{{Projekt|kontakt=Chrissi^, Kasa|status=aktiv|beschreibung=Licht für das Holodeck|bild=|bildbeschreibung=|interessenten=|source=|lizenz=|download=[https://gitli.stratum0.org/chrissi/ledctl ledctl auf gitli]|version=}} Auf dem Holodeck gibt es über das Netzwerk steuerbares LED-Licht. Diese Seite soll grob die Funktionen dokumentieren. Für eine aktuelle Dokumentation siehe in der [https://gitli.stratum0.org/chrissi/ledctl/blob/master/README.md README]. [[Image:Holodeck Licht Leiste.jpg|thumb|Eine Lichtleiste auf dem Holodeck. Warnweiss]] [[Image:Holodeck Licht Detail.jpg|thumb|LED-Streifen für das Holodeck-Licht. Farbe: Warmweiss.Hinweis: Die LEDs scheinen von der Decke gegen die Wand und nicht wie hier der Eindruck entsteht von der Decke nach unten ;)]] == LIGHT SETUP == The LED-light is divided into four sections. Two on each side. The front section is two thirds of the length, the back section is obviously one third. Looking to the screen-side of the room: * Section one is on the back on the left * The folling sections are named clockwise == Some useful defaults == Open one of these Links from inside the space to apply the new color. * [http://holodeck.stratum0.net/holodeck/all/nicewhite warm white] * [http://holodeck.stratum0.net/holodeck/all/day cold white] * [http://holodeck.stratum0.net/holodeck/all/off nearly off] * [http://holodeck.stratum0.net/holodeck/all/night really off] * [http://holodeck.stratum0.net/holodeck/all/0.2,0,0,0 hot!] == USAGE == The software exports a rudimentary web-based interface. The interface is divided into two sections: * Section to set colors or presets * Section to list and add/alter presets ===Setting a color=== A color is set using the following call: <pre><nowiki> http://holodeck.stratum0.net/holodeck/<section>/<colorCode> </nowiki></pre> Where: <section> is all or a section number [1 .. 4] <color> is a color-code Color Codes are made up of a list of float values in the range of [0.0 .. 1.0]. Depending on the number of elements the color codes are iterpreted to be in different color spaces: <float>: Is interpreted as brightness and creates a RGBW-mixed broad-spectrum white in the given brightness <float>,<float>,<float>: Is interpreted as RGB-value. The value is transformed into the RGBW color space before outputting it. Thus even a 1.0,0.0,0.0 (red) will contain some white. <float>,<float>,<float>,<float>: Is interpreted as RGBW-value. This value is directly outputted to the LEDs. <float>,<float>,<float>,<float><float>,<float>,<float>,<float><float>,<float>,<float>,<float><float>,<float>,<float>,<float> (16 floats): This special form can be used on the section code all. It is interpreted as four RGBW-color codes for the four sections. Thus with this color code a new color for all sections can be set ===Preset-types:=== There are two types of presets: * System-presets: These presets contain all RGB-colors defined with names in CSS. These presets can not be altered. But user-presets have a highter priority. * User-presets: These presets can be set by the user. The list has a limited length. ===Listing presets:=== Presets can be listed using the following call: http://holodeck.stratum0.net/preset ===Setting presets:=== A preset can be created or altered using the following call: <pre><nowiki> http://holodeck.stratum0.net/preset/<name>/<color> </nowiki></pre> ===Using a preset:=== A preset is set with the folowing call: <pre><nowiki> http://holodeck.stratum0.net/holodeck/<section>/<presetName> </nowiki></pre> If a preset with colors for all four sections is applied on a section other than all only the first RGBW-value will be used on the section. [[Kategorie:Dokumentation]][[Kategorie:Infrastruktur]]