On this page I want to translate everything important that is needed to know what we are how to find us and everything that might be interesting for people who don't speak German.

If you want to help to translate this page, please feel free to help.

=== What is Stratum 0? ===
The name comes from the {{WP|Network Time Protocol}}. We chose this name because there is atomic clock at the {{WP|Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt|PTB}} which provides the time for Germany.

=== How to get to know us? ===
Every Saturday from 4pm is an open meeting called [[Samstagsfoo]]. You are more than welcome to join us.

For all other activities you can also check out our [[Kalender|calendar]].

Of course you can find us on IRC as well. You can find the server and channel [[Chat#Internet_Relay_Chat|here]] as well as other possibilities how to contact us (snail mail, mail, mailing-list, twitter, etc.).

=== How to get to us? ===
[[Anfahrt/en|Here]] you can find a map and directions how to get to us.