Thepathof therighteousmanis besetonallsidesbytheiniq uitiesoftheself ishandth etyrannyofevi lmen.Bl essedishewho,in thenam eofcharityandgoo dwill ,shepherdst heweak throughthev alley ofdarkness,forheist rulyhisbrother' skee perandthefinderof lostchildren.AndIwill strik edownuponth eewithgreatvengeancea ndfuriousangerthosew howouldatte mpttopois onanddestroyMybroth ers.AndyouwillknowMyn ameistheLordwhenIlayMyvengeanceupont hee.T hepat hoftherighteousman isbese tonal lsidesb ythein iquiti esofth eselfi shandt hetyra nnyofe vilme n.Bl essedi shew ho,in the nameof char ityandgood will, shepherds thewe akthrough theva lleyofdarkne ss,fo rheistruly hisbr other' skee peran dthefinde roflo stchild ren.A ndIwi llstriked ownupo ntheewi thgre atven geancean dfuriousangerthosewh owoulda ttemp ttop oisonand destroyMybrothers.Andyouwill knowM ynam eistheL ordwh enIla yMyvengean ceupon thee .Thepath oft herighteousmanisb eseton allsi desby thein iquitiesoftheselfi shandth etyr annyo fevilme n.Blessedishewho,in thenameo fchar ityandgoodwill ,shepher dstheweak throu ghthevalleyo fdar kness, forh eistr ulyhis brot her' skeepe randthef indero flo stchi ldre n.AndIwi llst riked ownu ponthee with greatvengeance and furiousang erth osewhowouldatte mpttopo isonanddestroyMyb rot hers.An d youwillknowMyn ameistheLordwhenIlayM yven geanceu pont hee.Thepathoft herighteousmani sbesetonallsidesbythe iniq uitiesofth eselfishand thetyrannyofevilmen .Ble ssedis hewho,inthen ameof charityandg oodwill,sh epherdsthew eakt hrought hevalley ofda rkn ess,fo rhei struly hisb rother'ske eperand the