-We consider ourselves as an open hackerspace, you can join us every time the status badge on the left says „open“, without the need to be a member. If the space is closed, you can also ask when someone will be around on [[IRC]] or on the [http://lists.stratum0.org/listinfo/normalverteiler mailing list]. For a lot of our activities you can also check out our Event-Schedule (listed below).
+We consider ourselves as an open hackerspace, you can join us every time the status badge on the left says „open“, without the need to be a member. If the space is closed, you can also ask when someone will be around on [[IRC]] or on the [http://lists.stratum0.org/mailman/listinfo/normalverteiler mailing list]. For a lot of our activities you can also check out our Event-Schedule (listed below).