);
++	mp->port_num = pd->port_number;
+-static void mv643xx_mdio_write(struct net_device *dev, int phy_id, int location, int val)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	eth_port_write_smi_reg(mp, location, val);
++	mp->dev = dev;
++#ifdef MV643XX_ETH_NAPI
++	netif_napi_add(dev, &mp->napi, mv643xx_eth_poll, 64);
+- * eth_port_receive - Get received information from Rx ring.
+- *
+- * 	This routine returns the received data to the caller. There is no
+- *	data copying during routine operation. All information is returned
+- *	using pointer to packet information struct passed from the caller.
+- *	If the routine exhausts Rx ring resources then the resource error flag
+- *	is set.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private	*mp		Ethernet Port Control srtuct.
+- *	struct pkt_info		*p_pkt_info	User packet buffer.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	Rx ring current and used indexes are updated.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	ETH_ERROR in case the routine can not access Rx desc ring.
+- *	ETH_QUEUE_FULL if Rx ring resources are exhausted.
+- *	ETH_END_OF_JOB if there is no received data.
+- *	ETH_OK otherwise.
+- */
+-static ETH_FUNC_RET_STATUS eth_port_receive(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-						struct pkt_info *p_pkt_info)
+-	int rx_next_curr_desc, rx_curr_desc, rx_used_desc;
+-	volatile struct eth_rx_desc *p_rx_desc;
+-	unsigned int command_status;
+-	unsigned long flags;
++	set_params(mp, pd);
+-	/* Do not process Rx ring in case of Rx ring resource error */
+-	if (mp->rx_resource_err)
+-		return ETH_QUEUE_FULL;
++	spin_lock_init(&mp->lock);
+-	spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->lock, flags);
++	mib_counters_clear(mp);
++	INIT_WORK(&mp->tx_timeout_task, tx_timeout_task);
+-	/* Get the Rx Desc ring 'curr and 'used' indexes */
+-	rx_curr_desc = mp->rx_curr_desc_q;
+-	rx_used_desc = mp->rx_used_desc_q;
+-	p_rx_desc = &mp->p_rx_desc_area[rx_curr_desc];
+-	/* The following parameters are used to save readings from memory */
+-	command_status = p_rx_desc->cmd_sts;
+-	rmb();
++	if (mp->phy_addr != -1) {
++		err = phy_init(mp, pd);
++		if (err)
++			goto out;
+-	/* Nothing to receive... */
+-	if (command_status & (ETH_BUFFER_OWNED_BY_DMA)) {
+-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
+-		return ETH_END_OF_JOB;
++		SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(dev, &mv643xx_eth_ethtool_ops);
++	} else {
++		SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(dev, &mv643xx_eth_ethtool_ops_phyless);
+ 	}
+-	p_pkt_info->byte_cnt = (p_rx_desc->byte_cnt) - RX_BUF_OFFSET;
+-	p_pkt_info->cmd_sts = command_status;
+-	p_pkt_info->buf_ptr = (p_rx_desc->buf_ptr) + RX_BUF_OFFSET;
+-	p_pkt_info->return_info = mp->rx_skb[rx_curr_desc];
+-	p_pkt_info->l4i_chk = p_rx_desc->buf_size;
+-	/*
+-	 * Clean the return info field to indicate that the
+-	 * packet has been moved to the upper layers
+-	 */
+-	mp->rx_skb[rx_curr_desc] = NULL;
+-	/* Update current index in data structure */
+-	rx_next_curr_desc = (rx_curr_desc + 1) % mp->rx_ring_size;
+-	mp->rx_curr_desc_q = rx_next_curr_desc;
++	res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_IRQ, 0);
++	BUG_ON(!res);
++	dev->irq = res->start;
+-	/* Rx descriptors exhausted. Set the Rx ring resource error flag */
+-	if (rx_next_curr_desc == rx_used_desc)
+-		mp->rx_resource_err = 1;
++	dev->hard_start_xmit = mv643xx_eth_xmit;
++	dev->open = mv643xx_eth_open;
++	dev->stop = mv643xx_eth_stop;
++	dev->set_multicast_list = mv643xx_eth_set_rx_mode;
++	dev->set_mac_address = mv643xx_eth_set_mac_address;
++	dev->do_ioctl = mv643xx_eth_ioctl;
++	dev->change_mtu = mv643xx_eth_change_mtu;
++	dev->tx_timeout = mv643xx_eth_tx_timeout;
++	dev->poll_controller = mv643xx_eth_netpoll;
++	dev->watchdog_timeo = 2 * HZ;
++	dev->base_addr = 0;
+-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
++	/*
++	 * Zero copy can only work if we use Discovery II memory. Else, we will
++	 * have to map the buffers to ISA memory which is only 16 MB
++	 */
++	dev->features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
+-	return ETH_OK;
++	SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev);
+- * eth_rx_return_buff - Returns a Rx buffer back to the Rx ring.
+- *
+- *	This routine returns a Rx buffer back to the Rx ring. It retrieves the
+- *	next 'used' descriptor and attached the returned buffer to it.
+- *	In case the Rx ring was in "resource error" condition, where there are
+- *	no available Rx resources, the function resets the resource error flag.
+- *
+- * INPUT:
+- *	struct mv643xx_private	*mp		Ethernet Port Control srtuct.
+- *	struct pkt_info		*p_pkt_info	Information on returned buffer.
+- *
+- * OUTPUT:
+- *	New available Rx resource in Rx descriptor ring.
+- *
+- * RETURN:
+- *	ETH_ERROR in case the routine can not access Rx desc ring.
+- *	ETH_OK otherwise.
+- */
+-static ETH_FUNC_RET_STATUS eth_rx_return_buff(struct mv643xx_private *mp,
+-						struct pkt_info *p_pkt_info)
+-	int used_rx_desc;	/* Where to return Rx resource */
+-	volatile struct eth_rx_desc *p_used_rx_desc;
+-	unsigned long flags;
++	if (mp->shared->win_protect)
++		wrl(mp, WINDOW_PROTECT(mp->port_num), mp->shared->win_protect);
+-	spin_lock_irqsave(&mp->lock, flags);
++	err = register_netdev(dev);
++	if (err)
++		goto out;
+-	/* Get 'used' Rx descriptor */
+-	used_rx_desc = mp->rx_used_desc_q;
+-	p_used_rx_desc = &mp->p_rx_desc_area[used_rx_desc];
++	dev_printk(KERN_NOTICE, &dev->dev, "port %d with MAC address %s\n",
++		   mp->port_num, print_mac(mac, dev->dev_addr));
+-	p_used_rx_desc->buf_ptr = p_pkt_info->buf_ptr;
+-	p_used_rx_desc->buf_size = p_pkt_info->byte_cnt;
+-	mp->rx_skb[used_rx_desc] = p_pkt_info->return_info;
++	if (dev->features & NETIF_F_SG)
++		dev_printk(KERN_NOTICE, &dev->dev, "scatter/gather enabled\n");
+-	/* Flush the write pipe */
++	if (dev->features & NETIF_F_IP_CSUM)
++		dev_printk(KERN_NOTICE, &dev->dev, "tx checksum offload\n");
+-	/* Return the descriptor to DMA ownership */
+-	wmb();
+-	p_used_rx_desc->cmd_sts =
+-	wmb();
++#ifdef MV643XX_ETH_NAPI
++	dev_printk(KERN_NOTICE, &dev->dev, "napi enabled\n");
+-	/* Move the used descriptor pointer to the next descriptor */
+-	mp->rx_used_desc_q = (used_rx_desc + 1) % mp->rx_ring_size;
++	if (mp->tx_desc_sram_size > 0)
++		dev_printk(KERN_NOTICE, &dev->dev, "configured with sram\n");
+-	/* Any Rx return cancels the Rx resource error status */
+-	mp->rx_resource_err = 0;
++	return 0;
+-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mp->lock, flags);
++	free_netdev(dev);
+-	return ETH_OK;
++	return err;
+ }
+-/************* Begin ethtool support *************************/
+-struct mv643xx_stats {
+-	char stat_string[ETH_GSTRING_LEN];
+-	int sizeof_stat;
+-	int stat_offset;
+-#define MV643XX_STAT(m) FIELD_SIZEOF(struct mv643xx_private, m), \
+-					offsetof(struct mv643xx_private, m)
+-static const struct mv643xx_stats mv643xx_gstrings_stats[] = {
+-	{ "rx_packets", MV643XX_STAT(stats.rx_packets) },
+-	{ "tx_packets", MV643XX_STAT(stats.tx_packets) },
+-	{ "rx_bytes", MV643XX_STAT(stats.rx_bytes) },
+-	{ "tx_bytes", MV643XX_STAT(stats.tx_bytes) },
+-	{ "rx_errors", MV643XX_STAT(stats.rx_errors) },
+-	{ "tx_errors", MV643XX_STAT(stats.tx_errors) },
+-	{ "rx_dropped", MV643XX_STAT(stats.rx_dropped) },
+-	{ "tx_dropped", MV643XX_STAT(stats.tx_dropped) },
+-	{ "good_octets_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.good_octets_received) },
+-	{ "bad_octets_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.bad_octets_received) },
+-	{ "internal_mac_transmit_err", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.internal_mac_transmit_err) },
+-	{ "good_frames_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.good_frames_received) },
+-	{ "bad_frames_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.bad_frames_received) },
+-	{ "broadcast_frames_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.broadcast_frames_received) },
+-	{ "multicast_frames_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.multicast_frames_received) },
+-	{ "frames_64_octets", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.frames_64_octets) },
+-	{ "frames_65_to_127_octets", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.frames_65_to_127_octets) },
+-	{ "frames_128_to_255_octets", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.frames_128_to_255_octets) },
+-	{ "frames_256_to_511_octets", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.frames_256_to_511_octets) },
+-	{ "frames_512_to_1023_octets", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.frames_512_to_1023_octets) },
+-	{ "frames_1024_to_max_octets", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.frames_1024_to_max_octets) },
+-	{ "good_octets_sent", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.good_octets_sent) },
+-	{ "good_frames_sent", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.good_frames_sent) },
+-	{ "excessive_collision", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.excessive_collision) },
+-	{ "multicast_frames_sent", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.multicast_frames_sent) },
+-	{ "broadcast_frames_sent", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.broadcast_frames_sent) },
+-	{ "unrec_mac_control_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.unrec_mac_control_received) },
+-	{ "fc_sent", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.fc_sent) },
+-	{ "good_fc_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.good_fc_received) },
+-	{ "bad_fc_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.bad_fc_received) },
+-	{ "undersize_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.undersize_received) },
+-	{ "fragments_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.fragments_received) },
+-	{ "oversize_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.oversize_received) },
+-	{ "jabber_received", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.jabber_received) },
+-	{ "mac_receive_error", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.mac_receive_error) },
+-	{ "bad_crc_event", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.bad_crc_event) },
+-	{ "collision", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.collision) },
+-	{ "late_collision", MV643XX_STAT(mib_counters.late_collision) },
++static int mv643xx_eth_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+-#define MV643XX_STATS_LEN	ARRAY_SIZE(mv643xx_gstrings_stats)
++	unregister_netdev(mp->dev);
++	flush_scheduled_work();
++	free_netdev(mp->dev);
+-static void mv643xx_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *netdev,
+-				struct ethtool_drvinfo *drvinfo)
+-	strncpy(drvinfo->driver,  mv643xx_driver_name, 32);
+-	strncpy(drvinfo->version, mv643xx_driver_version, 32);
+-	strncpy(drvinfo->fw_version, "N/A", 32);
+-	strncpy(drvinfo->bus_info, "mv643xx", 32);
+-	drvinfo->n_stats = MV643XX_STATS_LEN;
++	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
+-static int mv643xx_get_sset_count(struct net_device *netdev, int sset)
+-	switch (sset) {
+-	case ETH_SS_STATS:
+-		return MV643XX_STATS_LEN;
+-	default:
+-		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+-	}
++	return 0;
+ }
+-static void mv643xx_get_ethtool_stats(struct net_device *netdev,
+-				struct ethtool_stats *stats, uint64_t *data)
++static void mv643xx_eth_shutdown(struct platform_device *pdev)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev->priv;
+-	int i;
++	struct mv643xx_eth_private *mp = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+-	eth_update_mib_counters(mp);
++	/* Mask all interrupts on ethernet port */
++	wrl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num), 0);
++	rdl(mp, INT_MASK(mp->port_num));
+-	for (i = 0; i < MV643XX_STATS_LEN; i++) {
+-		char *p = (char *)mp+mv643xx_gstrings_stats[i].stat_offset;
+-		data[i] = (mv643xx_gstrings_stats[i].sizeof_stat ==
+-			sizeof(uint64_t)) ? *(uint64_t *)p : *(uint32_t *)p;
+-	}
++	if (netif_running(mp->dev))
++		port_reset(mp);
+ }
+-static void mv643xx_get_strings(struct net_device *netdev, uint32_t stringset,
+-				uint8_t *data)
+-	int i;
+-	switch(stringset) {
+-	case ETH_SS_STATS:
+-		for (i=0; i < MV643XX_STATS_LEN; i++) {
+-			memcpy(data + i * ETH_GSTRING_LEN,
+-					mv643xx_gstrings_stats[i].stat_string,
+-		}
+-		break;
+-	}
++static struct platform_driver mv643xx_eth_driver = {
++	.probe		= mv643xx_eth_probe,
++	.remove		= mv643xx_eth_remove,
++	.shutdown	= mv643xx_eth_shutdown,
++	.driver = {
++		.name	= MV643XX_ETH_NAME,
++		.owner	= THIS_MODULE,
++	},
+-static u32 mv643xx_eth_get_link(struct net_device *dev)
++static int __init mv643xx_eth_init_module(void)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	return mii_link_ok(&mp->mii);
++	int rc;
+-static int mv643xx_eth_nway_restart(struct net_device *dev)
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
++	rc = platform_driver_register(&mv643xx_eth_shared_driver);
++	if (!rc) {
++		rc = platform_driver_register(&mv643xx_eth_driver);
++		if (rc)
++			platform_driver_unregister(&mv643xx_eth_shared_driver);
++	}
+-	return mii_nway_restart(&mp->mii);
++	return rc;
+ }
+-static int mv643xx_eth_do_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd)
++static void __exit mv643xx_eth_cleanup_module(void)
+ {
+-	struct mv643xx_private *mp = netdev_priv(dev);
+-	return generic_mii_ioctl(&mp->mii, if_mii(ifr), cmd, NULL);
++	platform_driver_unregister(&mv643xx_eth_driver);
++	platform_driver_unregister(&mv643xx_eth_shared_driver);
+ }
+-static const struct ethtool_ops mv643xx_ethtool_ops = {
+-	.get_settings           = mv643xx_get_settings,
+-	.set_settings           = mv643xx_set_settings,
+-	.get_drvinfo            = mv643xx_get_drvinfo,
+-	.get_link               = mv643xx_eth_get_link,
+-	.set_sg			= ethtool_op_set_sg,
+-	.get_sset_count		= mv643xx_get_sset_count,
+-	.get_ethtool_stats      = mv643xx_get_ethtool_stats,
+-	.get_strings            = mv643xx_get_strings,
+-	.nway_reset		= mv643xx_eth_nway_restart,
+-/************* End ethtool support *************************/
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Rabeeh Khoury, Assaf Hoffman, Matthew Dharm, "
++	      "Manish Lachwani, Dale Farnsworth and Lennert Buytenhek");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Ethernet driver for Marvell MV643XX");
++MODULE_ALIAS("platform:" MV643XX_ETH_NAME);
+--- a/include/linux/mv643xx_eth.h
++++ b/include/linux/mv643xx_eth.h
+@@ -17,30 +17,59 @@
+ struct mv643xx_eth_shared_platform_data {
+ 	struct mbus_dram_target_info	*dram;
+-	unsigned int	t_clk;
++	unsigned int		t_clk;
+ };
+ struct mv643xx_eth_platform_data {
++	/*
++	 * Pointer back to our parent instance, and our port number.
++	 */
+ 	struct platform_device	*shared;
+-	int		port_number;
++	int			port_number;
++	/*
++	 * Whether a PHY is present, and if yes, at which address.
++	 */
+ 	struct platform_device	*shared_smi;
++	int			force_phy_addr;
++	int			phy_addr;
+-	u16		force_phy_addr;	/* force override if phy_addr == 0 */
+-	u16		phy_addr;
+-	/* If speed is 0, then speed and duplex are autonegotiated. */
+-	int		speed;		/* 0, SPEED_10, SPEED_100, SPEED_1000 */
+-	int		duplex;		/* DUPLEX_HALF or DUPLEX_FULL */
+-	/* non-zero values of the following fields override defaults */
+-	u32		tx_queue_size;
+-	u32		rx_queue_size;
+-	u32		tx_sram_addr;
+-	u32		tx_sram_size;
+-	u32		rx_sram_addr;
+-	u32		rx_sram_size;
+-	u8		mac_addr[6];	/* mac address if non-zero*/
++	/*
++	 * Use this MAC address if it is valid, overriding the
++	 * address that is already in the hardware.
++	 */
++	u8			mac_addr[6];
++	/*
++	 * If speed is 0, autonegotiation is enabled.
++	 *   Valid values for speed: 0, SPEED_10, SPEED_100, SPEED_1000.
++	 *   Valid values for duplex: DUPLEX_HALF, DUPLEX_FULL.
++	 */
++	int			speed;
++	int			duplex;
++	/*
++	 * Which RX/TX queues to use.
++	 */
++	int			rx_queue_mask;
++	int			tx_queue_mask;
++	/*
++	 * Override default RX/TX queue sizes if nonzero.
++	 */
++	int			rx_queue_size;
++	int			tx_queue_size;
++	/*
++	 * Use on-chip SRAM for RX/TX descriptors if size is nonzero
++	 * and sufficient to contain all descriptors for the requested
++	 * ring sizes.
++	 */
++	unsigned long		rx_sram_addr;
++	int			rx_sram_size;
++	unsigned long		tx_sram_addr;
++	int			tx_sram_size;
+ };
+-#endif /* __LINUX_MV643XX_ETH_H */
+@@ -2689,12 +2689,10 @@
+ S:	Maintained
+-P:	Dale Farnsworth
+-P:	Manish Lachwani
++P:	Lennert Buytenhek
+ L:
+-S:	Odd Fixes for 2.4; Maintained for 2.6.
++S:	Supported
+ P:	Petr Vandrovec