Dieser Beschreibungstext zur Waveform wird vom Lecroy ausgegeben, wenn man TMPL? fragt. <pre> TMPL " /00 000000 LECROY_2_2: TEMPLATE 8 66 111 ; ; Explanation of the formats of waveforms and their descriptors on the ; LeCroy Digital Oscilloscopes, ; Software Release, 94/04/18. ; ; A descriptor and/or a waveform consists of one or several logical data blocks ; whose formats are explained below. ; Usually, complete waveforms are read: at the minimum they consist of ; the basic descriptor block WAVEDESC ; a data array block. ; Some more complex waveforms, e.g. Extrema data or the results of a Fourier ; transform, may contain several data array blocks. ; When there are more blocks, they are in the following sequence: ; the basic descriptor block WAVEDESC ; the history text descriptor block USERTEXT (may or may not be present) ; the time array block (for RIS and sequence acquisitions only) ; data array block ; auxiliary or second data array block ; ; In the following explanation, every element of a block is described by a ; single line in the form ; ; <byte position> <variable name>: <variable type> ; <comment> ; ; where ; ; <byte position> = position in bytes (decimal offset) of the variable, ; relative to the beginning of the block. ; ; <variable name> = name of the variable. ; ; <variable type> = string up to 16-character name ; terminated with a null byte ; byte 8-bit signed data value ; word 16-bit signed data value ; long 32-bit signed data value ; float 32-bit IEEE floating point value ; with the format shown below ; 31 30 .. 23 22 ... 0 bit position ; s exponent fraction ; where ; s = sign of the fraction ; exponent = 8 bit exponent e ; fraction = 23 bit fraction f ; and the final value is ; (-1)**s * 2**(e-127) * 1.f ; double 64-bit IEEE floating point value ; with the format shown below ; 63 62 .. 52 51 ... 0 bit position ; s exponent fraction ; where ; s = sign of the fraction ; exponent = 11 bit exponent e ; fraction = 52 bit fraction f ; and the final value is ; (-1)**s * 2**(e-1023) * 1.f ; enum enumerated value in the range 0 to N ; represented as a 16-bit data value. ; The list of values follows immediately. ; The integer is preceded by an _. ; time_stamp double precision floating point number, ; for the number of seconds and some bytes ; for minutes, hours, days, months and year. ; ; double seconds (0 to 59) ; byte minutes (0 to 59) ; byte hours (0 to 23) ; byte days (1 to 31) ; byte months (1 to 12) ; word year (0 to 16000) ; word unused ; There are 16 bytes in a time field. ; data byte, word or float, depending on the ; read-out mode reflected by the WAVEDESC ; variable COMM_TYPE, modifiable via the ; remote command COMM_FORMAT. ; text arbitrary length text string ; (maximum 160) ; unit_definition a unit definition consists of a 48 character ; ASCII string terminated with a null byte ; for the unit name. ; ;========================================================================== ; WAVEDESC: BLOCK ; ; Explanation of the wave descriptor block WAVEDESC; ; ; < 0> DESCRIPTOR_NAME: string ; the first 8 chars are always WAVEDESC ; < 16> TEMPLATE_NAME: string ; < 32> COMM_TYPE: enum ; chosen by remote command COMM_FORMAT _0 byte _1 word endenum ; < 34> COMM_ORDER: enum _0 HIFIRST _1 LOFIRST endenum ; ; ; The following variables of this basic wave descriptor block specify ; the block lengths of all blocks of which the entire waveform (as it is ; currently being read) is composed. If a block length is zero, this ; block is (currently) not present. ; ; ;BLOCKS : ; < 36> WAVE_DESCRIPTOR: long ; length in bytes of block WAVEDESC < 40> USER_TEXT: long ; length in bytes of block USERTEXT < 44> RES_DESC1: long ; ; ;ARRAYS : ; < 48> TRIGTIME_ARRAY: long ; length in bytes of TRIGTIME array ; < 52> RIS_TIME_ARRAY: long ; length in bytes of RIS_TIME array ; < 56> RES_ARRAY1: long ; an expansion entry is reserved ; < 60> WAVE_ARRAY_1: long ; length in bytes of 1st simple ; data array. In transmitted waveform, ; represent the number of transmitted ; bytes in accordance with the NP ; parameter of the WFSU remote command ; and the used format (see COMM_TYPE). ; < 64> WAVE_ARRAY_2: long ; length in bytes of 2nd simple ; data array ; < 68> RES_ARRAY2: long < 72> RES_ARRAY3: long ; 2 expansion entries are reserved ; ; The following variables identify the instrument ; < 76> INSTRUMENT_NAME: string ; < 92> INSTRUMENT_NUMBER: long ; < 96> TRACE_LABEL: string ; identifies the waveform. ; <112> RESERVED1: word <114> RESERVED2: word ; 2 expansion entries ; ; The following variables describe the waveform and the time at ; which the waveform was generated. ; <116> WAVE_ARRAY_COUNT: long ; number of data points in the data ; array. If there are two data ; arrays (FFT or Extrema), this number ; applies to each array separately. ; <120> PNTS_PER_SCREEN: long ; nominal number of data points ; on the screen ; <124> FIRST_VALID_PNT: long ; count of number of points to skip ; before first good point ; FIRST_VALID_POINT = 0 ; for normal waveforms. ; <128> LAST_VALID_PNT: long ; index of last good data point ; in record before padding (blanking) ; was started. ; LAST_VALID_POINT = WAVE_ARRAY_COUNT-1 ; except for aborted sequence ; and rollmode acquisitions ; <132> FIRST_POINT: long ; for input and output, indicates ; the offset relative to the ; beginning of the trace buffer. ; Value is the same as the FP parameter ; of the WFSU remote command. ; <136> SPARSING_FACTOR: long ; for input and output, indicates ; the sparsing into the transmitted ; data block. ; Value is the same as the SP parameter ; of the WFSU remote command. ; <140> SEGMENT_INDEX: long ; for input and output, indicates the ; index of the transmitted segment. ; Value is the same as the SN parameter ; of the WFSU remote command. ; <144> SUBARRAY_COUNT: long ; for Sequence, acquired segment count, ; between 0 and NOM_SUBARRAY_COUNT ; <148> SWEEPS_PER_ACQ: long ; for Average or Extrema, ; number of sweeps accumulated ; else 1 ; <152> POINTS_PER_PAIR: word ; for Peak Dectect waveforms (which always ; include data points in DATA_ARRAY_1 and ; min/max pairs in DATA_ARRAY_2). ; Value is the number of data points for ; each min/max pair. ; <154> PAIR_OFFSET: word ; for Peak Dectect waveforms only ; Value is the number of data points by ; which the first min/max pair in ; DATA_ARRAY_2 is offset relative to the ; first data value in DATA_ARRAY_1. ; <156> VERTICAL_GAIN: float ; <160> VERTICAL_OFFSET: float ; to get floating values from raw data : ; VERTICAL_GAIN * data - VERTICAL_OFFSET ; <164> MAX_VALUE: float ; maximum allowed value. It corresponds ; to the upper edge of the grid. ; <168> MIN_VALUE: float ; minimum allowed value. It corresponds ; to the lower edge of the grid. ; <172> NOMINAL_BITS: word ; a measure of the intrinsic precision ; of the observation: ADC data is 8 bit ; averaged data is 10-12 bit, etc. ; <174> NOM_SUBARRAY_COUNT: word ; for Sequence, nominal segment count ; else 1 ; <176> HORIZ_INTERVAL: float ; sampling interval for time domain ; waveforms ; <180> HORIZ_OFFSET: double ; trigger offset for the first sweep of ; the trigger, seconds between the ; trigger and the first data point ; <188> PIXEL_OFFSET: double ; needed to know how to display the ; waveform ; <196> VERTUNIT: unit_definition ; units of the vertical axis ; <244> HORUNIT: unit_definition ; units of the horizontal axis ; <292> RESERVED3: word <294> RESERVED4: word ; 2 expansion entries ; <296> TRIGGER_TIME: time_stamp ; time of the trigger ; <312> ACQ_DURATION: float ; duration of the acquisition (in sec) ; in multi-trigger waveforms. ; (e.g. sequence, RIS, or averaging) ; <316> RECORD_TYPE: enum _0 single_sweep _1 interleaved _2 histogram _3 graph _4 filter_coefficient _5 complex _6 extrema _7 sequence_obsolete _8 centered_RIS _9 peak_detect endenum ; <318> PROCESSING_DONE: enum _0 no_processing _1 fir_filter _2 interpolated _3 sparsed _4 autoscaled _5 no_result _6 rolling _7 cumulative endenum ; <320> RESERVED5: word ; expansion entry ; <322> RIS_SWEEPS: word ; for RIS, the number of sweeps ; else 1 ; ; The following variables describe the basic acquisition ; conditions used when the waveform was acquired ; <324> TIMEBASE: enum _0 1_ps/div _1 2_ps/div _2 5_ps/div _3 10_ps/div _4 20_ps/div _5 50_ps/div _6 100_ps/div _7 200_ps/div _8 500_ps/div _9 1_ns/div _10 2_ns/div _11 5_ns/div _12 10_ns/div _13 20_ns/div _14 50_ns/div _15 100_ns/div _16 200_ns/div _17 500_ns/div _18 1_us/div _19 2_us/div _20 5_us/div _21 10_us/div _22 20_us/div _23 50_us/div _24 100_us/div _25 200_us/div _26 500_us/div _27 1_ms/div _28 2_ms/div _29 5_ms/div _30 10_ms/div _31 20_ms/div _32 50_ms/div _33 100_ms/div _34 200_ms/div _35 500_ms/div _36 1_s/div _37 2_s/div _38 5_s/div _39 10_s/div _40 20_s/div _41 50_s/div _42 100_s/div _43 200_s/div _44 500_s/div _45 1_ks/div _46 2_ks/div _47 5_ks/div _100 EXTERNAL endenum ; <326> VERT_COUPLING: enum _0 DC_50_Ohms _1 ground _2 DC_1MOhm _3 ground _4 AC,_1MOhm endenum ; <328> PROBE_ATT: float ; <332> FIXED_VERT_GAIN: enum _0 1_uV/div _1 2_uV/div _2 5_uV/div _3 10_uV/div _4 20_uV/div _5 50_uV/div _6 100_uV/div _7 200_uV/div _8 500_uV/div _9 1_mV/div _10 2_mV/div _11 5_mV/div _12 10_mV/div _13 20_mV/div _14 50_mV/div _15 100_mV/div _16 200_mV/div _17 500_mV/div _18 1_V/div _19 2_V/div _20 5_V/div _21 10_V/div _22 20_V/div _23 50_V/div _24 100_V/div _25 200_V/div _26 500_V/div _27 1_kV/div endenum ; <334> BANDWIDTH_LIMIT: enum _0 off _1 on endenum ; <336> VERTICAL_VERNIER: float ; <340> ACQ_VERT_OFFSET: float ; <344> WAVE_SOURCE: enum _0 CHANNEL_1 _1 CHANNEL_2 _2 CHANNEL_3 _3 CHANNEL_4 _9 UNKNOWN endenum ; /00 ENDBLOCK ; ;========================================================================== ; USERTEXT: BLOCK ; ; Explanation of the descriptor block USERTEXT at most 160 bytes long. ; ; < 0> TEXT: text ; a list of ASCII characters ; /00 ENDBLOCK ; ;========================================================================== ; DATA_ARRAY_1: ARRAY ; ; Explanation of the data array DATA_ARRAY_1. ; This main data array is always present. It is the only data array for ; most waveforms. ; The data item is repeated for each acquired or computed data point ; of the first data array of any waveform. ; < 0> MEASUREMENT: data ; the actual format of a data is ; given in the WAVEDESC descriptor ; by the COMM_TYPE variable. ; /00 ENDARRAY ; ;========================================================================== ; DATA_ARRAY_2: ARRAY ; ; Explanation of the data array DATA_ARRAY_2. ; This is an optional secondary data array for special types of waveforms: ; Complex FFT imaginary part (real part in DATA_ARRAY_1) ; Extrema floor trace (roof trace in DATA_ARRAY_1) ; Peak Detect min/max pairs (data values in DATA_ARRAY_1) ; In the first 2 cases, there is exactly one data item in DATA_ARRAY_2 for ; each data item in DATA_ARRAY_1. ; In Peak Detect waveforms, there may be fewer data values in DATA_ARRAY_2, ; as described by the variable POINTS_PER_PAIR. ; < 0> MEASUREMENT: data ; the actual format of a data is ; given in the WAVEDESC descriptor ; by the COMM_TYPE variable. ; /00 ENDARRAY ; ;========================================================================== ; TRIGTIME: ARRAY ; ; Explanation of the trigger time array TRIGTIME. ; This optional time array is only present with SEQNCE waveforms. ; The following data block is repeated for each segment which makes up ; the acquired sequence record. ; < 0> TRIGGER_TIME: double ; for sequence acquisitions, ; time in seconds from first ; trigger to this one ; < 8> TRIGGER_OFFSET: double ; the trigger offset is in seconds ; from trigger to zeroth data point ; /00 ENDARRAY ; ;========================================================================== ; RISTIME: ARRAY ; ; Explanation of the random-interleaved-sampling (RIS) time array RISTIME. ; This optional time array is only present with RIS waveforms. ; This data block is repeated for each sweep which makes up the RIS record ; < 0> RIS_OFFSET: double ; seconds from trigger to zeroth ; point of segment ; /00 ENDARRAY ; ;========================================================================== ; SIMPLE: ARRAY ; ; Explanation of the data array SIMPLE. ; This data array is identical to DATA_ARRAY_1. SIMPLE is an accepted ; alias name for DATA_ARRAY_1. ; < 0> MEASUREMENT: data ; the actual format of a data is ; given in the WAVEDESC descriptor ; by the COMM_TYPE variable. ; /00 ENDARRAY ; ;========================================================================== ; DUAL: ARRAY ; ; Explanation of the DUAL array. ; This data array is identical to DATA_ARRAY_1, followed by DATA_ARRAY_2. ; DUAL is an accepted alias name for the combined arrays DATA_ARRAY_1 and ; DATA_ARRAY_2 (e.g. real and imaginary parts of an FFT). ; < 0> MEASUREMENT_1: data ; data in DATA_ARRAY_1. ; < 0> MEASUREMENT_2: data ; data in DATA_ARRAY_2. ; /00 ENDARRAY ; ; 000000 ENDTEMPLATE " </pre>