-specialized software. In terms of efficiency, it chooses a common ground between
-binary protocols and Web Services, which were originally developed for servers
-with much less resource constraints as embedded systems.
-Nonetheless, there are a few additional XEPs which can be implemented to further
-increase the effictivity of Chatty Things. XEP-0322 (Efficient XML Interchange
-Format)~\cite{xep0322} describes how XMPP stanzas sent between a server and a
-client can be compressed, therefore effectively reducing the overhead introduced
-by XML. A client and a server can then negotiate a compressed stream inside
-their existing XMPP stream and exchange \code{<compress>} stanzas which contain
-the payload.
-The documents XEP-0324 through XEP-0326 contain specifications targeted
-especially to the Internet of Things:
-\todo{additional XEPs, example XML stream with sensor data}
- \item asdf
- \item asdfasdf
- \item lkjlkj
+specialized software. In terms of efficiency, it chooses a compromise between
+binary protocols and Web Services, latter which were originally developed for
+servers with much less resource constraints as embedded systems. However, with
+additional XEPs focusing on the Internet of Things, enough flexibility can be
+achieved for this use case.